How much they pay for the birth of a child: the term of registration and the procedure for payment

How much do they pay for having a baby? Finding the answer to this question plays an important role in the life of modern Russian families. The thing is that the government is actively directing the population towards increasing fertility. And this moment needs to be stimulated somehow. The various benefits of having many children are not the main guideline for supporting people. Often it is the difficult financial situation that stops families from replenishing. Accordingly, the state decided to develop a variety of benefits and payments for having children. Further many of them will be considered. In addition, it must be borne in mind that not every cell of society can count on state support. In some cases, individual benefits are not paid. We will also familiarize ourselves with the existing restrictions and requirements when requesting state support. Practice shows that with proper timely preparation to achieve what is required by law, it is quite easy. And only in certain cases will you have to try pretty hard to implement the task.

How much will they pay for the second and subsequent children

The role of employment

How much do they pay for the birth of the first child? And for the appearance of several children in the family? It is problematic to give an unambiguous answer to this kind of question. This is due to the fact that different categories of citizens receive different support from the state.

The employment of parents is of great importance when making children's payments. A working woman is entitled to more benefits than an unemployed.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that poor families are persons entitled to the maximum amount of benefits. The main thing is that one of the parents of the child at the same time works, and the second is on official leave to care for the baby.

Possible compensation

How much do they pay for having a baby? It is extremely difficult to give a definite answer to such a question. A huge role is played by the total number of children in the family, as well as the status of parents in terms of employment. In addition, in Russia there are various payments for children.

Among the main distinguish:

  • one-time maternity allowance;
  • maternity;
  • for the birth of the first child since 2018;
  • payment for caring for a baby (up to 1.5 and up to 3 years);
  • for registration in the antenatal clinic as a pregnant woman at an early stage of an “interesting situation”;
  • maternal capital.

Additionally, compensation is allocated for the adoption of children with disabilities up to 7 years old, as well as payments to the wives of military personnel. We will talk about all this further. As practice shows, not all of the mentioned forms of state support meet the expectations of the population.

How much do they pay for having a baby?

Types of Compensation

How much does the state pay for the birth of the first child, as well as subsequent babies? It all depends on the specific life situation. Therefore, you will have to study the existing compensation for the family replenishment.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that at the moment there are federal and regional payments. All the previously listed measures of state support are classified as the first type. They are laid on a common basis.

Regional payments are valid within a specific city. The conditions for receiving them, as well as the amount of payments are established by the municipality. For example, in many cities, the following compensations are popular:

  • lump sum for birth of a baby and pregnancy;
  • regional maternity capital.

Features of regional child allowances are best specified in a specific city. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid unnecessary problems and troubles.

Maternity and working

How much do they pay after giving birth? The main problem is that it all depends on the specific situation. And therefore, it is not always easy to understand what to count on in a particular case. Next, we will try to find out what specifically citizens can apply for.

Let's start with the working people. The first thing that awaits the officially employed girl is the payment of maternity. It is carried out upon registration of maternity leave, which is possible from the 30th week of pregnancy according to the certificate of incapacity for work.

A woman for the period of the decree will receive money, taking into account her average earnings for the last two years of employment in a company. There are minimum and maximum maternity values.

The minimum set for a woman will be:

  • 43615 rubles and 15 kopecks - during normal pregnancy (vacation duration 140 days);
  • 48600 rubles 30 kopecks - complicated birth, the duration of the "break" 156 days;
  • 60,438 rubles and 83 kopecks - a multi-fertile "interesting situation."

To understand how much a woman will receive, you need to multiply the average daily earnings for 2 years by the number of days of the decree.

Highs for Decree

How much money is paid for having a baby? It all depends on what kind of payment is in question. Only women officially employed can count on maternity. The unemployed do not receive them.

Application for child benefits

Earlier it was said that maternity payments have a limit. And there is. Today, for pregnancy and childbirth, you can get as much as possible:

  • 282 106 rubles 70 kopecks - conventional birth;
  • 314 347 rubles 47 kopecks - complicated pregnancy;
  • 390 919 rubles 29 kopecks - multiple pregnancy.

Accordingly, it is not possible to receive more than the indicated amounts before replenishment in the family. But that is not all. In addition to maternity, there are other forms of family support.

We are registered

How much do they pay for the birth of a second child? And for the first-born? Every woman registered as a pregnant woman at the antenatal clinic until the end of the first trimester of an “interesting situation” has the right to small compensation. It is called a one-time payment.

To date, this form of state support allows you to get only 628 rubles and 46 kopecks. No more, no less. Money for the unemployed is requested from the Social Insurance Fund, and for those who are employed, from the employer.

Accordingly, employment does not in any way affect such compensation. And therefore, almost everyone draws it up.

Childbirth and the birth of a baby

How much do they pay a lump sum at birth? The next important payment is nothing more than a one-time compensation for direct birth. She laid and employed persons, and unemployed. Both the mother of the baby and the one who will care for the newborn can get it. For example, father.

How much do they pay for having a baby? In our case, the amount of one-time compensation will be almost 17,000 rubles. More precisely, then 16,759 rubles and 8 cents. The amount of such state aid was established in February 2018.

Conscript military wives and pregnancy

In Russia, they try to provide assistance to all needy segments of the population. As already mentioned, it is customary to single out pregnant wives of the military separately. They can rely on a lump sum payment if their spouses are in military service.

To date, you can apply for benefits in the amount of 26539 rubles and 76 kopecks. Payment is due only to pregnant spouses of the military, who are in military service. The availability of work for the future mother does not affect this measure of state support.

Child care up to 1.5 years and idle

How much do they pay for the birth of the first child? Usually detailed information about this can be obtained at the MFC or at the FSS of a particular region. Only citizens are accustomed to prepare in advance for the upcoming paperwork. And so they are interested in all existing forms of state support for families with children.

Another popular benefit is the monthly payment for caring for a newborn. It is paid until the child reaches one and a half years. Both mothers and close relatives of the baby, who will look after him, can apply for it. However, most often it is the mothers who seek such state assistance.

A monthly allowance for care for up to one and a half years unemployed is assigned at a minimum amount. For one baby a month they pay 3142 rubles 33 kopecks. If the family has several children, you can claim payments in the amount of 6,284 rubles and 65 kopecks. No more, no less. This measure of state support is provided to all citizens. Neither poverty nor income of a cell of society is required for it to be confirmed.

One and a half year old caring and working parents

I wonder how much they pay for having a baby in Russia? Moms who work before childbirth, as well as other close relatives of the baby who plan to raise a newborn, are entitled to a monthly allowance. It is paid up to one and a half years.

The amount of appropriate compensation will depend on the average monthly earnings of the recipient. As a benefit, they pay 40% of the average citizen's income per month, but not less than the established minimum amounts. About them is described above.

If you need to receive funds for several children at once, the indicated interest rate will also be taken into account. For each baby, 40 percent of the average monthly earnings of the recipient citizen will be assigned. At the same time, the total payment of benefits cannot exceed 100% of the average salary of the caregiver.

Up to three years

How much do they pay for having a baby in Moscow? All of the above benefits will be issued to new parents. In addition, in the capital of the Russian Federation, you can count on regional maternity capital and a lump sum payment. The size of these is better to clarify shortly before replenishment in the family.

Some cities have a monthly allowance for caring for a baby up to the age of three. It, as a rule, is symbolic. At the moment, in most regions, the corresponding compensation is only 50 rubles. It is increasingly being abandoned.

Amounts of child allowances in the Russian Federation

Loss of breadwinner - for military families

How much do 2 children pay for the birth? Usually, when the second and subsequent babies appear in the family, families can count on significant support from the state. For example, on maternity capital. We will talk about this form of assistance later.

First, consider Federal Payments Guaranteed for One Baby. Families of the military who have lost the breadwinner may claim a small monthly compensation.

It will be only 2287 rubles 63 kopecks. It is paid for the child if the military was the only breadwinner in the family, but he died. Not too much, but better than nothing at all.

If dad is a draftee

How much they pay a lump-sum benefit at birth on the territory of the Russian Federation, found out. In addition to the previously considered forms of support for the population, several more compensations can be distinguished. For example, for a child if his father is in military service.

The military’s official wife may claim a monthly allowance of 11,374 rubles and 18 kopecks. As a rule, in this case the woman is on maternity leave. In practice, such compensation is not too common.

For the poor

How much they pay for the birth of the first child and subsequent babies, we found out. Only this is far from the end. In Russia there are a huge number of various forms of state support for families with children. Since 2018, the needy have been paid a new payment.

It is the cost of living per child - an average of about 10,000 rubles. It is paid to all families whose per capita income is less than the subsistence level in a particular region. The allowance is assigned, provided that the child (no matter what the account) appears in the family after January 1, 2018.

Registration of this form of state support is not available to everyone. It is necessary to prove first of all that the family is poor. If someone in the cell of society does not knowingly work to obtain the status of a needy person, no allowance will be assigned. This is simply not provided for in the laws of the country.

Adoption of children from 7 years

How much they pay after the birth of a child in a particular city is difficult to say. This is due to the fact that citizens often rely on additional regional payments. This is especially true for large families.

In the family, children can appear not only because of childbirth, but also due to adoption. If the unit of society has decided to adopt a disabled child from 7 years old or several children who are brothers / sisters, she can count on additional support from the state. How much do they pay for the birth of a second child? And for one or several?

This is a one-time payment. It is issued for each adopted. To date, you can claim 128,053 rubles 7 kopecks. You can apply for such compensation with other child allowances.

Where to make children's payments

Maternal capital

How much money is paid for having a baby? To give the most accurate answer to such a question, one must take into account life circumstances, as well as the place of residence of a particular family. All regions have their own rules for calculating certain benefits.

Another form of state support at the federal level is the allocation of maternal capital. It is intended for all families in which it is brought up from two children or more.

How much do 4 children pay for birth? And the third? Fifth? You can claim the compensation indicated above, as well as maternity capital, if it has not been previously registered.

It should be borne in mind that when registering "mother’s capital", not only native children, but also adopted children will be taken into account. The size of the payment does not change in any way - it is set by the state and is indexed from time to time.

To date, the amount of maternity capital has reached 453,026 rubles. Appropriate cash can only be spent on specific needs. All previously listed benefits are spent by parents or other legal representatives of the kids at their discretion.

Important: in some cities, wondering how much 3 children pay for the birth, many citizens find that they are entitled to regional maternity capital. Its size averages from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Where to draw up

Now it’s clear what to count on and under what conditions. The bulk of child benefits is recommended to draw up in the first six months of the baby's life. Otherwise, you may encounter a refusal to allocate specific funds for the newborn.

How much they pay for the birth of a third child is now approximately clear. You just need to consider each family and the circumstances in which they require state support, individually.

Next, we examine the process of claiming the required benefits. Let's start with where to go with pre-prepared documents.

At the moment, employed people draw up the bulk of benefits through employers. The rest - through the FSS. But for maternity capital (Federal) you need to contact the Pension Fund of Russia.

Non-working persons for state support should come to the Social Insurance Fund. In this case, you must contact the organization at the place of residence of the family or the applicant.

To date, all benefits, benefits and payments can be issued in one place - in the multifunctional center. This is a kind of mediator between public services and the population. In the IFC and organizations such as "My Documents" not only draw up manuals, but also documents. Here you can get a detailed consultation on how much they pay for the birth of a third child, first-born or subsequent children.

Briefly about design

And what needs to be done in order to request this or that form of state support in Russia? As practice shows, coping with the task is easier than it seems. Difficulties may arise at the stage of preliminary preparation, but consultation at the MFC will greatly facilitate the life of new parents.

To make children's payments, parents need:

  1. To prepare certain packages of papers provided for the requirement of certain compensations for children.
  2. Write statements of established samples for further processing.
  3. Contact the authorized body at the place of registration. It is advisable that the children are registered with the applicant parent.
  4. Submit a request for the payment of certain benefits. You can apply immediately for all compensation due to the person.
  5. Wait for a response from the authorized bodies.

As a rule, requests are considered within a month. If everything is done correctly, the funds will be transferred in varying amounts to the account indicated in the applications. Very comfortably.

Documents for child benefits

Otherwise, parents will be informed of the impossibility of assigning benefits. A similar solution should be clarified. Further, the family either forgets about state support, or corrects the "mistakes" made and again tries to arrange children's payments.

About the documents for the request

How much do they pay for the birth of a second child? Usually, you can claim all of the federal payments listed above. Moreover, in some cities there are lump-sum benefits for the birth of each baby. For example, in Kaliningrad an additional 3,000 rubles are paid.

In order to complete all of the above measures to support families with children, there will be considerable paperwork. Citizens should generally prepare:

  • passports
  • birth or adoption certificates of children;
  • certificates of residence;
  • statements of income;
  • , , ;
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  • ( );
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  • SNILS of each family member;
  • , ;
  • ( - ).

This is usually enough. - . . , , .

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How much in Russia they pay for children

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