Mastering 3D Origami Technique: Swan from Modules

Origami - creating various shapes from triangular modules. This technique was invented in China. The figure is assembled from the same elements - modules, which, as it were, are nested in each other. In this article we will tell you how to assemble an origami swan from modules. The main thing is be patient. Good luck

origami swan made of triangular modules

How to make a triangular module

For the manufacture of modules, office paper and magazine clippings are best suited. But do not use colored school paper - it is too loose, thin and breaks at the folds. Take A4 sheet, divide it into 8 equal parts and add the module. So, before us is a rectangle, we bend it in half, so we outlined the center. Extend back. The edges on both sides are folded in the middle. Turn over the workpiece. Now bend the lower corners. Wrap the bottom half up. Fold the resulting triangle in half.

We will create a colorful figure. We will need the following number of modules: 60 yellow, one red, 36 blue, 39 blue, 136 pink, 90 orange, 19 purple and 78 green.

Scheme of origami "Swan" of triangular modules

We take three pink modules. We connect them: we insert the corners of two modules into two pockets of the third. Attach two more triangles in the same way to the first group. The result is a ring that consists of an inner one (modules stand on the short side) and an outer row (on the long side). Next, each row should be assembled from 30 elements. The third row is made up of orange modules, put them on in a checkerboard pattern. Similarly, we collect the fourth and fifth rows. Grasp the edges of the workpiece with your fingers, perform the following step - carefully turn the ring inside out. The sixth row consists of yellow modules, we put them on top.

triangular swan

Wing assembly

From the seventh row, we begin to craft wings. First choose where the swan’s head will be. So, the seventh row should have two spaces and consist of 24 yellow modules. We assemble the figure according to the following scheme:

- In the 8th row, 22 green modules.

- From 9 to 10 rows, the number of modules is reduced by two elements.

- In the 11th row of 16 blue triangles.

- In row 12 we reduce by two modules.

- In the 13th row of 12 blue elements.

- From row 14 to row 15 there are two less modules.

- In the 16th row of 6 purple triangles.

- From 17 to 18, we reduce the number of elements by two modules.

Origami Swan wings from modules are ready. Give them a shape so that they bend slightly above and slightly convex below.

Assembly of the tail, neck and stand

Proceed to create the tail. We make it out of five rows using 12 green modules and 3 blue modules. To collect the neck, you need to attach seven violet to the red module. Try to immediately give the neck a graceful bend. Next, you need to insert six pieces of modules - blue, cyan, green and yellow. Strengthen the neck between the wings. You can decorate the craft with a bow and eyes. We make a stand for a swan in the form of two rings. The first consists of 40 orange, and the second of 36 modules of the same color. Rings can be glued together. The multi-colored swan from the modules is ready! It will delight the eye for a long time and will delight your guests.

module swan

The creation of this craft is completely manual work. It takes a lot of time, because the figure consists of a huge number of elements. But the result is worth it. You can tell your child how to make a wonderful origami “Swan” from modules, and together (or three) make a couple of beautiful crafts ... Such an activity will surely delight the children, and besides, it will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.


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