Where is better to catch Pokemon? The coordinates of the best places to find Pokemon

Pokemon GO can safely be called one of the best mobile phone apps of the last decade. After all, this game has conquered more than one million people around the world. Now you will not surprise anyone by the search for Pokemon, and even in a small town you can see a person leading a "hunt" for virtual monsters. In this short review we will tell you where it is better to catch Pokemon.

where is better to catch pokemon

How Pocket Monsters Appear

Before you figure out where to catch Pokemon, you need to understand the principle of the appearance of a pet. At first glance, it seems that the creatures appear in one place or another randomly, and their location is determined randomly. Of course, a share of the “happy chance” is present here, but the appearance algorithm embedded in the game program makes it possible to determine the most probable habitats of creatures. The main difference between the points where it is better to look for Pokemon is their crowdedness: museums, tourist places, attractions and supermarkets.

where is the best way to catch pokemon
In addition, in order to find a rare pet, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions, for example, there should be a river near a possible place of appearance, and it can be found only at night.

Top best hunting arenas

The leader in the list of places where it is best to catch Pokemon is the small South Korean city of Sokcho, located near Seoul. According to the players, here you can catch up to thirty monsters in just half an hour. In addition, in this town such rare creatures as Pikachu and Farfetch are most often found.

The second place in the list of tourist places where it is best to catch Pokemon, rightfully belongs to New York. Virtual monsters can be found in the red sky of the Empire State Building, at the Statue of Liberty, as well as in Central Park.

coordinates where it is better to catch Pokemon

Closes the three leaders of the metropolis of Tokyo. It is best to catch Pokemon here in the squares and in any other crowded places, which are abundant in this city. In addition, this metropolis, which is the birthplace of virtual monsters, can give you a meeting with the rarest Ditto.

Famous cities

The next great city to catch Pokemon is Rome. Indeed, in this huge museum you can always find a large concentration of tourists, and, accordingly, monsters, because they "love" to live in crowded places. Another city that tourists claim is teeming with Pokémon is San Francisco.

In addition to the above, the top ten cities in the world to search for creatures included Auckland, Honolulu, London, Vienna and the German town of Wolfsburg. Also very popular with tourists engaged in catching Pokemon, are the Opera House in Sydney, Lake Liliida and the German city of Hamburg.

Search for Pokemon in Russia

With the advent of the crisis, only a few of us can afford to go to distant lands to catch a rare creature. But do not be upset, because in our open spaces you can significantly replenish your collection of pocket monsters. To date, many tour operators offer special trips to the habitats of the creatures of the game "Pokemon Go." Where is it better to catch Pokemon within our country? Read about it later.

where is better to catch Pokemon in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

The northern capital is rightfully considered to be one of the best cities for searching for pocket monsters, because the number of museums and tourist places here really rolls over. If you do not know where it is better to catch Pokemon in St. Petersburg, then you should first go to Nevsky Prospect. In addition, to search for creatures, it will be worthwhile to visit Palace Square, Victory Park, Forestry Academy, Matveyevsky Garden and all stations.


The capital of Russia, of course, is one of the best places to search for Pokemon. However, most of them accidentally appear on the map in the most unexpected places. Most individuals are not tied to any locality, but still we will indicate the coordinates where it is better to catch Pokemon. First of all, it’s worth going to the Pushkin Museum, especially since the leadership of this historical attraction officially allowed to search for pocket monsters here. In addition, it is allowed to catch Pokemon in the Moscow Zoo, provided that visitors will not disturb the peace of animals. The Metropolitan leadership is also not opposed to finding pets, but only in the passenger area and not at rush hour. The best fishing stations were Vystavochnaya and Vorobyovy Gory. In addition, it will be useful to visit the Central Department Store, the Central Park of Culture and VDNH.


One of the best cities in Russia to search for Pokemon is Yekaterinburg. Here you can find monsters not only in the streets and in museums, but also in financial institutions and large stores. The fact is that entrepreneurs have long understood that catching Pokemon attracts visitors to their habitats, so in many such buildings special terminals have been installed that attract creatures, as well as pokestops. To search, visit the Passage and Greenwich shopping centers, as well as Sberbank branches and Alibi restaurant.

pokemon go where better to catch pokemon

To catch water Pokemon, it is best to go to Samara, in the park named after the 60th anniversary of Soviet Power. In the city of Ufa, there is a great chance to find rare creatures near the fountain, located near the City Council. The central regions of Chelyabinsk can also please you with a meeting with an unusual pet. In addition, a visit to Pushkin Street, the Opera House and the Museum of Local Lore will be useful. So it’s not at all necessary to go to distant lands in search of a rare creature, because our cities may well help you fill your Pokedex.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22773/

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