How to choose a belt sander: the best models and manufacturer reviews

Final surface treatment of various parts and structures often involves the use of abrasive materials. The construction market today offers a ton of efficient sanding tools. Moreover, even high-performance models are becoming more accessible to ordinary home masters. Such tools, in particular, include a belt grinder (LSM), which uses an emery cloth as a working abrasive surface.

What is LSM?

The device consists of a housing, inside of which a compact engine is contained. The dimensions of the tool are usually small, which leads to its ergonomics and ease of operation. The functional part is represented by two rollers, which are located at the ends of the structure. An abrasive tape is fixed on them . In this case, the tasks of the clips are separated. One of them acts as a leader (drive), and the second allows you to adjust the lateral positioning of the canvas. Wood should be considered as the target material - such devices deal with it more efficiently than with metal or plastic. Thus, a wood belt sander , average in characteristics, removes a layer about 1 mm thick from the workpiece in 1 second. You can use the tool in cleaning surfaces from coatings to update the coating.

Choice of Key Features

Belt sander Ryobi

The speed of grinding or grinding will depend on the power of the electric motor. Two categories are fundamentally different - 500 and 1200 W models. We can say that these are representatives of household and industrial groups, respectively. The 500 W power potential is suitable as an auxiliary tool for irregular refinement of parts. Models with power from 1000 W are used in industries and in the construction industry. High productivity allows you to work on the surface of the workpieces qualitatively and deeply for a long time.

The next important parameter is the intensity of the tape. It depends on her how much the operation will be of high quality and uniform. On average, belt sanders operate at speeds from 500 to 700 m / min. In this case, it is not even the maximum processing speed that is important, but the ability to configure across different ranges. In some cases, 200-300 m / min may be enough, and speeding will not allow you to accurately remove a very thin layer.

What to consider in a set of functions?

Of the useful structural additions, the following can be distinguished:

  • Smooth start. At the moment of switching on, the function of minimizing the current is activated, which allows you to start processing not with a sudden movement, but with a gradual increase in speed.
  • Bounding box. Since the tool provides for the provision of manual force on the work area, it is difficult for the operator to maintain the same height of the film layer over the entire area. Therefore, for precise control of the maximum depth, belt sanders are equipped with special stops.
  • Dust removal system. In the process, large volumes of fine chips and wood dust are inevitably released. For the timely elimination and prevention of the spread of waste, some models allow the connection of industrial vacuum cleaners to the instrument. They absorb the dust immediately after release.
  • Maintaining high revs. This is the ability of a power tool to withstand a stable working rhythm when turning on a high speed of rotation of the rollers.

Ribbon Tips

Belt for grinder

Actually, in choosing a tool it will not be out of place to initially focus on the optimal sizes of an abrasive consumable. Two characteristics matter - length and width. As for the first, it expresses the total length of the web, which is wound on spinning rollers. Depending on the model, the length varies from 400 to 600 mm on average. During operation, this parameter will affect the ability of the machine to effectively cope with long workpieces and the durability of the blade in terms of wear. Width directly affects the area of โ€‹โ€‹a single coverage of the target surface. For example, it is advisable to process narrow boards with a tape whose width is 65-75 mm. Sheet large-format material, by contrast, is more efficiently served by a strip of 100-110 mm. Now you can go on to an overview of specific models of belt grinders. The rating presented below demonstrates the most successful devices from the best manufacturers in the market of hand-held power tools.

1st place - model Makita 9404

Belt Sander Makita

The Japanese company regularly takes first positions in sales ratings, which can be explained by the high quality of the products, their functionality and reliability. It is appropriate to apply these characteristics to the grinder of modification 9404, the cost of which is about 14 thousand rubles. The tool is provided with a 1010 W engine, supports speeds up to 440 m / min and is equipped with a dust collector. Among the competitors, a Makita belt sander of this version may well take first place in terms of build quality, balance of power and functionality. Users, for example, respond positively to adjusting speed modes and device maneuverability. Among the small ergonomic advantages, many mention a long cord, comfortable lining on the handle and the presence of several plates in the basic set (of cork and graphite).

2nd place - Bosch PBS 75 A

Bosch belt sander

The German manufacturer is in direct competition with Makita, by and large offering products similar in quality. In this case, an instrument of a lower class is considered. If the aforementioned machine is suitable for semi-professional use, then the PBS 75 A is more likely to be in place in the household. The average cost of the model of 8 thousand rubles hints at this. For this amount, the owner receives a power potential of 750 watts, thanks to which the rollers accelerate to 350 m / min. What operations can belt sanders with these capabilities perform? The practice of operation shows that the device copes well with mopping up parquet, removing old layers of paint, etc. And, again, workflow stability and endurance are characteristic features of Bosch and Makita tools. Chinese counterparts and with greater power can hardly guarantee the same high quality of grinding while maintaining their own technical resource for a long time.

3rd place - Ryobi EBS800 model

Riobi Belt Sander

The solution for simple tasks in the household. Ryobi is not so well-known compared to the manufacturers mentioned above, but its products deserve attention, as it combines decent power with an attractive range of options and low cost. Model EBS800 with 800 W engine and speeds of up to 300 m / min. Available for just 4-4.5 thousand rubles. Features with previous versions are very close, so what's the difference? As already noted, budget class belt sanders initially lose to premium counterparts as an element base. This option is less reliable and durable, although it can show significant advantages in terms of ease of physical handling. You should have limitations in functionality. The EBS800 lacks soft start, peak load support and speed control.

4th place - model โ€œInterskol LShM-76/900โ€

Domestic development for domestic use and also with a small price tag - about 4 thousand rubles. A feature of this model is the unusual combination of power and maximum speed of rotation of the rollers - 900 W at 250 m / min. This means that the grinder focuses on rough cleaning of metal surfaces - profiled sheet, car body, various surfaces of the inventory, etc. Users point to the good performance of the Interskol belt sander, its light weight (3.2 kg) and its convenient adjustment. The disadvantages include strong vibrations and noise. Oscillations just do not allow fine grinding of small parts.

Belt Sander Interskol

Which manufacturer should I prefer?

The higher the class of the grinder, the more responsible the operation can be assigned to it. Therefore, power tools from companies at the level of Bosch and Makita should be chosen for professional use. The Elitech, Hitachi and Metabo brands should be attributed to the same group. If the task is to perform a simple cleaning of small areas, then we can limit ourselves to entry-level models. This segment is mainly represented by Russian belt grinders. Reviews, in addition to the Interskol devices, also praise the Zubr, Caliber and Enkor models. With an average quality of constructional performance, they give good performance indicators and do not cause special problems in physical circulation.

Is it possible to make LSM with your own hands?

In manufacturing, you will need an electric motor, two drums (roller substitutes), a bed and mounting accessories. As the engine, you can use the power unit from the washing machine. Its average power is about 3 kW, so it will be possible to count on a high-performance mode of operation. As for the bed, for it should choose a frame structure of thick metal profiles. The main thing in this part is to think over the configuration of pairing with the engine, drums and the supporting platform. Then you can go to the drums, due to which the belt sander will process. With their own hands, they can be made from small-format cylinders or wide furniture rollers. Previously, they are machined under the frame structure and the landing mechanism of the tape itself. The fact is that the diameter in the central region should be several millimeters larger than at the edges. This will ensure stable processing, since the main effort will be directed to the canvas in the middle area.


Belt sander control

Usually, the transition from mechanical hand tools to electrical counterparts is accompanied by a radical change in processing principles. In this case, only the working force changes, while the functional consumable retains the characteristics of traditional abrasive materials. Does this mean that such a tool has retained its previous processing efficiency? As work experience shows, for example, the Makita belt sander, even in semi-professional versions, gives an effect close to high-tech sandblasting machines. Such devices are distinguished by the softness of physical impact with the ability to fine-tune. This is what makes it possible to clean and even polish sensitive surfaces of wooden workpieces without the risk of deep damage by abrasive tape.


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