Toilet sponge: description, structure

Water sponges are amazing creatures. Until the beginning of the 19th century, they were classified as plants. They lack sensory organs, they are not able to move. Their bodies are made up of hundreds of channels and labyrinths through which they filter water. These organisms are immortal. Even if you wipe them through a sieve, then the smallest particles after a while will come together again and together will lead an active life. One of the most famous types is the Greek (or toilet) sponge. Read about it in the article.


A living organism is painted in dark gray. However, in dried form, it can acquire a brownish-red or even yellowish tint. When the sponge is out of the water, it is very wrinkled. It becomes very light, but at the same time solid. Fixing this is very simple. To do this, lower the animal into the water - and soon it will take its original form.

Toilet sponge

The toilet sponge is very similar to foam rubber, however, it is much softer to the touch. Outwardly, it is easy to confuse it with washcloths made of loofah. They, unlike her, are of plant origin. This organism belongs to the animal kingdom, type of sponge. The class to which they belong is called "ordinary sponge."


A very interesting organism from a biological point of view is a toilet sponge. Its structure is such that the animal does not have protective membranes, as well as organs for protection. Because of this, the body is very vulnerable to harmful microorganisms. As a result of this structural feature, in the process of evolution, sponges have acquired a very important ability: they synthesize chemical compounds that protect them from the effects of hostile microorganisms. Scientists are still investigating these substances, but it is already known that they are able to destroy many bacteria and viruses. So, they possess not only antibacterial and antiviral, but also antifungal properties.

Toilet sponge

Sponges consist of many channels that form entire labyrinths. This structural feature allows them to perform the function of a filter in water. Fluid flows unhindered through hundreds of pipe-like channels, but harmful and polluting substances cannot do this. That is why the water in those places where whole colonies of sponges live is always clean. Even if organisms seem dead.


Ordinary sponges, including toilet ones, are common in many places on the globe. Most often, these organisms are found in the Mediterranean Sea. In smaller quantities, they live in the Caribbean. Almost anywhere in the Atlantic Ocean you can find these animals. The catch of these organisms is carried out off the coast of India, Latin America, Africa, Australia and Europe.

Greek sponge

Reproduction and development

An animal such as a Greek sponge is a hermaphrodite. This means that it has the characteristics of a female and male body. Sponges multiply in several ways: either by budding, or sexually. After birth, the larvae are free to swim.

However, after some time, when they reach the late stages of development, they attach to the bottom of the sea. After that, they no longer move. These organisms grow very, very slowly. A sponge, the size of which is 20 centimeters, has been active for 40 years.


For several centuries, a toilet sponge has been widely used as a household washcloth. It was used in the household before synthetic analogues appeared. Currently, of course, it is used much less frequently. Do it for domestic purposes. It is an excellent material for making cosmetic sponges. In addition, she is valued in homeopathy. Since the sponge is still caught in large quantities, the natural reserves of this animal are seriously depleted.

Ordinary sponges

In ancient times, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean used a sponge only for washing. She removed excess fat from the skin, and also cleaned it of dead cells. We can say that this animal was the best washcloth for the inhabitants of the ancient world. That is why the sponge got its name.

However, over time, people have better studied the properties of the animal. Now the body was put in wooden shoes, and also attached to the armor of warriors. In addition, water filters were made from sponges. With their help, liquid was collected from hard-to-reach surfaces, brushes were also made from them. In ancient Rome, they served as vessels for drinks. The diver profession for sponges, pearls, corals and shellfish was considered one of the most dangerous.

Medicinal properties

The toilet sponge is very rich in substances such as iodine and bromine. Therefore, it is widely used as a homeopathic medicine. It is prescribed for disruption of the thyroid gland. In the event that a person develops shortness of breath, a heartbeat or inflammatory heart disease develops, he may also be prescribed this drug.

Toilet sponge animal

A sponge is especially effective in treating cough. The salts of inorganic origin that it contains are recognized as an excellent remedy for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This remedy helps against acute dry and spastic cough.

A throat disease such as laryngitis can also be treated with a Greek sponge. However, before using it, you must always consult a doctor.

A sponge is also used in psychotherapy. It allows you to stop panic attacks, in particular, night attacks. With its help relieve the feeling of suffocation and restore breathing.


A toilet sponge is an animal that is very much appreciated in various fields of medicine. It is part of many drugs. In order to properly prepare the basis for homeopathic remedies, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the sponge and dry it. The animal should turn brown. Then it is ground into powder. An extract is extracted from it, which is the basis for most homeopathic preparations.

Sponge in culture

So, we figured out where and how a person uses a toilet sponge now. In the past, these organisms have been widely used for hygiene purposes.

In ancient times, people believed that a sponge is one of the witchcraft ingredients. So, there is a story in which with the help of this animal a murder was committed: the sorceress used a sponge as such a means that delayed the actual onset of death. This allowed the criminal to avert suspicion.

Where and how does a person use a toilet sponge

Famous poets and philosophers of antiquity mentioned sponges in their writings. Among them are Homer and Aristotle. This philosopher of Ancient Greece described the organism in a work called "The History of Animals." By the way, it was the Greeks who first began to call them spongos, after which this word began to be used in the description of all types of sponges.


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