Blackcork Cherry: Features of the Variety

Black cork cherry, bred by Ukrainian breeders, today is one of the most popular and popular varieties. Beloved by many consumers, it instantly diverges in food markets.

blackcherry cherry
Attractive appearance, rich taste, juicy sweet and sour flesh of burgundy color are exactly those qualities for which Chernokorka is sincerely loved by both children and adults.

Blackcork Cherry: Description

Bred in the year 74 of the twentieth century, cherries optimally took root on Ukrainian lands. Namely: in Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa and Kherson regions. Also, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region and the North Caucasus Region are famous for cherry orchards of this variety. Black Cork cherries are universal in their application: they make useful stewed fruit and juices (which have a bright red color), cook delicious jams and preserves, and prepare desserts that are unusual in taste and appearance. Juicy fruits are suitable for freezing and are also used fresh. Excellent taste is preserved when drying berries of cherry.

blackcherry cherry description

External characteristics of a cherry: a bush-like tree, characterized by a medium height (about 3 meters), has a drooping flat-round crown. The leaves are dark green, slightly glossy. The weight of the fruit is from 4 to 5 grams; the bone is small, from the size of the pulp is 7% and is easily separated. The peduncle is long, firmly attached to the fruit, which prevents the berries from shedding when they are fully ripened.

Planting Black Cherry Cherries

If you want to bring such beauty to your site, you should know that seedlings are best planted in early spring to give time to the tree to take root. During autumn planting, the tree may not survive the cold winter. It is advisable to choose a well-lit place for landing, without the close presence of groundwater. The interval to neighboring trees should exceed 4 meters. The landing pit should be at least half a meter deep and 70-80 cm wide. The bottom of the pit should be filled with a fertile layer of earth mixed with compost, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. It is recommended to shorten the roots of the purchased seedling by one third and lower them directly into the dung-clay medium just before planting.

Care for Black Cherry

The first time after planting Chernokorku cherry should be abundantly and regularly watered. It is recommended to make an earthen roller around the tree, which will prevent the spillage of water during irrigation. Subject to quality care and timely pruning, the average yield of one tree is 60 kg. Over time, this figure drops to 30 kg, which is a generally accepted norm. The Black Cork variety ripens in late June - early July.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The disadvantages of this variety include instability to self-infertility and coccomycosis - a Scandinavian fungal disease that affects the leaves of the plant, appearing on them with brownish red dots that turn into spots. After infection, the leaves fall off, as a result of which the tree hibernates unprepared, which leads to its gradual weakening. In a few months, the Black Cork Cherry may die. Coccomycosis, the most damaging fruit trees in wet years, does not disdain the fruits, which, as a result of its action, are deformed and become practically unusable.

black cherries

Since the variety is self-fertile, it needs pollinators, the best of which are Lyubskaya and Donchanka cherries.

The advantages of the Black Cork variety include high productivity, good winter hardiness and average drought tolerance and, of course, excellent taste.


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