Fireplace with a water circuit: overview, rating

To fully warm the house, the classic fireplace will be missed. Due to its low heat capacity, it is able to heat only the room where it is installed, therefore it is mainly considered a simple element of decor, and not an effective device. But you can always use a fireplace with a water circuit - a modified version of the classic fireplace. It is an excellent source of heat for the entire home.

The water circuit from the fireplace is connected to radiators for heating, which are placed along the entire house. Depending on the level of thermal power of the device, as well as the number of available batteries, you can determine the area for heating. But before buying, you need to find out all the intricacies of this fireplace, especially its use and operation.

What is worth knowing about this device?

white fireplace

The fireplace with a water heating circuit is made of boiler steel, the thickness of which is 4-5 millimeters, or of cast iron, with a thickness of 8 millimeters. Outside, the product is treated with a special paint that is resistant to fire and high temperatures. The material for facing the internal walls of the fireplace is a reliable heat-resistant tile.

Between the walls in the fireplace with a water circuit for heating the house is a cavity. This is a water jacket with a volume of 40 liters, air channels are held there, which help to maintain the combustion process due to the constant access of oxygen. Air passes through special openings in the fireplace, heats up from this and helps to heat the room in which the device is installed.

The water that is heated in the heat exchanger moves through pipes to the radiators, transferring heat along the entire room. Part of the resources of such an aqua fireplace stove with a water circuit can be used to operate hot water supply systems.

How to install the product?

simple fireplace

In order for your fireplace with a water circuit to effectively supply the whole house with heat, you will need to have the following devices:

  1. Directly the fireplace itself, which can be installed either in a specially allocated room, or on the territory of one of the living rooms.
  2. Capacity for the coolant (in the case presented is water) and the coil should be transferred to the back room.
  3. Radiators, pipes and other elements for arranging a hot water supply system.

Each of these components is combined with others in a closed or open circuit. The difference between the types of installation is in the form of an expansion tank, as well as where it will be installed.

Open circuit

To equip a house with an open heating system, gravity is used. Thus, from the tank located in the attic, water begins to freely pass into the heat exchanger, and after the heated carrier begins to spread along the entire house. To minimize the occurrence of certain emergency situations, the scheme specifically provides that excess hot water is returned back into the tank. This is a very simple and convenient scheme.

If you use this method, you do not need to think about any auxiliary electrical devices that help the heating system work. But such an installation plan is not advised to choose for large buildings. This is justified by the fact that the specific gravity of heated water in the zones of the system is wasted due to the significant hydraulic resistance of the pipes.

Closed circuit

This option for installing a fireplace with a water circuit for the home is very popular. It uses an expansion membrane tank. From it, water passes to the heat exchanger, which is built into the fireplace, where it is heated to a mark of 80 Β° C. After that, thanks to the circulation pump, water flows throughout the heating system, passing through the boiler. There is a possibility that the heat transfer may stop due to the pump stopping if the electricity suddenly disappears. This will affect the fact that the water begins to boil.

But the system has an auxiliary coil located on the back of the firebox, which helps prevent the possibility of overheating. When needed, just fill it with cold water. Such actions can make the use of a fireplace with a long-burning water circuit safer and more reliable. In addition, the water jacket contains a special sensor for thermal protection, which is triggered then, the temperature goes over the permissible limits.

The advantages of this solution

black fireplace

The main advantages of a fireplace stove for a house with a water circuit include the following characteristics:

  1. Low cost when compared with similar devices on the market.
  2. Full autonomy.
  3. Excellent compatibility with other heating systems that could already be installed in the house.
  4. Convenient operation.
  5. Fuel is relatively inexpensive and always affordable.
  6. There is no need for significant energy costs.
  7. It is easy to heat even the largest area.
  8. Attractive appearance.
  9. You can install a fireplace with a water heating circuit in almost any room, which meets the basic fire safety standards.
  10. You can finish the device using a variety of materials, so that the fireplace will fit perfectly into the style of the interior.

Cons of such a decision

But the long-burning fireplace stove with a water circuit also has its drawbacks:

  1. The heating circuit has insufficient efficiency to withstand significant frosts. Thus, it is not recommended to install devices in climatic zones where winters are famous for their strength. If you choose such a fireplace for a summer residence with a water circuit as an auxiliary system, you can save up to 40% of fuel.
  2. It is not automated enough. In order for the whole system to begin to work fully, first you need to prepare the necessary raw materials and melt the furnace. However, not for everyone this moment is considered a disadvantage.

Supporting abilities

In addition to its immediate tasks for heating a house, a fireplace with a water circuit can perform additional tasks. Here is a small example of what else you can do with it:

  1. Make heat exchangers in the form of plates.
  2. Buy a small grill made from stainless steel.
  3. Install an outside air intake.
  4. Add flow sensors.
  5. Place a pump to circulate the heat carrier.
  6. Additional security settings.

How to choose a suitable model?

It is necessary to take a very responsible approach to choosing a fireplace with a water circuit. To make it easier for you to decide among many different options, you must first understand the characteristics and capabilities of the device.

Fireplace power

red fireplace

The presented parameter at the fireplace stove for giving with a water circuit has 2 definitions - the total and the capacity of the heat exchanger. During operation, the heat exchanger transfers part of the heat to heat the rooms using radiators. Such a return is an integral component of all thermal power, that is, the amount of heat that the furnace transfers convection directions from itself through the heating network.

For example, 1 kW of thermal power is enough for heating 10 m 2 . In the event that on the device the heat exchanger capacity is 4 kW and the full one is 10 kW, then such a device is able to heat a building with an area of ​​100 m 2 .

But it is worth considering that the power parameter also depends on the continuous operation of the device. This remark does not benefit the fireplace, which operates on the basis of solid fuels. To ensure the operation of the furnace without stopping, it is necessary to regularly add new volumes of coal or firewood. If you need to heat the room only during daylight hours, choose a model whose power is half that you need according to calculations.

Dimensions and Weight

A fireplace with a long-burning water circuit must be selected based on where it will be installed. If the house has little free space or you need to take into account the permissible load on the floor, you need to take these points into account when choosing a device.

It is also important to correlate the dimensions of the device with the fire requirements, which relate to the distance from the fireplace. Most often, instructions for using the device are included and all data is indicated there.

If in your house monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete slab was used to create the ceilings, you can not think about the parameters of the permissible load. Such floors can withstand the severity of almost any metal installation. If you have wooden floors, then the temporary load should be a maximum of 150 kilograms. If you are considering choosing a fireplace, the weight of which is 100 kg, and the base has an area of ​​0.6 m 2 , then the allowable load parameter will be exceeded.

It is best to choose a "Angara" fireplace with a water circuit that weighs slightly less. You can also redistribute the load by building a small platform for its installation. To do this, you can choose a refractory drywall, the thickness of which is 12.5 millimeters.

Other parameters

beautiful fireplace

The throughput is also influencing the rating of a fireplace stove with a water circuit: how much water is needed to fill the entire heating network in the house. This parameter is calculated if you know the number of sections for radiators, as well as the duration of the entire heating system. The resulting number will be equal to the sum of the volume of the battery and heating pipes. The first value can be taken in the documentation that comes with radiators. To get the volume of the pipeline, you need to know the entire length of the pipes and their diameters. After some calculations, we get the approximate number that you need to count on when choosing the tank volume.

The purchase of the necessary components for the construction of the chimney depends on the size of the chimney duct. In this case, you need to go to the construction hypermarket, whose employees can help make a decision. Not every person can easily make a choice regarding the required materials and tools.

The oven also provides the opportunity to heat and even cook dishes, so you can do without a stove in the house. The fireplace also has some convenient functions, which makes its operation simple and convenient: cold handles, easy cleaning of heat-resistant glasses and much more. Each such detail substantially pleases any fireplace owner. But thanks to these advantages, the model will cost more, so you decide what you want to get from the device.

Installation and setup

long burning fireplace

Once you have received everything you need for your fireplace, you can proceed to the installation process. This will require:

  1. At the place where the heating system will be installed, the floor must be leveled and treated with fire-resistant materials so that a fire accident does not occur.
  2. The device must be installed smoothly, this is important. If necessary, you can use special adjustable legs for this.
  3. Depending on the connection scheme of the fireplace, closed or open, the collection of the heating system begins. A circulation pump can be installed if necessary. If you still need it, you need to place it where the cold return enters the heat exchanger. The expansion tank must be placed in the highest place in the house, in the attic, for example. It is best to use a membrane closed tank. The advantage of this solution is that the contact of air with the heat carrier is completely eliminated, so that the whole system will work much longer.
  4. When choosing a connection system, it is necessary to combine the installed heating system with a heat exchanger. The device can both work independently, and join the system from the boiler.
  5. As soon as water enters the tank, it is necessary to carefully check the entire plane of the water circuit so that there are no leaks in the places where the radiator is connected to the pipes. It is also necessary to test the system and check all pump capabilities.
  6. When installing a chimney, each joint of the connection to the chimney must be additionally treated with heat-resistant sealant. In places where the chimney will pass through the ceiling, it is necessary to place insulation using non-combustible substances.
  7. Now you need to melt the fireplace to check its performance. Do not worry about the unpleasant odor that will be felt at first. It appears due to the fumes that stand out from the heat-resistant paint, which is processed body of the product. Gradually, the material adapts and the smell disappears.
  8. The final stage of the installation is to check the quality of water heating inside the radiators and in the pipes, adjust the circulation speed, adjust the entire system using valves located on the battery.

A very thorough implementation of the presented actions allows you to ensure the high-quality functioning of the furnace, which for a long time will delight you with warmth and comfort. Periodically, do not forget to check the level of the tank. If you will not be at home for a long time, then drain all the water from the heating system, so that in severe frosts there will be no pipe rupture and distortion of the radiator.

Manufacturers rating

Quality fireplaces can be purchased from such manufacturers:

  1. Jotul. Large assortment and compliance with international quality standards.
  2. Delonghi. Budget and multifunctional appliances for homes.
  3. Escea. Fireplaces that are designed with modern technology.
  4. Blaze Some of the most affordable and functional.
  5. Breneran. Affordable cost with high performance.

Device cost


In our time on the market you can find a large number of different offers and options. You can order goods either by visiting a construction hypermarket or picking up in an online store. The most important thing that you need is to clearly understand what characteristics of the goods are most important to you. Based on the knowledge gained during reading this article, you should not have difficulties.

Further it is already possible to focus on your requirements, as well as an acceptable budget and select the necessary model. The advantage of online stores is that for each model you can read customer reviews to find out their opinions and the problems they might encounter.

The cost of goods may be different. As already described, the price of the goods is affected by the material from which it was made, its power, dimensions, appearance, as well as additional elements, which makes it possible to use the device with great convenience. You can find a fireplace model for both 3,000 rubles and 30,000 rubles.


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