Sinking for beginners: technique and schemes. Workshop for beginners on isonity

If you like art paintings, but can’t draw, or love embroidered masterpieces, but can’t master a long-term project, then pay attention to isonia. For beginners, this is quite simple, but no less beautiful needlework - embroidery on cardboard in a certain sequence.

What is sinking?

In another way, this type of needlework is called thread graphics, embroidery on cardboard, isography, thread design and image thread. For this hobby, any thread is suitable, starting from wool, cotton and ending with silk. Cardboard, plastic, dense material and even iron are embroidered at specific points. The pattern is selected either monophonic or complex of different colors.

Appeared to sink in the 17th century in England. Only thread graphics were not embroidered, but intertwined. Nails were driven in on a board in a certain sequence and laces were woven on them. Currently, instead of nails, holes are made using an awl and a pattern is embroidered with a needle.

In Russia, this needlework has become popular in educational institutions. Firstly, for crafts requires cardboard, thread, awl. And secondly, all children understand the isonity technique. For beginners, diagrams of figures are taken, and only then master the plots.

What is the use of isonity for children?

This needlework is especially useful for older preschoolers and schoolchildren.

stink for beginners

  • Isography can be used in labor lessons. The younger classes can create Christmas toys, pendants, bracelets, paintings, and the upper classes can be used as a cheat sheet for color transition in sewing. Since it is important to combine cold and warm colors in a thread design , you need to create harmonious stories and choose the thickness of the threads with the base (cardboard, velvet paper, plastic).
  • In mathematics lessons, you can also use isony. When embroidering figures, for beginners, concepts such as circle, triangle, circle, radius, diameter, angle, chord, center, middle, vertex, edge, directions of the sides, ordinal and quantitative counts, etc. can be fixed.
  • Children develop abstract and creative thinking, fantasy, imagination. At first, schoolchildren perform simple crafts of the same type or postcards, and subsequently they can create whole stories.
  • In the process, the eye and hand coordination develop, and qualities such as perseverance, patience, accuracy, and attentiveness are also instilled.

The main essence of isography

Dots are applied to the base in a specific order and then threads of different colors are applied in a specific sequence. As a basis, you can take velvet paper, cardboard, plywood, music disks, fabric stretched on a frame. An awl, a thick needle or a drill with a thin drill are used as a tool. A pencil and a compass are also needed in the work.

isonity technique for beginners

All plots from geometric shapes (circle, triangle, angle, arcs) are created, which are embroidered using special technology. Beginners need to learn to start embroidering a corner and a circle.

Sinking: A Beginner's Embroidery Workshop

  • Based on, draw an angle whose sides are divided into equal 6 parts, excluding the vertex. Each side must be numbered in mirror order. That is, from the top (let's call it point A), we divide the left side by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and we number the second half of the corner from point A in the reverse order: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
  • Pierce all points gently with an awl, except for point A.
  • Next, embroider the corner at the points from left to right and from right to left: 6-6, 5-5, 4-4, 3-3, 2-2, 1-1.

Since the direction of embroidery changes, an interesting pattern is obtained.

Embroider circle

  • Draw a circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters.
  • Divide it into 12 parts.
  • Make punctures at all points around the circumference.
  • Number them as a clock from 1 to 12.
  • Embroider the circle on the points: 1-4, 5-2, 3-6, 7-4 and so on. That is, embroider clockwise. As soon as you get to the embroidered fragment, you continue to fill the whole circle, getting triangles (1-5-9, 2-6-10, etc.).
    sifting schemes for beginners

You will get a circle with intersecting triangles. If you take short or long chords (the distance between the points), then the patterns will turn out different. You can fill the circle in diameter. And if the circle is divided into 8 parts, then you can embroider the corners separately and get a star or a cobweb. So from the figures it turns out to be difficult to sap.

Schemes for beginners: spider web

  • Divide the circle into 8 sectors.
  • Measure the same number of points on each radius.
  • Embroider a corner through one sector: a radius with a pattern, an empty corner, a drawing, etc. You will get 4 filled corners.
  • Next, fill the empty corners according to the figure, connecting the segments of neighboring sectors at the upper and lower points.

Curly drown for beginners

Children can be accustomed to this work from the age of five, but in this case, preparations must be done in advance by adults. Consider how to make a cockerel. To do this, make the templates:

to master master class for beginners

  • isosceles triangle with 4 points for the beak;
  • three versatile triangles with 7, 9, 10 points for the tail;
  • one right triangle for the body with 11 points, the distance between which is different;
  • a large circle with 24 points for the head;
  • make a scallop from 4 circles, different in size, with 14 and 16 points;
  • the beard is an oval with 14 points;
  • For paws, draw an isosceles triangle with 5 points.

Now draw a rooster from these figures on the wrong side of the cardboard. Beak, tail, legs circle on both sides of the triangle to form an angle. From the trunk to the paws, draw lines with 3 and 4 points, and divide the angle into two parts to get three “fingers”.

Then pierce the holes and embroider the figures separately: first the corners, then the circle according to the above patterns. In this case, the body is embroidered as two angles: the base and the right side, the base and the left side. Paws also embroider from two angles. Embroider an oval as a circle.

Sinking for Beginners: Tips

If you are just starting to master this needlework, then fix the embroidery of corners and circles with a different number of points. Next, embroider the pieces in different directions. For example, embroider a large circle in one direction, and fill the small circle in it in the opposite direction.

sinking for beginner children

Then create simple postcards from shapes. It can be animals, and birds, and flowers, and butterflies, and fireworks, and abstract plots. You can combine shapes with regular stitches, creating complex patterns. Then you can experiment with multi-colored threads and then proceed to create complex patterns.

Thus, among needlewomen it becomes popular to sink. For beginners, there are a number of rules:

  • do not do knots, but fasten the ends of the threads with glue or tape on the inside;
  • do the marking on the wrong side of the cardboard;
  • make holes with a thin needle from the inside or a thick needle from the front;
  • the finer the markup, the finer the pattern;
  • the finer the pattern, the sharper the needle should be and the finer the thread;
  • mark out the same segments;
  • make your cheat sheets with shapes to see the finished pattern.

Once you understand the isonity technique, it will become easier for you to create your own patterns and see the necessary shapes and lines in ordinary plots!


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