What is hardcore?

Fulfilling the golden rule “be honest with your readers”, I declare that I had not the slightest idea what hardcore was and what it was eaten before writing this article. My ignorance fueled interest in getting to the bottom of the truth and finding out more about such a mysterious concept.

So, hardcore is a category that does not have one clear interpretation. The search engine gave me a lot of interpretations, but they all agree on one thing - this is not quite an ordinary musical direction. Below I will explain why such a definition is consistent.

Hardcore punk appeared in the USA and Great Britain in the late 70s and sang themes of freedom, anarchy, human will. If we compare this trend with punk rock, then the tracks here become shorter, however, heavier. Outwardly, the performers looked something like this: a t-shirt or a checked shirt, skinny jeans, sneakers, tattoos, piercings (the latter came into use relatively recently).

But it should be distinguished what is hardcore in Britain and America. Of course, the styles are similar, but there are also their own characteristics. In the UK, there is street punk, di-beat (hard guitar playing and frightening, roaring vocals prevail here), grindcore, crust punk.

The next direction, which is also called hardcore, is rap hardcore. This musical flow is characterized by a heavy beat and chaotic sound recording.

Hardcore techno appears in the 90s in the Netherlands, Germany, England; hallmarks are experiments conducted at the speed of music.

Every self-respecting musician who knows this environment knows what hardcore is, but no one knows all the styles. The fact is that there are countless them, and periodically all new directions appear. Of course, few take root, but once familiar now were new and unknown to anyone, but they conquered the planet and won the hearts of millions of fans.

I would like to list the most popular styles:

1. Gabber - one of the most "thrash" types.

2. Happy differ in notes of fun and lightness, which are quite rare in such music, here aggression is minimized; originally playing a piano, for example, or a clipping from a famous song in the pop genre.

3. Industrial hardcore - a very difficult direction in which the sound literally puts pressure on the head, there is almost no melody, so it is almost impossible for an untrained listener to master at least one track.

4. And I would also like to mention speedcore - the fastest style in which the speed reaches three hundred beats per minute!

    Some countries were mentioned, but you need to tell about Russian hardcore. He appeared in 1994, DJ Digger is recognized as his ancestor. Then, developing this direction, we came to the creation of the brand “Orbital Radio Station”, which hosted a variety of parties, which were attended by MC Paste, Or-Beat, Digger, Shark and others. Friendly battles between musicians became a tradition.

    In 1998, Russian hardcore underwent dramatic changes associated with the departure of DJ Or-Beat in Canada. After this event, the program was handed over to other presenters, but was closed after a short action.

    Now on the Russian stage there are hundreds of artists who adhere to a wide variety of styles.

    But what is hardcore if you don't take music into account? It turns out that the mode of the popular game "Fallout: New Vegas", which is considered more complicated than usual. In combination here, hardcore is also a reward intended for those who master such a difficult mode and completely pass the game.

    Surely, many have heard about hardcore in everyday life - this is the term used to refer to something tough, rude and heavy. As we say in some situations: "in hardcore mode."

    Thus, three options for determining the concept of “hardcore” were considered here, but no one guarantees that in the near future this category cannot be interpreted differently, in accordance with time. But the old meaning is changing, like everything around, and, most likely, new styles of music will not make fans languish in anticipation of a miracle.

    Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22937/

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