How many legs do insects have? We answer such an interesting question.

For example, how many legs do insects have? When it comes to other types of animals, the answer can be monosyllabic by naming one number. Insects are another matter . This issue will have to be disassembled for a long time and in detail.


Most insects, with all the variety of habits and sizes, have the same characteristics. So, in this case, to the question of how many legs the insects have, the answer is considered correct: "Six." Three pairs of limbs are observed in ants and fleas, mantis and weevil, and even more than a billion species. True, the legs differ in structure, and in this regard, oddly enough, and purpose. โ€œHow so,โ€ you will be surprised, โ€œare the legs really designed not only to move the body over the surface?โ€ It turns out that it is. Habitual concepts are undergoing significant changes, you only need to pay attention to the small (in size) inhabitants of the planet. They, scientists say, have mastered the land long before mammals, have a serious organization that allows them to exist excellently and not pay attention to the "king of nature."

how many legs do insects have

What are the legs of insects

The purpose of the limbs determines their name. Therefore, when they ask you: โ€œHow many legs do insects have?โ€, Boldly answer the question: โ€œWhich ones?โ€ And they are adjectives, running, digging and others. Usually only one pair of limbs is a special one. This is due to the lifestyle of a particular creature. For example, in a mantis, the front pair is grasping. Locusts or grasshoppers stand out among their relatives by a pair of jumping limbs. They immediately catch the eye in length and thickness. Cockroaches have running legs, which are distinguished by elongation. Digging limbs are observed in the bear. They are short and plump, strong. Usually dig with the front paws. Divers are owners of swimming limbs. They are comfortable to row, due to the hairs and flattened legs. And how many walking legs do insects have in this case? The answer depends on the species. Non-specialized limbs are used for movement. They can be recognized as walking.

the number of legs in insects

Limb structure

Despite the variety of species, all the legs are created almost the same. They consist of five departments. A basin is attached to the chest. Then comes the vetula, thigh, drumstick. Leg ends with a foot. Such a complex structure ensures the speed and maneuverability of the insect. Any limb ends with a claw. Specialized legs can be underdeveloped - then some elements are absent in them. Regardless of the degree of development, the number of legs in insects includes all limbs. The structure of the legs is not limited to the described elements. Each of them is divided into subsections, has options. So, for example, a foot can consist of several (up to five) segments. Such difficulties lead to the fact that sometimes only scientists can reliably tell how many legs an insect has. Below is an interesting example.


Everyone knows this hard work. Flies, pollinates flowers, collects honey ... And how many pairs of legs are there for an insect, and are all limbs such? It turns out that the bee on the forelimbs has special baskets in which it puts pollen. On the very last segment, the foot, there are dies called brushes. The bee collects a valuable product from them. If you look closely, it turns out that the front pair is almost hands with a complex structure. But scientists do not recognize this fact. These limbs belong to the legs and are called collective. Let's count the number of walking legs of insect bees. If two paws are devoted to collective operations, then the rest of the insect moves. So, her walking legs are two pairs. Basically, this is the calculation, but not at all.

number of walking legs in insects

Why gears?

Studying the number of legs of insects of different classes, their structure and functions, scientists came across an unexpected fact. Some of them have in their structure an interesting mechanism - gear. Schematically, it can be represented in the form of two serrated wheels that are interlocked. Through protrusions, they interact and synchronize movement. Why is this? It turns out that such a mechanism allows insects to jump at great speed. This miracle lives in America, called Jesus. It is not capable of flying, but it makes amazing jumps. Even a racing car will not be able to overtake him during takeoff. It is interesting that these legs are located not on the sides, but at the bottom of the insect. This makes his life problematic. If you do not push off simultaneously, then the jump fails. The insect simply circles on one foot. Evolution has eliminated this effect by a mechanical device, the purpose of which is to make shocks synchronous. The surprise of scientists knew no bounds. This is the first recorded fact of using engineering in the structure of living beings.

how many pairs of legs do insects have

Many are confused about invertebrate species, answering the question of how many pairs of legs have insects. They include erroneously spiders and millipedes of all kinds, which is fundamentally wrong. Later we will say a few words about them too, but for now let us turn our attention to representatives of the class Insects.


The world of insects has its own record holders. So, the structure of the limbs of the penicidal cicada allows her to bounce to an incredible height, given its small size. If you draw an analogy with a person, you get two hundred and ten meters. It is clear that this insect has a pair of jumping limbs, very strong and fast. They act like a catapult, powerfully sending the body up. In this case, the acceleration reaches a mark of four thousand meters per second. And so as not to slide off the plants that feed on the insect, its front legs are equipped with sharp spikes.

Water bugs

Interest in terms of the structure of the limbs is caused by all aquatic insects. They demonstrate a completely different, but also unique device. Science has wondered how they can be on the surface of the water and not sink. It turned out that the water bug has some kind of oars on its hind legs. Special hairs have grown on them, with which the insect makes rowing movements. So it floats on water. Some species are equipped with thickened and dilated segments (this is the last part of the leg). Thanks to this structure, they can perfectly stay on the water. Although these insects prefer to live in calm waters. It is difficult for them to deal with a strong current. The little creature does not have enough strength for this.

Dragonfly and others

Another amazing representative of the insect world. This flyer uses her limbs in a special way. Her legs are equipped with stiff bristles. When the dragonfly flies, it positions the limbs in such a way that a peculiar butterfly net is obtained. With this device she gets herself food!

how many walking legs do insects have
Small insects, caught in the interweaving of bristles, immediately become prey and are eaten by a dragonfly. The variety of ways and methods of using insect legs is truly enormous. They are not just for walking, like mammals. They row and cut and grab. Even insects use their feet to clean their antennas. For this, the limbs are equipped with special grooves. But some types of butterflies use their front legs solely for rubbing their eyes. These limbs are atrophied and equipped with special hairs.

But what about centipedes and spiders?

Contrary to popular belief, and the name, the legs of a centipede are not forty, but only thirty. By the way, they appear extremely interesting in invertebrates. At the beginning of his existence, he has only eight legs (almost a spider). Then the centipede begins to grow, the body lengthens, and additional limbs gradually grow. It turns out that the question of the number of centipede legs is closely related to its lifespan.

the number of legs in insects
Yes, and this creature relates to its limbs very carelessly. It only sensed a threat, for example, a paw stuck to the web, without thinking twice, they simply get rid of it. We can say that this is a kind of protective mechanism. Very convenient, isn't it? Especially when you consider that a centipede is able to regenerate limbs.

Spider ... Oddly enough this may sound, but this representative of the animal world is not an insect. He has eight legs, not six, like insects, and the body consists of only two parts (cephalothorax and abdomen). In most cases, all spiders are predators, while insects mostly feed on vegetation.


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