Tank Rudy - a novelty for Victory Day

Every gamer who is fond of World of Tanks can safely say that he drove a tank, because in this project all models of military equipment are carried out in the maximum accordance with reality. This means that developers use real parameters, such as armor thickness, cruising speed or gun caliber. That is why this game is so loved and appreciated throughout the world. And also due to the fact that already an enormous fleet of tanks, anti - tank mounts and artillery is constantly updated with new models. And by the Victory Day 2015, the developers had prepared a surprise - a rather interesting model, the Rudy tank, went on sale. What kind of car is this and who will be interested in it? You can learn about this from this article.

New tank

tank rudy

The Rudy tank is a completely new model, the details of which have been kept secret for quite some time. Naturally, many users guessed what it would be, as well as when it appeared in the game, but no one could say anything for sure. Information about the fact that "Ores" will appear in the "World of Tanks" appeared in March-April 2015, but no one knew the exact release date. However, it was not needed, because it was not difficult to guess at all - after all, the release was announced before a very large and thematic holiday, Victory Day. Accordingly, the tank appeared on sale May 9, 2015, so now absolutely every user can now afford to buy this model. Many age-related players quickly figured out what the Rudy tank is associated with, however, young gamers may not be able to guess what the symbolism of this model is.

What is this tank?

how to get a rudy tank

If you are over 25-30 years old, then you most likely instantly figured out the concept of this model, but young gamers may not understand what is the point. What makes the Rudy tank so special? In fact, everything is quite simple. The fact is that recently in the "World of Tanks" there was a model used in the film by Brad Pitt "Rage". This tank gained incredible popularity and was bought so many times that the developers decided to use this gold mine, and now a new model has come to light, which, however, is aimed at people who know old cinema. After all, “Ores” is the same tank that appeared in the Polish black and white series “Four Tankers and a Dog”. That is why age players will instantly recognize this tank and go buy it. But what is hidden behind this big name?

Model of tank

tank t 34 85 rudy

Everyone understands that Rudy is only the nickname of the tank, in fact, there must be a specific model that was actually used. And in this case, everything is quite simple - the T-34-85 Rudy tank was used to shoot the film, respectively, the game also uses the same model. It is worth noting that practically nothing has changed in technical terms , so this is the same tank that was simply converted visually, and also added some special effects. What are these effects and how is the “Ore” different from the standard T-34-85 tank? In the game “World of Tank”, the Rudy tank has practically no features that would affect the gameplay, so you need to focus on those pleasant little things that the developers have prepared for you.

Tank features

world of tank tank rudy

In the game "World of Tanks" Rudy was a rather expected guest, so gamers tried to get as much information as possible before the model was released. Now all the data is in the public domain, and you can easily find out how the "Ore" will differ from the standard T-34-85. First of all, this is the appearance - the number 102 appeared on the tank, which was applied to it in the series, and also, of course, on the other hand you can see the inscription Rudy, around which you will notice the same four handprints made by the heroes of the series. However, the differences do not end there - you will find some more features, among which the most important is the presence of a dog in the carriage. How is this displayed on tank activity? Naturally, this does not affect the battle in any way, but now when you click on the tank in the garage a dog barking sounds - you can also hear it during the battle at various events.

How to get this tank?

world of tanks rudy

Well, now you know enough about this unit of military equipment. It remains only to learn how to get a Rudy tank. Many gamers were afraid that they would have to perform various annoying tasks in order to open access to this model, but the developers felt sorry for them and abandoned such an idea. As a result, it was decided to make this tank a gift - this means that you can only purchase it in a premium store, that is, for real money. Of course, those gamers who try not to invest real money in a virtual account were unhappy, but still this did not affect them too much, since such players are usually not fond of such collectible tanks.

Should I buy this model?

After the tank came out, lively discussions arose, in which the main topic was discussions about whether to buy it. What can be said on this issue? If you are ready to invest in the game, and also remember the series "Four Tankers and a Dog", love it and would like to get "Rudy" in your collection, then you should definitely invest in buying this model. But if your goal is efficiency, then there is no point in buying this model, since it is absolutely no different from the T-34-85 in technical terms, but the original tank can be bought for in-game currency, and the "Rudogo" - only for real money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22821/

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