Noble Opal: stone description, varieties, application. Noble Opal Jewelry

The most beautiful and unusual gem is considered to be opal. Due to its special properties, it has a very complex structure. It features beautiful color highlights. These are not some inclusions, but the structure of the mineral itself is so unusual, with overflows. It is for this beauty that opal stone is very much appreciated. A mineral can be of various types and varieties, but the most valuable is considered to be a precious opal stone. We will talk about him in our article. You will learn about its external signs, application, consider a photo of jewelry with a stone.

ring with opals

Stone description

Mineral opal is used not only in the jewelry industry, but in technology and various crafts. Most pleased with the noble subspecies of this stone. The description of the noble opal is worth starting with the fact that it is a type of mineral with a play of color called opalescence. Some stones are characterized by a one-color play of color, while others are multi-colored.

Jewelers are very fond of using this unusually iridescent pebble. By its structure, opal is an ordered sphere in different packages. They have equal diameters with a peculiar structure. Because of this, the color is reflected with different wavelengths, which creates the effect of irisation. At different viewing angles, the stone shimmers in a special way.

Opal is a mineral made up of water and silicic acid. This is a kind of quartz. It contains silica microparticles, due to which the effect of refraction of color and game in different tones is achieved. This property makes the stone unique.

The opal formula is the same as that of quartz, only it is an amorphous form. The stone contains from 5 to 30% water, which sometimes leads to its cracking. Natural opals are inherent in all colors of the rainbow, more than a hundred of their varieties are found. The stone owes its multi-colored shades to its impurities: nickel, iron and other elements.

luxury opals

Types of Opals

There are many varieties of opal, but according to the main classification, three types are distinguished:

  1. Noble Opal. He has an unusual beauty, due to flashes of color on the surface of the pebble. There is a black noble mineral and crystalline. We will talk about black stones a little later. Jewelers most often use crystal opals. They are light and translucent, they look very gently in jewelry. Noble stones have many varieties, which will be discussed below.
  2. Common Opal. It is characterized by similar properties to a noble stone, only it has a uniform color. Multi-colored overflows are absent here. Ordinary opal is valued for the purity of its color. Pure white, yellow and orange minerals are found in nature.
  3. Boulder opal. These are mineral crystals in iron ore.
jewelry with opal

From the history of stone

Even in ancient times, admired jewelry opal. This is evidenced by the description of Pliny. He said that this stone is very difficult to describe because of its play of color. In disgrace, he saw the purple glow of amethyst and the soft green color of the emerald. All this is mixed together and shines with brightness that is difficult to express in words.

From sources it becomes clear that already in the distant past, fraudsters were able to fake opal at a high level. For a long time, the stone was not used because of the widespread superstition that it brings misfortune. For generations, people were afraid to wear opal until they discovered black stone in Australia. It could not be replaced with anything else, so the popularity became stunning.

So, gradually began to open up more and more new varieties of light and black opal. Light opals are yellowish, there are many of them. But the black noble look is rarer. It comes in dark blue and black and gray. Sometimes under the sun, a blue opal shimmers yellow.

Over time, opal classification began to take into account its transparency, color and luster. The hardness of opal and its impurities is also appreciated. Today, a noble mineral is considered a precious stone, because a quality sample costs a lot of money. Opals are most often rounded or made into ovals. The stone is very fond of moisture, so it sometimes needs to be lowered into water or kept in a damp cloth.

blue opal

Determination of the quality of the mineral

Most opals are handled by private craftsmen. They have a milky color and a faint play of color. To conduct a test for the nobleness of opal, you need to move it away from your eyes at a distance of 60–90 cm. In daylight, the stone should sparkle in different colors. And if you need to move the stone very close to consider overflows, then this is not entirely high-quality material.

For opal, the cabochon processing method is most suitable. This is when the stone is made convex, polished and without edges. The polished opal cabochon is oval or spherical in shape, flat on one side. In general, this material is not polished, but polished. Before grinding an opal, it is looked through in water or glycerin. This makes it possible to determine the direction of a beautiful overflow of color.

If moist conditions are not created for noble stones, then they may crack. Only one white opal from Australia is an exception. To prevent such an unpleasant outcome, opals are subjected to special treatment - stabilization.

bracelet with opal

The main sources of stone

Large deposits of opals are rare. They lie in thin layers or lenses. Australia leads the production of opals; 97% of all mineral deposits are located here. The remaining production is in Mexico, Guatemala, Japan, the USA, Brazil, Honduras. The most sought after are Australian and Ethiopian opals.

The wide distribution of the mineral in Australia was the reason for declaring it a national stone. This is a very beautiful crystal, shimmering in all colors of the rainbow. The natives even said that this mineral was created by a rainbow that fell to the ground. Black opals are also found in this country, the deposits of which make up only 5% of all mineral production.

Ethiopian deposits were discovered 20 years ago. There they are found in basalt and rhyolite rocks. These minerals are colorful and multicolor. There are blue, blue and yellow specimens.

Noble Species

There are a lot of varieties of iridescent mineral. It is worth mentioning the most striking specimens:

  • White opal. It shimmers with white-blue tones, has a translucent color with milky hues.
  • Fiery look. Half transparent stone, iridescent at an angle. It happens in red and wine-yellow colors. From the side it resembles the sparkling fire.
  • Hyalite. Differs in the transparency reminding glass.
  • Hydrofan.

Stone features

It is believed that if a person wears opal, then the stone transfers his magic gift to him. The owner of the mineral can become a fortuneteller, clairvoyant or guess fortune. In India, children are allowed to wear stone so that they are healthy and reach for knowledge. Different peoples have developed their own idea of ​​the properties of opal. Residents of the East associate it with deceptive hopes, and Western representatives consider it a symbol of trust, hope and love. Mineral has a beneficial effect on the eyes and nervous system.

Opal is used for diagnostics. If suddenly the owner begins to get sick, the pebble immediately changes color, warning of danger. This is especially manifested in colds, when the temperature rises. Drying makes it change.

Opal is a great inspiration; it arouses imagination. If the stone is worn by creative people, then their abilities only become more active. He has excellent cleansing abilities. The content of water in opal enhances feelings, desires, passion and love.

From the healing properties of opal, one can distinguish the ability to establish digestion. It removes negative emotions and frustration. Green stone destroys viruses. If you wear a ring with noble opal, this will contribute to the work of the heart and liver.

earrings with opal

The magic effect of opals

Each type of opal has one or another magical effect:

  • Fire stone has protective properties. The owner gains power and achieves his. It helps to connect internal energy, reserves, and strength. This is a kind of symbol of hope, promising change. Fire opal is good for people to wear after an emotional shock to relieve stress more easily. This type of stone also attracts money and enhances passion between lovers.
  • Blue opal fulfills wishes. It is used by those who dream of going beyond the boundaries of physical reality.
  • Blue-green opal has the inherent properties of opening up new experiences, helping in changing attitudes to life. It helps relieve emotional stress and feelings.
  • The green species is considered a stone of health. It rejuvenates, strengthens and cleanses the body. It also leads to stability in relationships. The owner of the stone emotionally rises and sees the meaning in life.
  • The pink opal coordinates spirituality. Abilities are even more activated, and headaches go away.
  • Black opal is associated with increased appeal. It attracts luck, has high energy for filling with vitality.

The price of jewelry with opal

The price of products with a noble crystal is set depending on the color, shades and beauty of the modulations. The most expensive is black opal. The price for it starts at $ 300 per carat. A white stone costs about $ 80 per carat.

But the stone did not always have such a cost. She was greatly influenced by fashion and superstition. The fact is that opal has the property to change color, become dirty, lose its luster. Some are scared or, conversely, admired by the unusual color of the mineral.

brooch with opal

Mineral Refining Methods

Today we learned how to make synthetic stone for opal. But there are many ways to refine a natural mineral. Often, stones undergo a certain processing for beauty.

Sometimes in the markets they sell doublets and triplets soaked in smoke. They are made on the basis of stones, on which noble opal is applied from above. It is impossible to distinguish such an ennobled stone from a real opal at first glance. To do this, you need to take the stone in your hands and look at it from the side - the ennobled product will consist of two halves. Hence the name - β€œdoublet”.

Often there are triplets. Their upper part resembles a hemisphere or dome made of glass or crystal. And the bottom two are the same as the doublet. If the stone can be viewed in profile, then its three layers will be visible.

Most often, opals are refined with smoke. That is how the stones in Ethiopia are ennobled. Opal coloring is sometimes used. Color can make it more saturated or vibrant.

black opal

Black noble opal

He is valued the most. He is also the most beautiful. Shades accumulated in the black stone are effectively emphasized by a dark background. It happens that several shades flicker on the black plane, and sometimes all the colors of the rainbow shimmer there. A black noble opal can cost about $ 2,000 per carat. In this, he is almost compared to a diamond.

Noble Opal Jewelry

Products inlaid with opals of unusual beauty are in great demand among connoisseurs of beauty. This stone is found in earrings, pendants, bracelets, brooches. Most often, the opal is framed with silver, but gold items are also found. Such an ornament will cost 12-15 thousand rubles. If the price of the product is lower, then this is not a real opal. Cheap noble mineral is not for sale. It is better to purchase such jewelry not in markets, but in specialized stores and salons. The choice of color palette of jewelry with opals is very large. Such products show the status of the owner, strong-willed qualities and taste of the owner.


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