March: everyday omens

The Russian people are rich in signs and traditions. Despite the Christian faith, people still have superstitions associated with paganism. A huge number of such signs occur in the month of March. Popular signs of this month are connected with the onset of spring and weather conditions.

March omens

Popular signs in March

Previously, looking at the weather in the first month of spring, they assumed what the next spring would be, and after it the summer. Martian snow, according to popular belief, had healing power. He was drowned and washed with melt water. It was believed that such a wash should bring health and beauty.

Dry March, without precipitation, promised a warm and fruitful summer, and wet March - on the contrary. Also, people ran their hands along the surface of the snow. A rough surface spoke of a fruitful and fertile season, friable - of failures.

Spring omens are mostly associated with the coming summer.

First third of march

March 1 is popularly designated as the day of the god Yarila. On this day, it is customary not to work, but to organize parties in honor of the arrival of spring. But if a finch is heard somewhere, then spring will be cold.

March 2 is best to pay attention to the sky. If the clouds swim fast and high, then the weather will be fine.

On March 3, you can start the fishing season - perch starts to peck well. If in the evening small stars are not visible too brightly or flicker, it means to be in the wind.

On the 4th of March the omens, folk, are based on observation of animals. If the bunnies begin to dig minks, it means that more snow will fall, or there will be snowstorms. And rooks and jackdaws on the road - to inclement weather.

omens of folk

The 5th of March, if rooks and jackdaws soar high first, and then go down to the ground with an arrow, then it means snow.

On March 6, the weather will be predicted by the wind. If it is dry, then warming is coming. And if the wind is cold and blows for several days in a row, it means to be rainy.

On March 7, the pink dawn reports good weather, and on March 8, the chub begins to bite.

March 9, if the horns of a month seem sharp, then there will be a strong wind.

March 10 rooks should arrive. If they arrive, then in a month the snow will melt. If pets sneeze, then there will be warming.

These are the popular signs of March for every day. However, this is far from all.

Popular signs of mid-March

March 11, hens dig snow to warm, and the creak of doors and hinges - to inclement weather.

March 12, if sparrows swarming in their own feathers, it means to be warming. Especially good if they do it under the roof of the house.

March 13th usually comes warming, and all signs favor him. For example, if a dog refused food for a long time or was lethargic, and now has come to life, it means that he feels the speedy warmth.

March 14 - if rooks arrive, then the summer will be wet and damp.

March 15th - if geese grease feathers, brush them - to be in bad, rainy weather.

In March, the 16th, if the rooster cries out loud and cocky, then the summer will be warm.

On the 17th, you should pay attention to the evening sky. If there are no clouds, and the stars are bright and clearly visible, then the summer will be fertile.

March 18, if you hear a raven cry, you should pay attention to which side they are shouting. If to the north, it means to be bad weather.

On March 19, you should turn to your own health. If the joints go numb, then be in bad weather.

On March 20, an owl cries out to the cold.

national signs of march for every day

This is not all the signs that fall in March. National signs, as you have already noticed, require detailed observation of the environment.

In late March

March 21 As you know, the best messengers are roosters. If the rooster sings on the fence, then the weather will be fine, and if he went into the house, there would be misfortune.

On March 22, a sparrow's chirping reports of near-global warming.

On March 23, in a healthy person, there are signs of a runny nose - to wet weather.

On the 24th, crows descending to the ground prophesy warming, and on March 25, if they annoyingly croak, it will rain.

March 26 and March 27 - if the jackdaws shout, and the woodpecker hammering a tree, the weather will be sunny.

March 28th is celebrated as Forest Courtship Day. On this day, it is customary to walk into the forest and thank him for giving mushrooms and berries to people.

On March 29, a cat that sharpens its claws speaks of a cooling, and on March 30, if the dog howled, you need to pay attention to its lack. Tail lowered in bad weather, raised up - to warming.

March 31 - if a coltsfoot has bloomed by this day, then the summer will be warm.

The signs of March, popular superstitions and various signs have long served as a guide in the field of weather conditions. What people just didn’t look at - the behavior of domestic animals, the time of arrival of the rooks, and their own well-being. But one cannot judge the signs with skepticism: if they existed and have survived to this day, it means that they have a foundation.

national signs on eudokia March 14

Popular signs: March 14, Evdokia

March 14 is considered a special Russian holiday. On this day, the holy martyr Eudokia is revered. Her story is as follows: for a long time Evdokia was a fallen maiden who led a dissolute, sinful life. Soon she met an old man named Herman, who showed the girl the true path. Evdokia went to the monastery and began to engage in healing activities - to heal people. They began to pursue her. In the end, in 170, the enemies of Jesus Christ found her and beheaded her. Since then, St. Eudokia is considered a martyr.

There are folk signs on Evdokia. March 14th is called spring. According to Evdokia, they look at what the harvest will be this year. β€œIn Evdokia, it’s the same in the summer, too,” they said.

On this day, it was also customary to wash the kids with melt water so that they grow strong and healthy.

folk signs March 30

Folk Signs: March

On March 16, there were also special signs: this day was named after Basilisk. On this day, all the inhabitants of the villages crossed their fields and plots so that they would be more fertile. The cross is a symbol of warmth and prosperity; it had miraculous power. Crosses were painted on houses, doors, thresholds, platbands, stoves. If possible, the fields were decorated with wooden crosses. It was believed that the cross gives the earth moisture, protects it from robbers and birds.

There must also have been a cross at the entrance to the village. A symbol of the Christian faith, he was not supposed to let the Gentiles into the village, and also protected people from evil spirits.

March was a special month of the year. Popular signs say that on March 16, people had to "make friends" with the sun. After sunset, it was impossible to lend anything or take out garbage.

Popular signs: March 30

The month of March is coming to an end. National signs designated March 30 as the day of Alexei Teply. On this day, the rivers begin to move, spring flood occurs, streams murmur. If Alexey is supportive, it means that crossing the rivers will be safe, and summers will be warm and sunny. To make this all come true, it was necessary to unscrew the shafts (poles in a harness of horses) from the sled.

After Alexei, it is customary to start sowing oats and barley.

vernacular March on March 16

Folk signs are very exciting. Their history, heterogeneity and a certain uniqueness are interesting. These signs may seem wild and unnecessary to us now, but for our ancestors they played a big role.


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