How to soften rubber at home?

Over time, rubber, even with the observance of the operating rules, can stiffen. But fortunately, it can be restored to its former properties of elasticity at home (while the level of wear resistance can be reduced). No special substances are needed. All the necessary materials can already be at home.

How to soften a rubbery rubber with kerosene?

This substance can easily restore the elasticity indicators of a stiffened material, but at the same time, the danger of kerosene must be remembered, for example, it is combustible.

How to soften rubber at home

The essence of the method is to soak a rubber product in a special bath. After time, the surface of the product must be thoroughly washed and dried, while doing this can be twisted (for example, if you are processing a long rug).

The duration of soaking depends on several parameters, in particular on the size of the rubber product and the degree of hardening of the material (this must be determined before softening the rubber). But as practice shows, it is necessary to soak in the bath for at least 2-3 hours, since kerosene does not act immediately.


The scope of ammonia is extensive. Rubber softening is one way of using this drug. Many experts explain in detail how to soften rubber in this way. You can make the product softer by following this plan:

  1. Find a container of a suitable size.
  2. Before softening the rubber, you need to dilute ammonia in the right amount of water (proportion 1: 7).
  3. Soak the product in this solution for a maximum of an hour (it is impossible to hold rubber in liquid ammonia for more than the specified time, if after 30 minutes it has been noticed that the material does not become more elastic, then you should try another method).
  4. After restoring the desired level of softness, remove the rubber from the bath and rinse with clean running water.

Dry reconditioned products only at room temperature. Direct sunlight and high temperatures can adversely affect the condition of the material.

Alcohol has similar properties, but glycerin is additionally required. If the rubber is numb, how to soften it, the logic will tell. Spoiled product must be soaked in alcohol for several hours, then it must be removed, washed with warm running water along with soap. After the surface has dried, you need to rub glycerin using a rag or sponge. Glycerin should be a bit, the surplus must be removed. Instead, you can take car oil (you can use the product in this case only after 30 minutes).

Silicone and Castor

These home remedies for restoring elasticity have some disadvantages. One of them is a short-term effect, which is not always convenient. But there are still some advantages:

  • availability (silicone can be purchased at any specialized store, and its cost is low);
  • does not require prolonged exposure (the product is ready for use within 30 minutes after the start of the procedure);
  • there is no need to look for large containers for soaking products (before softening the rubber with silicone, this is not necessary).

These features also apply to castor oil. The substance is able to penetrate the structure of rubber, which changes its properties. But it is also easy to wash.

How to soften rubber

How to soften rubber at home by heating?

This method is used in cases where you need a quick, albeit short-term effect. For example, when the hose needs to be put on a branch pipe. Such problems are solved by briefly lowering the product into hot water. That is why the method is not suitable for products of significant size.

If the rubber is too stubborn, then the product can be boiled. You can speed up the process and increase the effectiveness of the procedure by adding salt in the water. Boil the material until the product is sufficiently elastic.

It is possible to heat rubber not only with water. To exert a point effect of high temperature, you can use a construction or conventional hair dryer. This is especially true when there is no way to soak the product in hot water, for example, when you need to remove the hose from the pipe.

How to soften rubber

The restoration of elasticity of rubber can be performed only in the absence of any mechanical damage and other deformations. You also need to be prepared for the fact that some performance characteristics will be reduced or completely lost.


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