T-54 lite. Light tank T-54 - light (medium) tank in World of Tanks

The development of the T-54 light version began in the spring of 1949. Unlike its serial predecessor, it had better performance and maneuverability. And the creation of this model was planned precisely to perform more complex tasks. The T-54, whose photo can be seen below, was improved for mass production, but its lightweight version was canceled at the design stage.

t 54 lite

Strange tank. They waited ...

Update 0.9.3 pleased the users of the most popular game project World of Tanks with the release of a series of new development branches, the main “trick” of which was the introduction of light tank lines (up to level 8 inclusive) of several nations at once. The culmination of the creators of the developers in the Soviet branch of the development of LT was the device, called the "T-54 lite."

We pump the tank

Moving towards the goal in the development line, the player does not pass the legendary tank T-34. Previous devices can not be taken into account, as they pass very quickly and quietly. In the future, to get the coveted T-54 lightweight tank, the player will have to spend a fair amount of battles on the nondescript MT-25. However, the penultimate step before the prize (LTTB) will unexpectedly please. An undoubted advantage is the complete coincidence of the crew in the specialties. A full development branch will cost the user a minimum set of 217,715 experience, bringing the monster to the "top" state - another 84,400 units.

TTX (performance characteristics) of the tank

When compiling a review of the T-54 (lightweight version of the tank), it is necessary to affect the final characteristics of the product. Consider them in comparison with other LT-8.

Considering that the tank is very similar in size to its “elder brother” T-54, then in comparison with direct competitors (light tanks of the 8th level) in this parameter it is much inferior to them.

t 54 photo

At the same time, booking a tank compared to other light types of combat vehicles in all projections is much better (both the hull and the tower). The tank also has the highest figures in terms of engine power, but its large mass significantly affects such indicators as maximum speed and dynamics. In this parameter, he is a strong "middle peasant" launched by World of Tank specialists.

The tank is significantly inferior to the "German" RU 251 in armor penetration, and only the American T-49 in damage. Given the high speed of rotation of the tower, the fastest speed of reduction and the presence of a good gun, it becomes a serious enough irritant for the opponent. Although its rate of fire leaves much to be desired.

We pump the crew

world of tank

For a comfortable game on a tank such as the T-54 lightweight, and to achieve maximum efficiency, we need a good crew, preferably with 3 to 4 perks. If such officers have sat in your barracks, then we place additional skills in the following set:

  • Commander - battle brotherhood; "Light bulb"; disguise; "Eagle Eye".
  • The gunner is a military fraternity; smooth rotation of the tower; disguise; repairs.
  • The driver is a military fraternity; smooth running; king of impassability; virtuoso.
  • Charger - a military fraternity; contactless ammunition; disguise; radio interception.

It is in this order that we arrange the necessary skills. A similar set of skills for the crew of the T-54 tank (photo from the side) will allow you to significantly increase the basic indicators of dynamics, accuracy and speed of fire, as well as stealth and viewing range.

Using a tank in battle

The developers of World of Tank approach the issues of planning the development branches of machines in a very peculiar way. Fluctuations in the "party line" lead to the fact that either one or another class of technology becomes unplayable and practically disappears from the topic. Having realized it, Wargaming programmers improve the characteristics of the “failed” class, which leads to a surge in the interest of the gaming community.

It should be noted that at the time of writing, the developers have the task of returning light tanks to the random as a class. One of the steps in this direction was the introduction of new LT links, including the lightweight T-54 we are considering.

This tank has two main tasks: reconnaissance of enemy positions (“light”) and struggle with scouts of the opposing team (“anti-light”). However, in every battle we are able to complete both.

tank t 54 light

The optimal behavior from the point of view of the result is as follows:

  1. At the very beginning, using good dynamics and visibility, we fly to “shine” the enemy’s detour. Depending on the map, this can be either the enemy’s base or one of the possible directions of movement (tank hazardous direction). Be sure to survive after receiving the first intelligence, we return closer to our own.
  2. At this stage of the battle, we turn back a little away from the place of the main battle, “highlighting” the flanks of our battle group. At the same time, we control the direction where a breakthrough of our colleague from the opposite team is expected. If we see that a comrade went to our artillery, we exit to intercept the target. Here it must be remembered that our mass allows quite successfully ramming enemy’s LT, which can be used with success. The main thing is not to get involved.
  3. At the third stage of the battle, when single tanks crawl on the map, our task is to actively search for them and highlight their allies. If the enemy has a critical level of health or he is at a distance from which he will not see you, kill him. With a free flank - we break through to the rear, find artillery or tank destroyers, destroy.

Tank t-54

review t 54 lite

In general, it must be said that the Wargaming product called “T-54 lite” turned out to be very ambiguous, and in terms of the sum of its characteristics it does not fit the role of “imba”. At the same time, in capable hands, he is quite capable of “bending,” which some players demonstrate. A special approach is needed to the tank, you need to play it thoughtfully, controlling the mini-map every second. Critical is the need for a thorough knowledge of the area. For in duels against classmates, in attempts to escape from heavily armored targets, or when secretly seeping behind enemy lines, your awareness of all the bumps, bushes and pebbles scattered by developers in abundance will save you many times.

In short, the T-54 is lightweight - the tank is not for everyone, but, of course, it will find its loyal fans.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22864/

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