DIY baths from SIP panels

Today, more and more often in our country you can find residential buildings and baths from SIP panels. The material used in their construction consists of three structurally-insulated layers: the inner one is a special insulation, for example, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or mineral wool, and the two outer ones are particle boards. The connection of the layers is carried out using an adhesive composition under high pressure, so the products acquire the necessary strength characteristics.

baths from vulture panels


The turnkey bathhouse from SIP panels has gained distribution among customers due to the presence of many positive aspects, among which it is worth noting the following:

  • No temperature restrictions during construction - the building can be built at any convenient time of the year, including in winter.
  • Excellent sound insulation. The material has a small thickness, but, despite this, does not let in extraneous sounds.
  • Light weight allows for easy transport and handling of sheets at the construction site.
  • High level of thermal insulation. This characteristic is achieved by the presence of a large amount of insulation in the composition of the panels.
  • Fast pace of construction. In order to assemble the box, it will take about a week, and this taking into account sufficient interruptions in the construction process.


Despite the many advantages, baths from SIP panels are not without drawbacks:

  • The material used is subject to fire when exposed to high temperatures.
  • Low environmental friendliness. Sheets are made from artificial synthetic products.
  • Relatively short life. According to the assurance of many manufacturers, the period of operation of the panels does not exceed 50 years, while all the necessary conditions for the construction of the facility must be observed.

turnkey bath of vulture panels


As in any other construction, the first step is to draft. There are two options: you can immediately draw up a drawing in accordance with standard sheet sizes or order materials for a suitable type of design. The first option is more acceptable due to its simplicity and economy.

First of all, you need to determine the area of ​​the premises, the location and type of engineering systems, these include heating, water supply, sewage and ventilation. Projects of baths from SIP panels can be very diverse, for example, a large building with a steam room on the first floor and a relaxation area on the second or a modest room.


The purchase of building materials requires special attention. The inner walls are made of sheets with a thickness of about 15 cm, thicker products are needed for external structures, their thickness should be at least 20 cm. Use of products for building a bath from SIP panels requires a mark indicating the possibility of operation in high humidity. E0 and E1 class panels are best suited; they contain less formaldehyde compared to other options and are safer for health.

sip panel bath reviews


The bathhouse from SIP panels, the photo of which is presented in the article, is distinguished by its light construction, which does not require the creation of a buried heavy base. In this case, a shallow foundation of the strip type will be sufficient. For its formation, it is necessary to mark the site used for construction and dig a trench. Its depth should be about half a meter.

Layers of sand and gravel are poured onto the bottom of the recess; they must be carefully packed. Next, a wooden formwork is installed and a frame of reinforcement is formed, which must be lowered into the pit.

The trench is poured with cement-sand mortar, after drying of which the formwork is removed. Of particular importance is the waterproofing of the base: for this, roofing material and bituminous mastic coating are used.

Arrangement of the strapping is carried out by laying bars of 15x25 cm in size over the entire area of ​​the foundation, and the step should be at least 50 cm. The elements are connected in the corners with fixing with a nagel. For fixing to the base, standard self-tapping screws are used.

sip panel bath projects

Floor creation

For greater reliability, it is desirable to equip the floor on the lags. For this, the necessary materials are prepared - beam spikes, which will be placed between the panels, and the bars.

Stacked logs are attached to the harness using self-tapping screws, while their step should be about half a meter. Fixation of the panels starts from the corner of the structure. To begin with, the first part is laid, the grooves are covered with mounting foam, after which the beam is placed and attached with galvanized screws.

The second panel is mounted on the side of the beam, its grooves are also carefully foamed. Using self-tapping screws, the beam and both panels are fixed to the base. All remaining items are collected in the same way.

Free grooves are closed by bars, the thickness of which should be about 2 cm, while self-tapping screws and foam are also used.

The protruding sides of the beams and logs are fixed on the base with steel corners and anchors. It should be noted that there should be a gap around the perimeter of the foundation for the subsequent formation of walls.

do-it-yourself bathhouse

Wall structures

Do-it-yourself sauna bath is built quickly enough, the first step in the arrangement of the walls is the installation of the guide board. It is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the material. For example, in the presence of sheets with a thickness of about 20 cm, the board should have dimensions within 20x5 cm. It is attached along the outer edge with a shift of 1 cm.

First, the panels are installed from the corner: two sheets are mounted in a vertical position and are joined on the guide part. In this case, the formed lateral and lower grooves are foamed. The horizontal and vertical level of the material is checked, after which it is attached to the bed using self-tapping screws. Then, between the products, the prepared board is mounted, and all the details are fixed with self-tapping screws. Similarly, walls are formed from the remaining panels.

After the completion of the arrangement of wall structures, the upper grooves of the sheets are covered with foam, then a strapping is attached to them, on which the floor beams are fixed using brackets or corners. The method of creating floors is similar to installing the floor.

The doors and windows of the bathhouse from SIP panels can be cut out both in the process of planning their location and after installing the panels.

bath from vulture panels photo


There are two options for creating a roof: using one panel or with an addition in the form of roofing material. The first has gained the greatest distribution and is made as follows:

  • The basis of the attic floor, on which the rafter system will subsequently be fixed, is constituted by spike beams, they are mounted on the ceiling panels.
  • A layer of insulation is placed between the elements of the system and covered with vapor barrier material.
  • On the rafters, a wooden crate is packed and a roofing material is mounted, which can be slate, decking or tile.

As it becomes clear, in a short time a real bathhouse of SIP panels can be built. Responses to objects from similar material are various. Most owners note the small amount of time required to kindle a bath, and excellent heat retention indoors.


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