"Gothic 3" - an alternative balance. What is it and what does it eat?

Gothic always had a lot of fans. By the number of fans, she can compete with the same series of The Elder Scrolls. Therefore, when the third part of this famous franchise came out, there were plenty of people who wanted to play it. It was only at launch that a very interesting feature was revealed, which Gothic 3 presented to them - an alternative balance. What is AB? What changes does he make to the game?

gothic 3 alternative balance what is


What does the alternative balance in Gothic 3 mean? This is another gradation of difficulty. If you usually choose from the levels “Simple”, “Normal” and “Difficult”, then in this case, by choosing an alternative, you will further increase the number of obstacles in your way.

One of the most visible problems will be the lack of experience and money. However, this will not be expressed in a small amount of “loot”, but in the fact that at high levels the cost of improving skills in gold and points will increase. Now you will not be able to pump your character in all aspects the same way, and you will have to make a bias in one of the parties. Moreover, now skill points are of great value, and potions are even more in demand than before. Truly, the unpleasant surprise that Gothic 3 presented to us is an alternative balance. What is AB, we continue to study further.

what the alternative balance in gothic 3 means


Another change that the inclusion of AB brings is an increase in the number of opponents by one. Depending on the difficulty chosen by the player, opponents will periodically attack him. Their number is different, but at the highest you will be attacked by at least three opponents. Unpleasant, but bearable, especially when the whole game has already been completed on various difficulties and there are no unexplored corners.

However, these are not all the surprises that Gothic 3 presents to us. Alternative balance - what is it compared to the "hard modes" of other games?


This is another aspect that will bring a lot of problems in the changed balance. If earlier you could accumulate points and simply study the spell you need, now this system is a typical "skill tree". Thus, before you get the necessary magic, you will have to investigate the previous one. This system allows you to limit the choice of magic and direct its study in a certain direction, as was done with skills.

Thus, combining all the knowledge that can be gleaned from a note on the topic "Gothic 3". An alternative balance - what is it? ”, We can say that this mode increasingly brings the peculiar gameplay of this game closer to the standard and familiar for us for most well-known applications.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22934/

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