How to plant tomatoes to get a high yield.

To date, hardly any vegetable can compete in popularity with long-loved tomatoes. At every household plot, you can now find many different varieties of tomatoes, but it often happens that even when it is possible to properly grow seedlings, in the end, the tomatoes either wither or poorly reproduce. What could be the reason? Everything is very simple, because, perhaps, you did not take into account some important rules that you must follow when landing. If you do not know how to plant tomatoes correctly in order to end up with a high yield, then this article is for you.
Before planting tomatoes, you need to choose the right place for planting. It is worth remembering that their homeland is quite warm places, so when planting, the first thing you need to do is to ensure that the bushes have enough light: in the shade of the trees they will never give a good harvest, and in the worst case, they will simply die. Choose a place to plant next to stunted plants, away from fences and gardens that may cast a shadow over them. Remember, the longer the sun shines on a tomato bush, the faster the bush will grow, and as a result, the yield will increase.
Timely watering is also a very important point in the care of tomatoes. As you can see, tomatoes are quite juicy fruits, and to be exact, they are 90 percent water, that is, to get a good tomato crop, you should water the bushes at the rate of 250 milliliters of liquid per bush weekly.
Now you know how to plant tomatoes properly. Compliance with these rules will already increase the likelihood of getting a good harvest several times. However, this may not be enough. Your soil may not be fertile enough and will not provide the bushes with the necessary nutrition, so you should think about its additional enrichment with useful substances.
It is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen compounds, starting from the very early stage of development, and continue to feed up until the onset of ovary formation. The fact is that fertilizers adversely affect the formation of the ovary and without their use it will be more abundant. After the ovary is finally formed, you can continue to fertilize the plants.

Gardeners believe that the abundant flowering of tomato bushes is already the key to a good harvest. In part, they are right, but in most cases it happens that the flowers fall, before they have time to give an ovary. The fact is that fruit formation is directly affected by full pollination and pollen quality. People who have an apiary next to the garden do not have to worry about this, and everyone else can use the method of artificial pollination. This is a fairly simple method, it consists in shaking the plants by the stem during flowering. Shaking must be carried out several times a week from 8 to 13 hours.

We have already figured out how to plant tomatoes, how to fertilize and pollinate them correctly , now we will move on to the most interesting part - harvesting. When tomatoes are already hanging in all their glory and beckoning with their rosy sides, do not rush and headlong to break them all indiscriminately. Let the fruit hang on the bush for as long as possible. The fact is that the more time the fetus is associated with the mother plant, the tastier and more aromatic it will become. This is due to the fact that the taste of a tomato directly depends on the content of acids and sugar in it. Now, when we figured out how to plant tomatoes, let's see how to store them properly.
Do not be alarmed if the fruit has stopped blushing, despite the hot weather. It is she who can cause color loss: in intense heat, the final stage of the formation of color pigment slows down or even completely stops. The storage of this vegetable also has its own tricks: you can pick a tomato unripe - this will increase its shelf life by several days, but the quality of the product, unfortunately, will also deteriorate significantly. This will affect not only the taste properties of the tomato, but also the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements contained in it.
Now you know how to plant tomatoes. Use these tips, and this vegetable will not only be tasty, but also beneficial for you and your family.


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