Anthurium pink: description, signs, features of growing

Anthurium is a special, unimaginably beautiful flower, emitting a delicate aroma, with surprisingly elegant foliage and magical flowers. Among the people he received the no less amazing name "male happiness" or a flamingo flower. The homeland of Anthurium is considered the tropical forests of South America.

male happiness


Consider the description of Anthurium pink. The flower has a spectacular appearance, and it attracts florists especially large elegant greens in the shape of hearts and bright inflorescences with elegant veins that, deviating from the cob, resemble a bird's wing. Flamingo flower is considered the most capricious plant among other flowers. Therefore, it requires special attention and care. Only in this case, he will always delight with his extraordinary beauty and beautiful flowering all 12 months of the year.

Anthurium leaf disease how to treat

Bit of history

Anthurium is a magical, peculiar plant that grows in all corners of the planet. Despite the fact that the flower was bred in the tropical climate of America, it can be found on the tops of the mountains and is quite impressive in size. Back in 1950, the University of Hawaii began to develop new varieties, today there are more than 500 species. Anthurium in many countries is considered the flower of life. People who engage in esoterics suggest that each flower has its own purpose, depending on which person he enters the house. Anthurium is a symbol of male power and the extension of the species.

Studying this particular kind of plant, astrologers say that the flower according to the horoscope Leo. Therefore, for people born under the sign of Leo, Anthurium will be a strong patron.

Legend of the flower

According to legend, which has come down from ancient times, when tribes of people were ruled by leaders, Anthurium was a young beauty. In those days, a very cruel leader lived in the same tribe, who decided to make her his wife. But the girl rejected him, and the reluctance to come to terms with this led the leader to war with the Anthurium tribe, and he won. The girl was captured by him against her will and taken to his tribe. On the wedding day, a code was made, according to their custom, a fire, in a red wedding dress, the girl threw herself into the fire, but the gods regretted that such a young creature would die, and turned it into an amazing, as beautiful as a young girl, flower. The tribal village where Anthurium lived became dense tropics. They say that the dew drops that appear every morning at dawn are tears of parents who did not reconcile to the death of their daughter.

Anthurium pink care

Anthurium pink: signs and superstitions

It is very important to follow the plant after it has appeared in the house, what is happening to it, what changes. Pink Anthurium is a mysterious and mysterious flower, in order to understand it, you need to observe its life constantly. A good sign if it suddenly bloomed. The brighter and larger the flower in size, the better. Long flowering bodes good financial returns. But there is the opposite. If the flower bloomed in a ragged, dull inflorescence and ugly, this promises monetary losses and the appearance of negativity in the house. If the flowering of pink Anthurium did not start at the right time, then you need to look at the surroundings. Perhaps the betrayal of friends. Also, it’s not a good sign if drops suddenly appear on the leaves for no reason, or light drops. This is the "cry" of the plant. He warns of diseases of children, a sharp change in weather, monetary losses. At this point, you need to consider the importance of where the flower stood while it began to “cry”. If in the nursery, then the illness of the child is supposed, if in the bedroom of a young girl, then betrayal of love or unrequited love. And the duration of the manifestation of tears will show how long this unfavorable period will last.

If the anthurium began to fade without good reason, then you need to look at the male half living in the house. It can be an ambulance, an unpleasant disease. And in order to protect a man from the disease and save the plant itself, it is very important to cleanse the room and the human body. If the flower begins to bloom and suddenly abruptly begins to fade, it means that there are envious people in the environment of the family. If the roots dry, then the ill-wisher should be sought among loved ones. If the roots rot, then the enemies act in secret from everyone. If the anthurium quickly begins to dry out, the man needs to be careful with partners, otherwise a career may suffer. If the stem is healthy, and the inflorescence begins to rot, then you need to understand yourself so as not to harm or make any mistakes.

The question often arises whether it is possible to give Anthurium as a “flower of male happiness” to women and men. Anthurium, which appeared in the house is, of course, exclusively only fortunately. He is able to fill a room with such energy of love that a person’s life will completely change. For a woman, the plant gives a strong immunity, increases the level of health, helps to find happiness. Anthurium, as mentioned at the beginning, is a good helper in the fight against protracted depression. The flower has a very beneficial effect on energy, both men and women. This beautiful flower will give a man health and masculine strength for a man, will bring satisfaction and peace to his life.

Anthurium pink omens

Why "man's happiness"?

This strong and at the same time gentle creature symbolizes love, life, movement, courage, passion and strength, that is, all male qualities. This mysterious plant also has well-known names - “damn language”, “flower tail”. This flower gives the male half a powerful force, awakens tender and romantic feelings in him, helps to attract good luck in all his endeavors. But for a woman he is very favorable. For an unmarried woman, the flower will bring masculine energy to her house and attract happiness and love. Pink Anthurium is also suitable to create harmony and understanding among couples, to return passion and feelings.

It is believed that Anthurium is better to receive as a gift than to buy. This is the only way this flower will fully reveal itself to its owner. This plant also has magical properties, it helps to cope with depression and guide a person on the right path. In addition, this magical flower gives the owner serenity and harmony in the soul. Pink Anthurium positively affects the physical health of a person, for example, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also helps to solve male problems.

In terms of finance, this plant is priceless, but in the event that the inhabitants of the house are decent and honest people. Anthurium is very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house, to the people who live in it. The plant can clean the room from accumulated negativity, and even from microbes, but in very poor energy conditions can quickly die.

Anthurium Pink Description

Where better to put a flower

Pink Anthurium flower is better to put in place in the east of the house, in a bedroom or living room. But not near electrical appliances, as they can completely deprive him of strength and energy. It is also important to know a few more conditions for the location of the plant in the house: a flower located in the corridor, when entering the room, performs a protective function, and if a stranger who comes into the house is experiencing some concern, he came with bad intentions. If you put a pot with Anthurium in the bedroom of a married couple, then the flower will affect the man, give him strength and confidence in making responsible decisions for the whole family.

According to an ancient legend about a girl who turned into a tender Anthurium, her pride remained in the plant forever, since the gods turned her into poisonous juice. Indeed, the flower has strong toxic substances, but at the same time, it perfectly cleans the air. In contact with it, safety measures must be followed: put in places protected from children and animals. Avoid getting juice on the skin, and the aroma emanating from the flower can cause an allergic reaction. But even with all these qualities, he still has many advantages. Consider further the features of growing pink Anthurium.

Features of growing Anthurium

For growth and development of a flower, the following conditions are necessary: ​​the plant must be put in the place where there is good lighting. You can’t put the flower in a sunny place, penumbra is better in the summer, this will be enough, in winter the plant will need more light, since Anthurium grows primarily due to lighting. The plant is well developed and feels great on the east or west side of the room.


Many are interested in how to water Anthurium pink. The flower loves good heat and water, so the plant is watered regularly and plentifully. In summer, they are watered 1-2 times a week, and in winter once every seven days. Before irrigation, water should be defended or filtered, its temperature should not be lower than room temperature. If necessary, top-dressing is required twice a year and transplantation. Subject to all care requirements, Anthurium pink will grow in thick leaves and bloom. In addition to timely and plentiful watering, the flower needs high humidity. If it is not enough, then the leaves will begin to wrap. In places where frequent temperature changes, such as the kitchen, putting a pot of pink Anthurium is not recommended. In the summer, the plant will feel great in the fresh air.

Top dressing

They feed the flower in spring and autumn, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Complex fertilizers for flowering are also used. During the growing season, the plant needs to be fertilized at least once every 20 days. After the appearance of inflorescences, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus should be introduced. Closer to autumn, you need to gradually reduce the amount of fertilizer during feeding.

how to water anthurium pink

Leaf diseases

Consider how to treat diseases of the leaves of anthurium:

  • The leaves are curled. The main reason is a violation of environmental requirements (draft, lack of lighting, arid air, heavy watering or too bright lighting). When the conditions normalize, the plant recovers.
  • The lower leaves turn yellow. This is natural aging. You just need to carefully trim the old leaves. The cause of yellowing of the leaves may be a disease.
  • All leaves of a young plant turn yellow. Most often, the reason is bright lighting. The plant needs to be rearranged in a less lit place or pritenit.
  • The leaves turn pale and acquire a yellowish tint. The reason is the lack of lighting.
  • The leaves are dry. The temperature and humidity conditions are violated.
pink anthurium flower

Reproduction of Anthurium

Advice to those who want to propagate this wonderful plant: quick and convenient propagation can be done with cuttings. They are separated from the plant, the cut is dried and left in water for 2 weeks. After the roots begin to appear in the flower, it can already be planted in the air, and in a month, when the adaptation takes place, Anthurium will begin to grow. It is possible in another way, when shoots appear at the flower, and at the next transplant, they can be separated and also installed in water. But it will be possible to land it no earlier than in a month.

Subject to all the rules for caring for Anthurium pink, the owner of the flower and members of his family will receive extraordinary pleasure from the amazing and special flowering of the plant.

In conclusion, I want to note another quality of this delightful flower - the ability to prevent conflicts, bring harmony and tranquility to the house. It gives confidence to timid people and a calming mind restless. Favorably affects the mood of the owners of the house.


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