Reception of the president on appeals of citizens. How to write a letter to the President

The president’s reception for citizens ’appeals is an important body that helps the population get in touch with the main government official in Russia. Anyone can come here for one reason or another. The President of the Russian Federation himself will consider the letter and even answer it. Only not everyone understands how to send a message to the main representative of the authorities in the country. What options are there? When do they send letters to the reception of the president of Russia? What can I write in my posts? To understand all of this will be further.

When to contact

Each citizen can send a letter to the president’s reception. After some time, it will be studied, and the sender will be sure to answer the question. There are a number of common reasons why people want to talk with the main government official in the country. The reception should be written for the following reasons:

  • in case of violation of civil rights by government representatives (any);
  • with complaints about the work of various institutions (state);
  • if you want to get advice on any questions to which state authorities refused to give an answer;
  • to report corruption;
  • to express gratitude;
  • to offer ideas for improving life in the country;
  • to get help from the president when needed.

Addressing the president is not only possible, but also necessary. Some refuse this step because they do not know how to do it right. But you can fix the situation without any problems. It is enough to compose a letter, and then send it to certain authorities. For example, consideration and reception of messages from the population is carried out by the president’s reception on citizens' appeals. How to send a letter here? What methods of communication with this organization are offered to the population?

Ways of handling

The first step is to understand what alternatives are generally offered to citizens for communication with the president of the Russian Federation. This issue is extremely important. After all, only after an answer to it will it be possible to compose and send letters. How can I talk with this representative of power or with people working in the president’s office? At the moment, there is an opinion that you can use the following methods:

  • personal visit;
  • sending a paper letter;
  • a call to the reception or presidential administration;
  • use of internet technology.

The first three points are not in doubt. After all, the president’s reception office on citizens' appeals not only processes letters received, but also answers calls from the public. And even organizes meetings with the main representative of the authorities in Russia. But the Internet is in doubt. Is it really possible to use it to send a letter to the president?

Is the Internet a reality or a hoax?

A moot point. It's no secret that there is a lot of deception on the Internet already. Even real opportunities can be turned into fraud. For example, the creation of so-called fake services. Therefore, any official letters should be sent with extreme caution. No one is safe from fraud.

But, in principle, you can write to the president via the Internet. And not in one way. At the moment there is a special electronic reception room of the President of the Russian Federation. On it you can leave a request and wait for an answer. Or immediately wait for action from the authorities.

The president also has an official website. With it, you can also write a letter without any problems. There is a separate item for complaints. Do not forget about the presidential administration. Citizens are also able to communicate with her via the Internet. This service has an official page on which all thanks, wishes, complaints and other letters are left.

Attention should be paid to another very important point. There is a mobile reception of the president on citizens' appeals. She also has the opportunity to use the Internet. Everyone has the right to do so.

You may notice that communication with the president on the Internet is far from the last thing. It represents the fastest appeal from the population. The main thing is not to believe the various third-party sites, which are many on the World Wide Web.

Caution: cheating!

The thing is that there are a number of official services that will help contact the main representative of the authorities in the country (about them - a little later). And only they should be used to write and send letters for one reason or another. There are a lot of fraudulent services on the Internet that offer to chat with the president.

Citizens are advised to be vigilant. You should not believe in a variety of suspicious services that allow you to allegedly send a letter to the president. This is just the work of scammers who want to steal the user's personal data. After all, the electronic reception of the President of the Russian Federation collects certain information about the sender. For example, his full name, as well as his phone number and address of residence. All this can be useful to fraudsters in a given situation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use only trusted official services.

Presidential Reception Site

Sending letters to the president should be considered primarily with the use of Internet technology. Paper forms of messages are becoming less and less popular. Therefore, you have to figure out which sites really allow you to send a letter to the main representative of the authorities in Russia.

The president’s office for citizens and organizations is the first body to turn to. And we are talking about an electronic version of this service. It is located at:

Here you can register, and then regularly leave letters and receive the latest news related to the actions of the president. Usually the population does not use this service. But you can do without registration.

It is enough to look at the opportunities that the reception room of the President of the Russian Federation provides for the treatment of organizations and citizens. Here you can leave a letter in the "Mobile Reception", as well as in the "Electronic Reception". Or make an appointment in person.

Topic selection

To correctly use this service, you must first visit the site Further, it all depends on the availability of an account on the page. If it is, then it is recommended to go through authorization in the upper right corner. Not? Then this item can be skipped.

The next step is the process of learning the rules for writing messages. To do this, find the "Send Email" item. By clicking on it once, the user will see a large list of recommendations. It is required to study them carefully. And flip the page to the very end.

Three buttons will appear there. What does the reception room of the president of the Russian Federation offer? Send a letter, complaint or report cases of corruption. The item corresponding to the request of the citizen is selected.

Writing process

Next, a page opens, on which you can select the message parameters, as well as compose the text of the letter. The first step is to note the point at which the electronic appeal is delivered. This is either the electronic reception of the president, or the reception of his administration. Everyone chooses where he wants to send a message.

After there is a choice of the person who turns to the appropriate organization. For officials, this is a "Position", for companies "State body", but the population without fail chooses "Name of sender". Data is being filled.

The reception of the President of the Russian Federation responds to complaints and letters. Therefore, the user is prompted to select a response method. Either in electronic format or in paper. In the second case, in the process of filling in all the necessary fields, the address of the citizen who writes the letter will also be added.

Now the most important thing is the text. It is recommended to write no more than 2000 characters without spaces. You can attach photos and videos to circulation. It is advisable to indicate the telephone number for communication in the appropriate field.

All is ready? Then you can scroll to the very end and select the "Send Email" item. That's all. Now we can wait for the electronic reception of the President of the Russian Federation or his administration to process the appeal. Nothing difficult!

Electronic reception

The next option is an electronic reception. In fact, it has nothing to do with the Internet. But citizens think differently. This communication tool requires special attention. Why? How can it be used so that the president receives and considers the appeal of citizens?

Electronic Reception is a network of special terminals. They resemble mobile payment terminals. They allow, by analogy with the website of the President of the Russian Federation, to form and send a message, as well as communicate with the administration of the main representative of the authorities in the country. There is a video call function for this.

How to use the electronic reception? To do this, the president’s website needs to find the addresses of all working terminals. Then go to the indicated place and use the services of the car. They are completely free.

Such a public reception of the president is not in great demand so far. The terminals provide separate items for writing letters, complaints, as well as for making video calls. Simply follow the instructions displayed on the screen. Typically, writing a letter comes down to forming a message that does not exceed 2,000 characters in length (more can be, especially in the case of complaints), as well as filling in the full name and phone numbers, as well as addresses (real and electronic) to receive a response.

Public Chamber

The next way is to appeal to the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. You can write a letter to the president on the official website of this service. To do this, just go to and select "Citizens' Appeals" there.

Next is the formation of the message, as well as the filling in of personal data about the sender. After that, the presidential administration will receive and process the appeal of citizens. More precisely, the Public Chamber will do this.


We should not forget that telephone communication also helps to contact the president. True, you will have to talk either with representatives of the administration or with the reception staff. You won’t be able to talk directly with the president of the country by telephone.

What phone does the president's reception have? 8 (800) 200-23-16 is the number of the reception, the call within Russia is free. You can also call the presidential administration. To do this, dial 8 (495) 606-36-02. But that is not all. Everyone is able to reach the reception office at the request of citizens and organizations using the phone number 8 (495) 625-35-81. The last combination is mainly used by residents of Moscow and the region.

These numbers will help not only to report violations of established laws, but also make an appointment with the president. This is not as difficult as it seems. And no letters will be required.

Personal visit and paper letters

What if the citizen decided to write a message to the president without the help of the Internet? Then you should turn to the generally accepted method - sending by mail. To do this, you need to find out the address of the organization engaged in the processing of civil letters on certain cases.

The president’s office is located in Moscow. Letters, complaints, wishes and thanks can be sent to the address: Ilyinka Street, 23/16, Entrance 11. This is where letters are sent that are addressed to the President of the Russian Federation. Here you can also get a personal welcome. From 9:30 to 16:30 there is a reception of citizens in the reception of the president. True, as has already been said, it is required to go through the preliminary recording yourself.

How long to wait for an answer

Many people wonder how long it takes to wait for an answer to a sent letter. The President’s Reception for Citizens' Applications, as a rule, processes messages within 30 days. That is, the answer will come in about 2-3 months. After all, the countdown should begin from the moment the organization receives the message. And not when a citizen sent a letter by mail.

The same applies to electronic messages. Within a month after receipt (actually from the moment of sending), it will be possible to receive a response from the president. In fact, an appeal to the president is a reality. The main thing is to set a goal.

By the way, when composing a message, the whole point of the matter should be stated, without deviations from the topic. And it is forbidden to use obscene expressions and jargon. Speech must be correct and cultured.

How exactly to send letters to the president? It all depends on how quickly you want an answer. Many people prefer to sign up for a personal appointment, or use Internet technologies.


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