Applications for citizenship of the Russian Federation: sample of filling, recommendations of lawyers

To successfully submit documents the first time, a resident will need a sample application for citizenship of the Russian Federation, performed by a foreigner or authorized person in the region of residence of the resident. Despite the uniform application form and a number of federal laws that govern the procedure for obtaining citizenship, terms, requirements, etc., the application requirements in different OMVD OMVs and regions, in principle, can vary, which is completely legal.

a new application for citizenship of the russian federation

Ways to apply for citizenship

Before you look for the right sample application for citizenship of the Russian Federation, you will have to find out if a foreigner has the right to apply for a new status, what are the requirements for a resident and the conditions for granting Russian citizenship to migrants.

The status of a citizen of the Russian Federation is conditionally formalized in two ways: in a general manner (when the applicant has no relatives in Russia, he is not married to a Russian woman or Russian, he was not born here and in a number of cases) or in a simplified procedure when a foreigner does not need a quota in order to get an RVP, and a residence permit is issued immediately after the RVP (however, not in all cases). A simplified procedure involves the entry into the citizenship of the Russian Federation in a shorter time if there are appropriate grounds.

The methods of acquiring Russian citizenship are established and described in the Federal Law No. 62 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated 05/31/2002. The specified Federal Law is in the public domain, its contents can be found in more detail.

methods of obtaining citizenship

In order to obtain citizenship, it is important for a foreigner to determine the basis on which he will rely on when drawing up a new status.

Traditionally, when an applicant submits a model application for citizenship of the Russian Federation, he already knows about the basis for which he is moving, since the registration of a PRT implies either the presence or absence of grounds to obtain permission in a simplified manner. However, there are cases when the basis in the process of paperwork changes, for example, if the couple divorces or one of the spouses dies. Then one of the spouses loses the opportunity to obtain Russian status in a simplified manner and can continue their migration path using the general procedure for registration or joining one of the state migration programs. This is perfectly acceptable and legal.

At the very beginning of the application form for citizenship of the Russian Federation (see the article for a sample), it is required to indicate on the basis of which article the applicant claims to be a citizen. This refers to the grounds mentioned above.

Citizenship Period

Naturalization (or granting citizenship to an applicant) depends on the method and basis on which the foreigner relies.

In general, citizenship takes about 8 years.

  • About six months will leave in anticipation of the quota. In less populated regions, a quota is issued immediately or within a few months. However, for example, consider the maximum - 6 months.
  • 2 months consider documents on the RVP.
  • About 1 month will pass until the applicant is invited to undergo fingerprinting, hand over and pick up a passport with a stamp about RVP, make temporary registration at the OMVD police department for 3 years.
  • We will have to live a year with RVP in order to apply for a residence permit without reason.
  • An application for a residence permit is considered for at least 6 months.
  • About 1 month will pass until the applicant is issued a blue book on a residence permit and affix a temporary registration for a period of 5 years.
  • Further, the resident must live with a residence permit for 5 years in order to submit an application for citizenship of the Russian Federation filled out on the model of filling in the hope that he will not have to redo it again and come to the OMVD OMV many, many times.
  • Citizenship documents are considered for at least 12 months, if the resident has no reason to apply for status in a shorter time.
  • About a month will take the issuance of the passport and registration of a permanent registration.
application deadline

It turns out that in general, the period of obtaining citizenship from the very entrance to the Russian Federation takes about 8 years, not taking into account the repeated visits to authorized bodies, passing medical examinations, collecting documents, passing an exam in the Russian language, leaving the Russian Federation until the quota is approved after 90 days.

The duration of obtaining citizenship in a simplified manner depends on the grounds: for marriage, for birth, for training and employment, for a native speaker of the Russian language, for a resettlement program, or other grounds established in Federal Law No. 62.

Where can I get application forms?

The application form for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation and a sample of filling are located at the Department of Internal Affairs OMVD, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the IMC in Moscow. Clean copies can be asked personally from the inspector who is involved in obtaining citizenship in his office hours.

Samples of applications for citizenship of the Russian Federation are also posted in the lobby of the offices. Forms can be photographed to find blank copies on the Web. It is important to download only current forms of the current year. If samples are not available, contact the inspector according to the previous scheme.

What does a citizenship application look like?

sample application form for citizenship of the russian federation

The form of the form is established by law. This means that the application for registration of citizenship consists of a certain number of questions arranged in the prescribed manner, has several pages and an installed header. All applicants apply for citizenship on the same form.

The application contains an area for pasting photographs of the resident, indicating the full name of the state body that is considering the application, as well as personal data of the inspector who checks the submitted document and accepts it for further consideration of the applicant’s application.

The form to fill out is printed on white office paper, without drawings, clean from the front and back.

The application contains tables in which the resident indicates information about close relatives, previous jobs, income from various financial sources, taxes paid for different periods of time, etc.

Types of Applications

Regardless of the basis on which a foreigner relies when applying for citizenship in the Russian Federation, there are 2 types of applications: for an adult and for a minor applicant. A sample application for citizenship of the Russian Federation to a child and a blank form are taken from the authorized bodies at the place of residence.

The child’s application does not contain tables, questions about previous jobs and taxes. In terms of volume, it is significantly less than the application for an adult applicant.

The application for the child is filled out by the parents or official guardians if the child receives Russian status not at the same time as adults. If the parents receive citizenship with the child at the same time, this is indicated in the application of one of the parents and the personal data of the child are included in the application.

What to write about in a statement?

An application for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation filled out in accordance with the model involves the creation of a complete picture of information about the resident for the previous several years of residence in the Russian Federation or at home. This means that the application is not a formality or tool to create a favorable image of the applicant, such as a resume for employment.

The resident’s application is asked to provide only accurate information about him, his relatives, work experience, solvency, taxes paid, participation in government programs, labor activities, ties with the USSR and the motives that prompted the foreigner to apply for Russian citizenship.

Where can I get a completed form?

A sample application for registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation serves as an example that you can focus on when filling out a blank form. It is not a binding document that is granted to a foreigner who wishes to register a citizen status. In some departments, the sample is placed under glass on a stand; the sample can be viewed or photographed.

It is important to use a sample made in the region of residence of the resident, since each department may have different application requirements, but this is not necessary. If the resident is confident in the information about which he reports (the full name of the organizations in which he was employed, the information of relatives, tax information), he will not need a completed copy.

application for citizenship of the rf sample

In the sample from the OMV OMVD, attention is drawn to the full name of the body that accepts the application. It will be needed to fill out the application in the first place.

Examples of answers are shown below the column in small print or at the end of the page with questions, they will be enough to fill out.

Below is a part of the completed application published on the official website of the OMV Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg. The continuation can be easily found on the same site, in the "Sample Applications" section.

If a foreigner wants to find a sample prepared by the management in his region, you should find the official website of the OMVD OMVD in his city or region.

General recommendations

What you should pay attention to when applying for citizenship:

  • Does the applicant have the right to apply for the status of a citizen: conditions, requirements, grounds. If a foreigner is in doubt, you can consult with an inspector in the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by providing him with a passport and documents issued in the Russian Federation.
  • Does the OVM OMVD currently accept citizenship? Traditionally, at the end of December, the acceptance of documents is suspended until next year, so it makes no sense to collect documents or pay the state fee in advance.
  • Are resident documents relevant in the Russian Federation? It is important to apply for citizenship no later than one year before the expiration of the residence permit. An application with an invalid passport or without a photograph (for Ukrainian citizens) is not possible.
  • Are the terms of the foreigner's stay in the country not violated.
  • Is there a permanent registration?

Recommendations for filling out an application

sample citizenship application

How to apply for citizenship correctly and the first time?

  • Take a new application for citizenship of the Russian Federation (download from the official website of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regional regional department of internal affairs departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or ask the inspector in the department)
  • Print a few blank copies or make copies from forms taken in the office.
  • Prepare a full package of documents, since the data from them will be needed to fill out the application.
  • Decide on the basis and the article, which refers to this basis (for this you will have to consult with the inspector in the department or independently familiarize yourself with the Federal Law No. 62).
  • Write in the application only the truth. There can be no ambiguous answers in the statement.
  • Do not respond evasively.
  • If necessary, consult with specialists of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not people who have already applied for citizenship or received it. The recommendations of another resident may be irrelevant and inaccurate in the case of the applicant.
  • Write clearly.
  • Before the answer read the footnotes at the bottom of the statement page.
  • Use the legislation if the knowledge is not enough to fill out the application (especially for economic activities and taxes).
  • Avoid corrections and strikethroughs. They should not be in the document.
  • Do not paste the photo yourself.

Application Review Period

application requirements

An application for citizenship is generally considered for at least 12 months. In a simplified manner, it will take 6 months (for marriage, for example) or less than 6 months if the applicant is a participant in the state program of resettlement of compatriots.


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