Nano aquarium. Launch and care

The underwater world is completely different and extremely fascinating. This explains why a large number of people want to have an aquarium. Watching the fish soothes and relieves stress, and the aquarium itself fits perfectly into the design of any room.

But have you heard that this is expensive, troublesome, besides the aquarium takes up a lot of space? The development of nano-aquariums makes it possible to start fish, having even 1 m 2 of free space available. We will tell you about the nuances and subtleties when buying and starting a small aquarium in this article.

Nano-aquarium - what is it?

The prefix "nano" in Greek means "dwarf". Using this prefix, they mean something small. In modern aquariums, nano-aquariums are usually called an aquarium with fresh water up to 40 liters. For aquariums with sea water, this value is 80-100 liters. Leading manufacturers today offer turnkey aquarium complexes with a volume of just 2.5 liters!

The most popular form of a nano aquarium is cubic.

Cubic shape of a nano aquarium

The market also offers many other options. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that it is difficult to correctly install equipment in an aquarium with round walls, it is also inconvenient to clean such surfaces.

Despite its small size, a nano-aquarium is a sustainable ecosystem. In such a system, there is a relationship between living organisms and their environment.

Pros and cons of a small aquarium

The main reason for the popularity of nano-aquariums is their size. For installation you do not need a large area. Enough any flat horizontal surface. It can be a table, shelf or bookcase. In addition to mobility, such aquariums have a number of other advantages:

  1. Low price. For a 10 liter nano-aquarium, you will pay from 500 to 4000 rubles approximately, depending on its shape, manufacturer and configuration. The cost of aquariums per 50 liters starts from 6-7 thousand rubles.
  2. Quick change of design. If you wish, you can easily change the scenery of your aquarium. You can do it yourself, or you can turn to the services of companies that specialize in aqua design. Aquascaping is very popular now. This is a technique in which the landscape of a real space or a fantastic fantasy world is created in the aquarium.
  3. Ease of care. A small aquarium is easier to wash, easier to care for plants and soil.
  4. The ability to observe. In nano-aquariums, all its inhabitants are in sight, which enhances its entertainment.

In addition to the pros, there is a minus. It is related to the size of a nano-aquarium. In a small volume, any fluctuations in temperature or water indicators violate its stability. This can be detrimental to biological balance and lead to population loss. For this reason, novice amateurs are often not recommended to start nano-aquariums. To reduce the risk, choose fully-stocked options from trusted manufacturers.

Aquarium size

So, you have weighed the pros and cons and decided to purchase a nano-aquarium. One of the main questions that may arise is which volume to choose. The size of the aquarium directly depends on who can be settled in it. Be sure to consider the opinions of professionals in this matter.

An aquarium of less than 8 liters is used for plants. In such a volume it is difficult to maintain the desired water temperature. In addition, imagine how you would live on an area, say, 4-10 square meters. Can I live? Yes. Comfortable, convenient? Unlikely.

In aquariums from 8 to 20 liters, some species of fish can already be settled, but a colony of colored freshwater shrimp would be the best choice.

For a nano-aquarium of 20 liters or more, the choice of residents is already significantly greater. If you make such an aquarium full (with soil, plants, good lighting and equipment), then in this environment the fish will feel quite comfortable.

Pay attention to well-known manufacturers of aquariums: AquaEL, Juwel, Dennerle. Of the more budget options - "Biodesign" (Russia).

Dennerle nano-aquariums are often chosen because of their characteristics. In the manufacture of high-quality ultra-transparent glass is used, which allows you to get a completely stunning picture. In the photo below, a Dennerle nano-cube of 30 liters.

Nano-cube Dennerle 30 liters

Freshwater or marine?

A marine nano-aquarium is also called a nano-reef.

To have a "small sea" at home is very tempting, but it should be understood that the volume of such an aquarium should be much larger than freshwater. For marine aquariums, the nano size is 80 or more liters. Their cost is higher, and caring for them is more difficult. This is due to the need to more closely monitor the parameters of water.

If you already have successful experience in launching a freshwater aquarium, then you can opt for a nano-reef.


When buying a nano aquarium, you should definitely think about the necessary equipment for it. There are 2 options here:

  1. Buy a turnkey aquarium with built-in equipment.
  2. Purchase a separate aquarium, equipment separately.

Those who are just taking their first steps in the aquarium, it is better to purchase a ready-made nano-cube, fully equipped with the necessary equipment. The only limitation is the price of the issue.

The second method is less costly, but requires a more thorough approach and some knowledge. Be sure to take into account the size of the aquarium itself so as not to end up with bulky designs that spoil the look. The main thing you will need:

  • filter and compressor;
  • lighting lamp;
  • heater with thermostat.

The filter for the nano-aquarium and its characteristics are selected individually: type, power, flow rate. Not only volume is taken into account, but also the “population” of the aquarium. Aeration is carried out by a compressor or filter.

It is also worth considering lighting. Modern aquariums are sold with built-in lighting, but often this is not enough. For the growth of healthy plants, it is recommended to additionally install a fluorescent lamp.

To maintain the required temperature in the aquarium, a heater is needed. Most fish for small aquariums come from southern latitudes, who are used to living in water with an average temperature of +23 ... + 25 ° . You can do without it if you put the aquarium in a warm room and choose unpretentious residents.

Be sure to pay attention to other accessories: nets, tweezers, small scrapers, carbon dioxide (CO2) supply systems.


When choosing plants, you need to consider the size of the leaves so that it is suitable for your volume of the aquarium.

Most often, plants that do not require good lighting and grow slowly are chosen. Various mosses, small species of ferns and anubias are best suited.

Stem plants also look good if you are not averse to devoting more time to caring for them. There are a number of plants for which the supply of carbon dioxide is important, this also needs to be taken into account.

30 liter nano-cube

Someone who lives in a small tower?

In aquariums of small volume it is best to keep 1-2 species of fish. If these are small schools of flocks, they look especially advantageous. Recommended fish for a nano aquarium:

  1. Labyrinth. A big plus of such fish in their unpretentiousness. You can do without aeration, as these fish can breathe atmospheric air directly. The most popular representatives of this group are guppies and males. It should be remembered that males are fighting fish, neighbors should be selected very carefully, most often they are lodged one at a time. An example of the resettlement of males is presented in the photo below.
    Two cockerels in different aquariums
  2. Small cyprinids. Most often, from this type of fish choose a cardinal or microsort. Cardinals can tolerate water temperature differences, 6-7 pieces can be accommodated in an aquarium of 30 liters. Microassortments come in many forms, but they are all very tiny (average size about 2 centimeters) and look great in a pack.
  3. Small characins. Of the diversity of this species, we recommend that you pay attention to tetra and neon. Peace tetras are perfect for a small aquarium. Nimble neons have long occupied a place of honor in the hearts of aquarists due to their color.

Dwarf catfish and viviparous fish are also often chosen when filling nano-aquariums. Bright guppies and little formosa, catfish pygmy and many others will become an adornment of your home reservoir.

Launch aquarium

So, you have chosen, bought and solemnly brought home an aquarium and everything you need for it. What's next? To get started, select the place where your little miracle will be located. This should be a darkened place where direct sunlight does not fall.

Next, you must follow these steps:

  1. Wash the aquarium. Use tap water without the use of any additives. Water should be warm, not hot. After the aquarium has dried, stick a decorative film on the back wall.
  2. Treat the plants. To do this, a few days before planting, place the plants in a container of water and add a special disinfectant. Or treat them with a weak potassium permanganate solution immediately before planting in the aquarium.
  3. At the bottom of the aquarium, lay out soil top dressing for plants. The recommended layer is about 2 centimeters.
  4. Lay gravel for the nano aquarium on top. Pre-rinse it with hot water or keep in boiling water for 5 minutes. A layer of gravel is approximately 1 centimeter. It looks attractive and prevents water pollution.
  5. Decorate the aquarium with decorative elements. It can be stones, roots, snags, labyrinths. Shrimps, crabs, crustaceans, and some types of fish definitely need places where they can hide.
  6. Add water to two-thirds of the volume of the aquarium. Water must first settle and be at least 20 ° C. It is recommended that you first add a special conditioner to the water (approximately 2 drops per 1 liter of water). Pour water carefully so as not to move the soil.
  7. Place plants on 80% of the soil.
  8. Install the filter and add water. Between the surface and the cover, leave 5-6 centimeters of space.
  9. Install the lamp and the protective glass.

Wait, what about fish and other animals, you ask. This is the final stage of the launch.

After you have completed these steps, you must wait 2-3 days, and then replace 30-50% of the water. Do not forget to use air conditioning. You may observe some clouding of the aquarium at this stage, this is normal. Your water nano-world creates its own microclimate.

Before you release the fish into the aquarium, you must make sure that the plants did not appear plaque. After the fish are in the water, observe their behavior for the first time. Immediately you can not feed, let them first get used to their new home.

If after a couple of days the fish behave actively, the water does not get turbid, then you can congratulate yourself on the successful launch of the nano-aquarium!


In order not to get a blooming swamp instead of a beautiful aquarium, you need to take care of it in a timely manner. At first you can make yourself a care schedule:

  • replacing 50% of the water once a week, it is better to defend the water and add a special conditioner;
  • topping up as it evaporates;
  • weekly plant care - top dressing and timely cutting;
  • bottom cleaning about 1 time in 2 weeks;
  • glass cleaning;
  • feeding fish, try to strictly follow the feeding recommendations.

Amazing world

We offer you photos of nano-aquariums for inspiration and ideas.

Amazing aquascaping

The main focus in this example is on plants. To get a similar result, you must know the rules for planting each type of plant and follow an imagined arrangement plan.

Unique aquascaping

The theme of landscapes is a favorite technique of aquascapers. Here, there are directions, requirements and rules, the understanding of which allows you to get a perfectly balanced picture.

Design Example

Do not be afraid to experiment. You can get ideas anywhere! If you are not confident in your abilities, then first try copying the design you liked. This will give an impetus to further development.

Arm yourself with the acquired knowledge, connect imagination, be patient and get a result that will please you for a long time. With proper care, you will become the proud owner of your personal nano-reservoir.


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