Fraud statement to the police how to write?

In the modern world there is a serious threat to the property of citizens. Technological progress brought to life not only a lot of useful things that make life easier, but, unfortunately, entailed the development of ways to steal them. Therefore, the protection and preservation of property from the attacks of thieves and fraudsters have become an important public task.

police fraud statement

What is fraud?

Fraud is a crime against property. It represents the seizure, theft or acquisition of the right to another's property through fraud or abuse of trust. Together with the spread of market relations in the economy, this concept has gained wide scope. This is especially true for the business sector. Unscrupulous people can use the Internet for deception and profit.

Some believe that fraudulent actions can only be directed at the property of illiterate citizens. But very often, quite educated and smart people have to file a fraud report with the police. After all, legal knowledge alone is not enough to secure your property, because every day there are new ways to lure money from honest and trusting people.

legal entity fraud statement

What to do if you become a victim of scammers

If it happened that you became a victim of scammers, do not rush to say goodbye to lost money or property. In no case should you panic. Best of all, think about what can be done in this situation, and where to turn for help.

Since information about fraud and everything related to it is clearly spelled out in the legislation, namely in the Criminal Code, a statement should be addressed to law enforcement agencies.

Where to go

Any citizen has the right to apply for fraud to any police station. Please note that in this case there is no reference to the place of residence. Although, ideally, it is best to contact the nearest branch immediately after you realize that you have suffered at the hands of scammers.

The prosecutor's office, in accordance with its status, is engaged in the supervision of law enforcement agencies. But here, too, you can turn to the victim for help. Although this should be done only if it is not possible to exercise the right to defense in other bodies.

bank card fraud police report sample

What is important to know

Before filing a fraud with the police, consider whether there is a crime in this case. In order for these actions to be considered criminal, they, according to Art. 159 of the Criminal Code, must be intentional. That is, the fraudster should have known and wished for just such consequences of his activities.

A statement to the police about fraud should be written in a clear and understandable language, without distortion and lyrical digressions.

Payment Card Fraud

Bank card frauds are becoming more sophisticated every year. In this case, not only the customers of the banks, but also the banks themselves. Reporting fraud to the police (for example, money was illegally withdrawn from a credit card) will help you recover lost funds. But here you need to be very careful, because the disclosure of confidential information to unauthorized persons leads to a direct theft of funds.

When writing such an application, you can consult with the lawyers of your bank. They will help to compose the text and provide the necessary documents. Bank experts advise in any case to file a fraud application. For the legal department of many banks, this is an insured event.

When writing a statement related to payment cards, pay attention to the specific time of the events associated with the theft of funds. Such specifics will help authorized bodies to understand the matter more quickly.

bank card fraud statement

Step by step

Where to start writing a police fraud statement with a bank card, a sample of which is provided in the article? First of all, relevant materials should be collected. For example, directories, leaflets or booklets with information about services, messages by e-mail or phone with offers of services, or your correspondence with intruders. Also useful are checks, notifications and receipts that confirm your expenses.

In addition, if you are going to write a police card fraud statement to the police, then you will also need statements of operations and transactions at the ATM. Write a clear chronology of the events related to the fact of fraud in writing, indicating the dates and times of each event.

We are writing a statement

Now you can proceed with the statement. Write the incident in writing. But do it very clearly and in detail. A legible handwriting or hard copy will save time for police officers to familiarize themselves with the case. Do not forget to deduct the fraud report to the police for possible errors, mistakes and typos.

legal entity fraud statement

At the end of the text, be sure to indicate the specific purpose of this appeal. For example: "I ask you to conduct an investigation, find the offender and return the money or specific material values." It is also important to indicate the applicant’s monthly income in the application so that the police understand the extent of the theft.

In addition, do not forget to list the documents and evidence attached to the application related to the case. In assurance, indicate the date, put your own signature and next to it - a surname with initials.

If this is a statement to the police about fraud from a legal entity, the sample will look a little different, since the document must necessarily indicate the full name of the organization that submits the application. And documents related to the fact of fraud should also have information about a particular company or organization.

Here is an example of the main text of the statement:

I ask you to understand and prosecute a citizen or organization (indicate specific names or names) that (indicate a specific date or time frame for the incident) committed illegal actions (describe the situation in detail). Next, indicate the amount of lost funds belonging to (indicate the name of the owner and confirm the right to own property) - in this case, a card of a particular bank and a specific amount of money.

A police fraud statement on the Internet is written like this, but it should indicate that the swindler acted through the World Wide Web.

internet fraud statement

How to apply

Filing an application requires special care. Be sure to make a copy of it. The person who will accept it will assign a serial number to the application and write out a coupon containing information about it. If you are denied admission, ask for a written explanation. But in fact, the police must take your application and consider it.

Last milestone

After submitting the application, specify the terms of consideration and the procedure for obtaining information about the proceedings in this case. After all, state bodies, as a rule, are in no hurry to consider small matters and only drag out time.

A legal entity fraud report is filed in the same way. Remember that if unlawful actions are associated with an organization or a company, this should be clearly stated when preparing a document.


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