When to plant trees in the fall and how to do it right?

Many beginner gardeners ask the same questions. When is it better to plant trees? Autumn or spring?

For planting pears, apple trees, cherries, cherries, cherry plums, plums, which period is more suitable? It is precisely these plants that better take root in the fall. Subsequently, these seedlings give larger and juicy fruits. But the goal of each owner of a summer cottage is a good harvest. Coniferous species, on the contrary, is recommended to be planted in spring. It is advisable to take these rules into account.

when to plant trees in autumn

When to plant trees in the fall? The gardener can choose the period convenient for him. It is important that the tree be planted a month before the first frost. During this time, it will have time to begin. But do not rush and plant trees until all leaves are yellow. This will damage the seedling.

So, when to plant fruit trees in the fall? This period begins from the end of September and lasts until mid-October. If the planting period is missed, then the tree can be temporarily placed until spring. We will talk about this in more detail below.

How to select seedlings for planting?

Seedlings should be with a developed root system, grown and strong. Before planting trees in the fall, they must be carefully examined. If the root or branches are damaged, then their experts recommend cutting to a healthy place. Use a pruner for this. The roots should not be dried. Such a tree may not take root. The main root of the seedling should reach at least thirty-five centimeters. Many small branches should come from it. To restore seedlings with dried roots, they need to be placed for a couple of days in water or in a container with cow manure and clay.

when to plant fruit trees in autumn

How to plant trees?

Having dealt with the choice of quality specimens, with the period when fruit trees are planted in the fall, new gardeners have another question. How to do it right?

Planting trees begins with digging a hole. The upper and lower soil layer must be laid in different directions. The hole should be such that the root neck is five centimeters above the surface of the earth. The width of the recess is one and a half to two times the diameter of the root.

The removed topsoil must be mixed with humus. One seedling requires one bucket of the mixture. In humus, you need to add two hundred grams of superphosphate and forty grams of potassium chloride. If these fertilizers are not available, then they can be replaced with wood ash.

Before planting, you need to fill the hole two thirds of the depth with fertilizer and fix the stake in it. After, we suggest placing the root in it and filling it with the rest of the soil mixed with fertilizer.

In a hole for a seedling, you need to pour at least a bucket of water (despite the autumn rainy season). Then, experts recommend filling the hole with sawdust or peat, drowning with feet. The soil from the remaining lower layer should be scattered around the tree. So that the seedling does not break, it must be tied to a stake.

When planting trees, you need to take into account that the earth in the hole will shrink, so the root neck should not be lower than the level of the upper soil layer.

when is it better to plant trees in autumn

Mistakes when planting fruit trees in the fall

Autumn planting of trees by inexperienced gardeners is not without mistakes. What are they like?

  • Incorrectly selected period when you can plant trees in autumn.
  • An excessively deep hole in which the root neck is deep underground. And this can cause rotting of the seedling (moisture exchange is disturbed).
  • A large number of organic or mineral fertilizers.
  • An undiluted cow or chicken droppings were added to the well . This will subsequently burn the roots.
  • Excess nitrate can also lead to similar problems.
  • Excessive cutting of the crown of seedlings.

If the landing period has passed

Often there are situations when it is too late to plant trees in autumn. In this case, the plant is placed in a hole dug at the highest point of your land. In this sector, water should not stagnate. The southern wall of the ditch is dug out gently, and the northern - half a meter high and more sheer. Sprinkle the roots of the seedling with sand or earth. At the same time, they are watered abundantly. If several trees are planted, their roots should not be intertwined. To protect the seedlings from frost, they are sprinkled with earth and leave only the tips of the branches. To protect against rodents, young trees are covered with spruce branches. When snow falls, it must be trampled around the seedling to create an obstacle for pests.

Sapling is stored until spring. When the soil thaws, it is dug up and placed in a prepared hole. This is done until the buds open.

when to plant fruit trees in autumn

Benefits of Autumn Planting

When to plant trees? Autumn or spring? The choice also depends on some factors. Planting in the fall has its advantages compared to the spring procedure. The beginning of autumn is rich in planting material. Undoubtedly, this is an advantage. Special care after autumn planting is not required. One watering is enough. Further, the autumn rains will moisten the soil themselves. If the root system was broken during planting, the wounds will heal over the winter and suction branches will grow.

when can you plant trees in autumn

When is it not recommended to plant trees in autumn?

This knowledge will also be useful to novice gardeners. There are several points when planting fruit trees in autumn is not recommended. It will be necessary to transfer the procedure to spring. Do not rush to get young plants in your garden if a harsh winter is expected. This can cause freezing of trees. Also, experts do not recommend autumn planting if a large number of rodents are seen in the proposed area.

From this article, you learned when to plant trees in the fall. We hope you find this information useful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22794/

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