Plum "Manchurian beauty": variety description, photo

Gardeners grow a variety of fruit trees and berry shrubs in their own garden plots. But on each site, the favorite of the majority is surely flaunted - plum.

In the modern market there is a huge number of different varieties of plums. You can create many compositions of plum bouquet. In the first half of summer, early fruits will delight. By the end of the warm period, other plums will bear fruit, and late varieties will complete the variety in late autumn.

Moreover, plums of different colors look beautiful and harmonious.

Plum variety "Manchurian beauty" has already been appreciated by most gardeners.

plum "Manchurian beauty"

The fruits on it are formed in the form of a bouquet twig. In general, this variety has quite a few different merits.

Grade description

The fruit tree belongs to natural dwarf species and to early ripening varieties of Chinese plum. Plum crown "Manchurian beauty" has a neat rounded shape. Branches are brown with a gray tint, slightly curved. The foliage is dark green, relatively small. The sheet has an average of 11 cm in length and no more than 5 cm in width.

The description and photo of the “Manchurian beauty” plum will help create a complete impression of this variety.

plum "Manchurian beauty" description

Each bud has 3 flowers. The flowers are very small, white, bloom before the leaves.

The variety is quite frost-resistant and drought-resistant.


The period of plum blossom is wonderful . The description of the "Manchu beauty" at this time cannot be expressed in words.

In each inflorescence there are three buds. Flowers bloom before leaves, so a stunning, incomparable look is created.

A drawback can be considered early flowering - already in early May. In a temperate climate, spring frosts often occur at this time. In this case, the flowers fall.

The variety belongs to self-infertile species. So when planting such varieties, you need to carefully consider the presence of the right pollinator neighbors.

Fruiting occurs in the third year after planting. The yield of plums is stable.

Fruit characterization

Fruits are predominantly round. The average weight of one plum is 15 grams. The plum peel is dense, orange-yellow with a burgundy tint or dark scarlet. There is an intense blue matte coating. The pulp is yellow with a green tint. The taste is pleasant, sweet. The fruits are moderately juicy. The pulp is easily separated from the bone.

You can enjoy a ripe harvest in late August or early September. From a single tree you can collect a fairly decent crop, an average of 8 kg of plums, and even with good care.

With careful handling of fruits during harvest, plums are stored for a long time and have a presentation.

"Manchurian beauty" plum photo

Plum fruits "Manchurian beauty" are universal. They are delicious fresh and are great for making jam and homemade wine drinks.

Landing rules

It is recommended to land in the spring. This is necessary so that the young tree has time to take root and strengthen well. In this case, it will perfectly tolerate winter frosts.

It is advisable to plant seedlings in late April, before buds open.

You need to choose a well-lit place. It is undesirable to plant seedlings along the walls and at the site of a large accumulation of snowdrifts. The ideal location is from the south and southwest.

If the site has hills or small slopes, then this place is ideal for planting plum crops.

Plum loves light fertile soil. It does not tolerate acidic soil. When planting, it is worth considering the remoteness of groundwater (no closer than 1.5-2 meters to the roots of the tree).

A pit is dug up with a diameter of about 70 cm and a depth of 50 cm. When planting, the roots are carefully straightened. Peat should be added to the soil to fill the pit with the addition of ash or humus mixed with a small portion of river sand.

The root neck predominantly rises about 5 cm above the ground.

After planting, the seedling is abundantly watered with water, up to 4 buckets.

Plum care

Caring for a young tree does not create much trouble. Basically, the entire Manchurian beauty plum care consists in periodic top dressing, loosening of the soil, and timely watering.

Particular attention should be paid to plum during the flowering period. A severe lack of moisture leads to the fall of most of the ovaries, which will reduce not only the quantity, but also the quality of the crop several times. Mature plums may not reach the desired size.

The first two years, a tree is dug round in a circle on a full bayonet of a shovel. To increase fruiting, the soil near the trunk is mulched with straw and manure.

plum "Manchurian beauty" photo description

In the first winter, it is recommended to cover the seedling, but not necessarily. Shelter is made either by paper or non-woven material. The round-trunk section is covered with a layer of straw or needles.

Plum Disease and Pruning

Plum variety "Manchurian beauty" is quite resistant to various diseases. And it does not cause much interest in pests.

But the plum tree is prone to rot of the root neck. A disease such as moniliosis can also harm the tree. It is characterized by drying of the branches, while the fruits begin to rot.

It’s better to prevent the disease than to treat the tree for a long time. For prevention, it is enough to thin out the tree periodically. And, of course, you need to regularly remove dry leaves and fallen fruits on the root circle.

If the disease began to develop, do not delay the treatment. The more time is lost, the more difficult it will be to rectify the situation. To fix the problem, spraying with Bordeaux liquid will help, which must be done 3 times in dry weather.

The first 2-3 years are relatively important for the formation of a regular and strong skeleton. Extra branches that damage the crown are removed. Root shoots are removed in a timely manner.

Pruning, as a rule, is carried out in early spring or late autumn, just before the frost.

plum variety "Manchurian beauty"

Easy pruning can be carried out during the period of full fruiting plum "Manchurian beauty." A photo of trimming unwanted branches shows how to increase the growth of young shoots.

In the second year of life of the tree, a tiered crown is formed. After three years of age, old and incorrectly growing branches are simply removed. Places of cuts need to be treated with garden var.

Of course, such a plum variety is worthy of being present at every site. The fruit beauty will delight the hosts with its tasty and plentiful harvest for many years.


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