Rabies in foxes: signs, symptoms and photos

Rabies in foxes is extremely common. This is due to the characteristics of their lifestyle. Quite often, these animals become the culprits of human infection. Even if people become infected with this deadly disease from a cat or dog, the fox is often the primary source of infection. After all, pets often get the virus in a collision with wild animals. Each person needs to know about the manifestations of this disease in foxes. This is especially necessary for those people who spend a lot of time in the forest, hunting or picking mushrooms. In addition, sick foxes are often visited in settlements and can come close to a person.

What is rabies?

Rabies is one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases that affect animals and people. Pathology is caused by a virus (Rabies virus), which affects the central nervous system. It causes irreversible changes in the brain, which always lead to death.

Rabies virus

It is important to remember that the incubation period for this disease can be quite long. It ranges from 10 days to 3 months. Symptoms of the disease in humans can be divided into several stages:

  1. Prodromal period. Often, the disease begins with pain in the bite, even if the wound has already healed. Then there is a general malaise, a slight increase in temperature, anxiety, and insomnia.
  2. Stage of high. A person has a strong fear of water, light and harsh sounds. Convulsions appear, which are aggravated by any irritants. Mental disorders are noted: delirium, hallucinations, sometimes increased aggression. There is enhanced salivation.
  3. Period of paralysis. The patient paralyzes the muscles of the eyelids, cheekbones and legs. Perversions in taste may be noted when a person eats inedible objects. At this stage, the disease ends in death due to respiratory paralysis.

Modern medicine does not have drugs for rabies. Only a vaccine can save a person’s life, but it is effective only in the first 10 days after a bite. At the stage of the first signs of rabies, it is no longer possible to help the patient.

Why do foxes often get rabies?

Rabies in foxes is quite common. This is due to the way animals are fed. Foxes eat small rodents, which are often carriers of the rabies virus. Infection occurs alimentarily, through the stomach. People never become infected in this way. However, for animals this way of transmitting the virus is quite possible.

Foxes feed on rodents

In addition, a small rodent can bite a fox, protecting itself from it. In this case, the virus is transmitted in the most common way - through saliva. Sometimes foxes are attacked by larger predators and become infected when bitten. Indeed, it is very easy to detect fox mink, and animals become aggressive under the influence of the virus.

Ways of transmission of the disease

How is rabies transmitted from fox to human? Infection is possible only by contacting the saliva of a sick animal with blood. Most often this happens with a bite. Infection is also possible with saliva on the skin with small wounds and with scratching. Other methods of infection do not exist.

Foxes can also be indirect culprits of human rabies. Sick animals often attack stray dogs and cats, which subsequently infect humans. A hunting fox may be attacked by a mad fox. In this case, the owner risks becoming infected from his pet. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate dogs from this dangerous disease on time.

Seasonal Diseases

High incidence of rabies in foxes is observed in the following periods:

  1. February to April. During this period, there is always a large outbreak of the disease. This is due to the fact that in the spring, foxes rush. Fights often arise between males. Animals inflict bites to each other and transmit the virus.
  2. In December. In winter, the population of foxes increases due to young individuals. This leads to a small outbreak of rabies.
Fighting foxes during rutting

After such periods, the incidence decreases slightly, as many foxes die from rabies. But this does not exclude the possibility of infection. The danger of getting the virus from the fox exists in any season.

The appearance of a mad fox

How to determine fox rabies in appearance? This is quite difficult to do. The appearance of a sick animal may not have any obvious features, and at first glance it seems that the fox is healthy. However, you can notice some external signs of rabies in the fox:

  1. Profuse salivation with foam and a loose tongue. These symptoms are noted at the height of the disease and are often accompanied by aggression of the beast.
  2. Shaky gait. Due to brain damage in a sick animal, coordination of movements is impaired.
  3. Strabismus, a cloudy look, a swollen muzzle. These signs are difficult to notice, since it is better not to approach a sick animal.
  4. Exhaustion. This symptom is not specific to rabies. The fox may also be emaciated for other reasons.

In the future, due to developing paralysis in the animal, the limbs fail. However, in this state, the beast can no longer lead an active lifestyle and attack a person. This is the final stage of rabies in foxes. A photo of a sick animal can be seen below.

Kind of a sick fox

Features of the behavior of a sick animal

It is much easier to identify the disease by the behavior of the fox. Pathology greatly affects the psyche and habits of the beast.

How is fox rabies manifested? First of all, the animal loses the instinct of self-preservation. It ceases to be afraid of man. A healthy fox never comes close to people and their homes. An animal suffering from rabies approaches a person freely. Often infected foxes enter settlements. This behavior is not typical for healthy animals.

Sick fox comes to man

With a violent form of rabies, the animal becomes aggressive. The fox barks in a hoarse voice. In this state, animals often attack humans and animals.

However, it is no less dangerous, and when the disease proceeds in a quiet form. In this case, the animal looks calm and somewhat lethargic. It can come to a person without giving any signs of aggression, and bite.

Unnatural affection is one of the symptoms of rabies in foxes, proceeding in a quiet form. The animal approaches the person and begins to lick his hands. This may be followed by a sudden bite. It should be remembered that the fox is a wild beast, and affectionate behavior is uncharacteristic for such an animal.

Rabies in foxes is an insidious disease. After all, the animal becomes infectious even during the incubation period, when no signs of pathology are observed. Therefore, with any bite of a fox, it is necessary to be vaccinated against rabies as soon as possible.

Rabies vaccination

How to behave when meeting a sick fox

What to do if you had to face a sick animal? It is necessary to behave extremely carefully so as not to provoke an attack and a bite of a fox:

  1. You need to immediately stop and not make sudden movements.
  2. You can not turn your back to the animal and run away. Otherwise, the fox will chase and attack from behind.
  3. You can’t smile at the beast. When a person bares his teeth, animals take it for a grin.
  4. You should not show the animal that you were scared.
  5. You need to slowly walk away from the fox back.
  6. If the fox is aggressive and is about to attack, then you need to protect the throat.
  7. If possible, then you need to hide from the beast in some room or climb a tree.
  8. If the fox managed to knock you down, then you need to lie on your stomach and not move. You need to cover your neck with your hands, and your face with your elbows. Bites in these parts of the body are most dangerous.
Raging fox attack

What to do with a bite

When a fox bites, it is necessary to urgently treat the damaged area. The wound should be washed with soap and water or with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to lubricate the bite with iodine and bandage it. The same measures are necessary if there was no bite, but the saliva of the animal got on your skin.

Then you need to immediately contact the nearest emergency room and take a rabies vaccination course. Doctors believe that it is best to start vaccinations in the first three days after a bite. The prevention course consists of six injections. In no case do not miss the timing of the next vaccine and do not drink alcohol during vaccinations. This will help you escape from a deadly disease.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22778/

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