Strollers for boys: choice of color and company, prices

So, it's time to go to choose a stroller for the baby. In this regard, a lot of questions arise. What should she be like? Strollers for newborns, strollers-transformers, strollers, sledges ... How much do they cost, and what color to choose? Is it possible for a baby to pick up a stroller of a cheerful and bright color? Or red strollers only buy girls?

Color is important, but the functionality of the stroller is just as important. High-quality, convenient and comfortable, it will last a long time and turn every walk into an easy journey.

prams for boys

Wheelchair Features

So, to walk with the baby was not a burden, transport must have the following qualities.

  • Comfort Strollers for boys should be comfortable not only for small passengers, but also for parents. A soft seat and belts, a back, a footrest, an adjustable handle - all this makes the walk enjoyable for the "passenger" and "driver".
  • Security. This function is provided by five-point belts, removable bumpers, central brakes. Kids are mobile and even in a stroller strive to slip out of the seat.
  • Flotation, quality. An unreliable model will incur additional costs associated with the repair. The frame of the stroller must have anti-corrosion protection. Wheels with a large diameter will make it more passable. In regions where winter lasts long, sledges are popular, which have flat skids that allow you to ride in the snow. Such models are inexpensive and will cost from 5 thousand rubles.
  • Folding and carrying. The most popular type is the stroller cane. It is convenient to carry in hands, transported in a car. It’s just that it does not fit the smallest, since it is inconvenient to lie in it.
  • Maneuverability. It is good if parents with the baby live in the city. Although in the city this quality is needed no less than in a village with poor roads. The current strollers are quite maneuverable. Manufacturers tried to make it so that it could be deployed in one place around its axis. It is convenient to enter the elevator with her; she behaves well on a narrow path in the park. Although reviews of wheelchairs show that models with front rotating wheels without a lock are uncomfortable, especially on a straight road.

Is color the main thing?

Strollers for the boy to choose is not a problem, because their range is quite large. The color palette is also not in last place, because it will affect the mood and character of the child.

Not so long ago, parents determined the color simply: for boys bought a blue or blue stroller, for girls - red or pink. Yes, and a variety of colors manufacturers are not very pampered.

wheelchair reviews

Now, the vast color gamut has changed the principle of selection: for boys they get strollers of dark tones: brown, gray, dark red. Girls take bright, saturated: orange, lime.

Psychologists insist: choosing a vehicle for the baby, one must also take into account the connection between the child’s psyche and the color of the stroller, especially on its inside.

Reviews about the strollers indicate that, indeed, bright colors excite, a child in such a stroller can be restless. Moreover, in hot weather, saturated colors attract dangerous wasps or bees, and this is completely useless. But the dark shades "soar", and the child can be hot.

It is better if the baby strollers for boys are light and plain.

Essential Stroller Accessories

A standard set - a parent bag and a rain cover, will not surprise anyone. To increase sales manufacturers are developing all new accessories. Some are sold complete with a stroller, others need to be purchased separately.

  • An umbrella in sunny weather will protect the baby from the negative effects of rays.
  • Clutch - needed in winter and frosty weather.
  • A more convenient option is gloves, on the handrail the strollers will make it more convenient to grasp the handrail.

Fabric, color and price

A huge pattern on the hood of the stroller is the peak of fashion this season. The rest of the shades and patterns are diverse: from bright to neutral. And even the most fastidious parent can easily make a choice.

stroller color for boy

Impregnated fabric has appeared on the market that repels dirt and water. Raindrops on such hoods and covers slide down, and inside the strollers for boys remain dry.

Their price is varied, depending on the configuration and brand, and ranges from 2.5 thousand rubles. up to 30 thousand rubles

Baby strollers

If your boy was born in the fall, and in winter he will be no more than six months old, you can buy a stroller, which easily turns into a very necessary item - a cradle-rocking chair. It comes with a stand, on which the cradle is placed, and serves as a swing.

In addition, some models have a removable cradle with handles, a headrest and a cover, which replaces the winter version of the stroller. The walking block is very convenient for trips to the children's clinic.

prams for boys Price

If the baby is small, the headrest will not directly perform its functions and support the boy in a sitting position. However, in winter, so many clothes are put on the child that his head is lower in relation to the legs. Then the headrest saves. It will balance the position of the child.

When choosing strollers for boys, you need to choose a high-quality mattress, if it is not included.


Universal stroller-transformer - it saves parents space and money. These strollers “grow” with the child, they can be adjusted and modified in accordance with the age and needs of the baby.

For example, the strollers for boys Geoby C705 from winter easily turn into walking, summer. You just need to remove the cover for the legs, raise the back, lower the lower part, fix the bumper protection. For convenience, this stroller has a ventilation window in the visor and a mosquito net hidden in the hood. With a traditional raincoat you can walk in the rain.

The walking block will allow you to take the child with you to visit or to the clinic.

baby strollers for boys

Folding stroller-transformer like a "book". A child’s car seat can be fixed to the chassis of the stroller, turning it into a marching one. The wheels of reinforced cushioning on metal springs will evenly distribute the load.

Of course, a transformer stroller will cost more. For example, the popular brand Zippy released a Tutis brand stroller (three in one), the cost of which is about 30 thousand rubles. Silver-ionized fabric and low weight are not all the benefits of transport for the baby.


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