What can not be done in space? About unusual life outside of terrestrial conditions

The usual life of astronauts hides a lot of surprising things. Distant outer space is completely different from the life to which people are accustomed. What differences exist between life in the comfortable conditions of the Earth and the surrounding space?

what cannot be done in space

First thing is to put on a spacesuit

The first thing that cannot be done in space is to be there without a special spacesuit. A man will not survive even a couple of minutes in an open airless space. Since there is no external pressure, any living organism expects an unenviable fate: the bubbles of gas inside it will evenly disperse, while the lungs burst, and then the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth boil.

What can not be done in space? Exact time and its slowdown

Even in space, it is completely impossible to find out the exact time. All this happens according to the principles of Einstein's theory of relativity. But do not be scared - not everything is so complicated. It's just that on Earth, time flows a few seconds faster than on the ISS. This is due to the fact that in low Earth orbit the force of gravity is very small (its complete absence is possible only in distant outer spaces, where there are no celestial bodies nearby). The speed of the ISS reaches incredible values ​​- about 7.9 km / s. And according to the theory of relativity, the absence of gravity and high speed change the course of time. But all this goes relatively without consequences - if, for example, the astronaut spent several months on the ISS. If a long interstellar journey is ahead, then, having returned home, he is unlikely to find even his great-grandchildren.

can't make an answer in space

What do stars look like if you look at them without atmosphere?

What cannot be done in space from what seems to be familiar and mundane on Earth? In open space, such pleasure as looking at the stars becomes inaccessible. Indeed, from the surface of the globe, a person sees their flickering through a dense veil of atmosphere. People look at stars in the same way as through the thickness of water. Therefore, in space, stars shine with all their might.

Simple things: boil a kettle, write with a pen

Writing with a ballpoint pen is another activity that cannot be done in space. The answer to this problem used to interest many students, especially in Soviet times. Why is this happening, and what then have to write to the astronauts? The fact is that in outer space there is no gravity. It is necessary for a regular pen so that the ink gradually approaches its base, and writing becomes possible. In Soviet times, astronauts wrote with pencils made of wax. After all, graphite rods could break off, and their particles could become a threat to the breath of astronauts. Cosmonauts from the USA used felt-tip pens.

what cannot be done in space a matryoshka game

And also in space it is impossible to make another simple action - to boil a kettle. This is due to the physics of open space. From the school course, everyone remembers that the higher you go, the lower the boiling point of water will be. For example, at the top of the mountain the kettle will boil faster than below, at the foot. And in space, in the complete absence of pressure, water will boil almost instantly.

True, the vapor particles will immediately turn into ice crystals, because in space it is very cold. On interplanetary space stations, water is still boiled. Indeed, inside them, albeit artificially, pressure and temperature are created. On the ISS, something that cannot be done in space is being done - water is boiling in a teapot. But this happens at a temperature of 85 Β° C.

can't make nesting dolls in space

Is it possible to use perfume in space?

This is another thing from the list, which is impossible in the near-planet space. Of course, you can choke, but the smell will be too harsh. In general, everything related to smells and tastes in space has its own characteristics. For example, food always seems unsalted. Therefore, astronauts are supplied with many seasonings. The astronauts themselves say that space has the smell of fried beefsteak. And the smell of the moon is like the smell of pea burning.

Thinking game

In many logical games and quizzes, the question is asked about what cannot be done in space. The game "Matryoshka" in Odnoklassniki is one of the examples of such games. On the Internet, of course, there are a large number of such games. However, this game is characterized by a variety of tasks and topics. Every day new participants join it. One of the most entertaining questions in this game is β€œWhat cannot be done in space?”. "Matryoshka" is gaining its popularity due to the fact that with them you can significantly broaden your horizons.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22828/

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