Universal foundation of TISE: description of technology, features, reviews of specialists

The TISE foundation is a new and well-forgotten old foundation, which is distinguished by the fact that piles are not screwed into it, but grow out of the ground. Many people compare this technology with clogged nails with their heads turned down. Bottom supports have extensions, so the heaving forces are not able to push the building out of the ground. This option is ideal for problematic soils with tangible seasonal deformations and quicksand. Such soils are much more common than it seems.

Key Features

bur tise foundation

The described type of foundation is not just called universal, because the technology has a feature that is expressed in the fact that construction can be carried out on the basis of any complexity, except for rocks. For example, a bathhouse, maybe even a two-story one and have reinforced concrete floors.

The zero level on highly-soiled soils showed itself especially well, where the rest of the foundations crack after a second ten years. The TISE foundation is indispensable in those areas where a railway or highway for heavy vehicles is located nearby. This is due to the fact that it is under such conditions that vibration creates a danger to conventional foundations, but is invisible to TISE. As practice shows, such a foundation is 2 times cheaper than a classic strip foundation, because the construction reduces the amount of earthwork, as well as the amount of concrete consumed.

Positive feedback from experts

The universal foundation for TISE technology, according to professionals, has many advantages. Firstly, this design has a low cost. Secondly, it can be built under any conditions. Thirdly, the time of work is minimal.

The low cost of construction is due to the fact that there is no need to use equipment and expensive equipment. Work can be carried out autonomously, because the connection to electricity is not required.

foundation tise construction

As for the time of the construction of the object, this plus is favorably complemented by minimal labor costs. Experts emphasize that the main feature of the described foundation is the ability to use the structure in individual construction. This suggests that any home craftsman can build a house on such a foundation, without even the most minimal skills in construction. It is convenient to conduct communications even at the constructed facility. Experts also consider this feature an important plus.

Reviews of the main disadvantages

Like every other building structure, the foundation of TISE also has drawbacks. Professionals emphasize that this technology does not allow the building to be erected on a flooded or muddy surface. Piles under heavy loads break or bend - it all depends on the conditions in which they were used.

Experts also emphasize the fact that in the process of work a huge amount of manual labor should be used, which can complicate the drilling process in rocky soils. This entails problems with the wells. However, today drills are produced that have an engine and a mechanical drive. But even such a technique is not always able to cope with solid soil.

It is almost impossible to place a basement under the whole house, because piles are installed in large numbers. The universal foundation of TISE, along with its advantages, has many disadvantages. One of them, according to experts, is expressed in the need to install blind areas of large width.


do it yourself foundation

One of the stages of calculating the foundation is to determine the number of supports and the distance between them. If you plan to build a 5 x 10 m building, and the work will be carried out on clay soil, then we can assume that the house weighs about 350 tons. The calculation of the foundation of TISE in this case involves the use of source data. The perimeter of the future foundation will be 30 m.

Clay has a bearing capacity of 6 kg / cm 2 . When expanding the base to 60 cm, the bearing capacity of the support will be 17 tons. To determine the parameters of the TISE foundation, the reviews of which were presented above, you should divide 350 by 17, which will allow you to get 20. This figure indicates the number of foundation piles. And if we divide the length of the base by the number of supports, then we can understand that the distance between the pillars is 1.5 m. Once you have decided on the pitch and number of supports, we can say that the calculation has been completed. Next, you can start marking and arranging the castoff.

Description of technology: site preparation

tise foundation weaknesses

The described construction technology is appreciated most of all because the construction is inexpensive, and to do it yourself is not a problem. At the first stage, preparation is necessary. For this, the upper fertile soil layer is removed and the castoff is installed.

Next, you can do the marking of the position of the posts. Some craftsmen do not remove the fertile soil, which later they do not regret. This is because the grillage in such a foundation is hanging, so the floors of the building will not come into contact with the ground. At the stage when the site is being investigated, you must determine what will be cheaper and easier - to build a grillage of variable section or to level the area with a shovel.

Work on the castoff

When constructing the foundation of TISE at the next stage, it is necessary to tackle the most critical part of the work, which consists in marking the site. If your arsenal does not have a water level, you can use a transparent hose with water. Zero level will be 45 cm from the ground.

After marking, it is necessary to file the pegs and arrange nails on the outer corners of the perimeter, pulling a rope between them. You can use a thick fishing line, the thickness of which can reach 0.7 m. It will not sag. After all the corner pegs are distributed, it is necessary to drive in the axial stakes for the internal bearing walls.

Now you can install the wireframe frame, for this a round timber from a board of 50 mm is used. A garden drill should be used. The casting should be half-solid, it will be more economical and more practical. The formwork is fixed with thick boards. With the help of the building level, it is necessary to mark the zero level on the cast-off.

The next step will be the installation of smooth bars that are nailed to the boards. Their upper part should form a zero level. On the bars, mark the position of the cord for the external and internal perimeter of the walls. For future pillars of the foundation, the central axis is indicated.

It is important to control the diagonals, the size of which can be calculated by the Pythagorean theorem for each room. Now you need to drive in the nails and pull the cords or fishing line. The casting is done for control, it must be dismantled. In the place where the cords of the central axis of the pillars intersect in the corners, there will be an exact location of the supports. For plumbing, you can use a load and a pan without a bottom, the diameter of which is approximately 25 cm. A pit is excavated around the circumference in half a shovel. After that, you can start drilling.


universal foundation tise

If your site has difficult soil, you can use the foundation of TISE. The drill is used in the next step. This process is time consuming. It is important to optimize your strength. First, it is better to drill about 5 wells, and then make extensions in them. This will save time on the conversion of the drill. It can be made independently.

If there is little sand in the soil, it will be difficult to drill. However, under such conditions, a trick can be applied. Water will help in the matter. In each well, 5 buckets must be poured overnight. The next morning, expanding the wells will be much easier.

During the construction of a large bathhouse, the recesses should be around 50. A rather difficult step is the expansion of the drilled wells. About 3 extensions can be made per day, but quite a lot of time will be spent on filling. If the diameter of the well does not exceed 30 cm, and the expansion is 60 cm, about 30 kg of cement will go to each support. Concrete should not be too thick, but it should not be made liquid.

Reinforcement, waterproofing and pouring

Building the foundation of TISE, the next step is to take up the preparation of fittings. You can determine the length of the bar, given the depth of the support. It is necessary to leave another 15 cm in the air gap of the grillage. The bending radius of the lower and upper parts is also included in the stock. About two rods should go on one support if the pole is approximately 1.5 m. The total length is 3.7 m.

If the reinforcement peeks out of the post a little, then it can be used as a vibration damper during pouring. Such manipulations remove air bubbles from the compacted concrete. At the next stage, you can do waterproofing. Roofing material is suitable for this. Installing it is quite simple. To do this, the material is cut into pieces and rolled into a cylinder. Fixation can be done with paper clips. The products are installed in the well, but it is only necessary to do this after the expansion is filled and the fittings are installed.

The peeking end of the shirt is sprinkled with soil. It is preliminarily removed from the well, and then it is poured and compacted. The foundation of TISE provides concreting in a short time. It is better to try to fill several wells at once. As soon as the pillars are flooded and the supports are filled, you can proceed to the manufacture of grillage. Concrete for additional pouring of columns is mixed near the wells. For pouring the foundation, it is better to purchase a concrete mixer.

Making grillage

universal foundation tise technology

Working on the foundation of TISE with your own hands, at the next stage you can start making grillages. For this, shields are set, which are covered with dense polyethylene. The formwork is fastened with studs. At the same time, holes are drilled from above and below in the timber. One end of the stud should be bent to the other, where the washer and nut are screwed. On the studs, it is necessary to lay the reinforcement, which is fixed with plastic ties.

Work on the blind area and drainage

As one of the main advantages of a pile or column grillage, there is no need for a drainage device, which can be circular or wall. It is not necessary to insulate the blind area and blockage.

Underground sources of heat will be absent, so the soil freezes, and waterproofing here is simply meaningless. The TISE pile foundation may have a blind area for the discharge of melt and flood waters, as well as precipitation from the walls. In order for the drains not to erode the areas adjacent to the blind area, storm gutters should be installed along the outer perimeter. Point storm water inlets are located under the vertical pipes of the roof drain.


TISE foundation

The foundation for TISE technology is often used in individual construction. This is due to many of its advantages. For example, reducing the time to work and the lack of the need to use expensive equipment. The works are autonomous, because during the construction, you will not have to connect to the power grid. This indicates that manipulations can be carried out even in the field.

TISE's grillage foundation also has its drawbacks. Some of them are expressed in that it is not possible to establish such a base on marshy soils, because the columnar structure can simply break or drown.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2288/

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