How to rejuvenate an old apple tree: pruning scheme, top dressing. How to care for an old apple tree

Fruit trees need proper pruning. If this is not done, the plant may hurt and dry quickly. Proper pruning contributes to the harmonious development of the tree, increase its fruiting. This procedure is carried out for adults and old apple trees. This procedure significantly extends the life of the garden plant.

There is a certain technique for rejuvenating an old apple tree . It is very important to trim the optimal number of branches. Experienced gardeners are ready to share the secrets of the correct technique for rejuvenating an old fruit tree.

Apple tree aging

Many summer residents are interested in the question of what to do with old apple trees. The possibility of rejuvenating the tree depends largely on the correct care in previous years. Over time, the apple tree shows the first signs of decay. Visible signs of this process appear 30 years after planting in the ground.

Old apple tree how to rejuvenate

In some cases, the first signs of aging may appear earlier. This process begins to develop earlier if the tree grew in adverse conditions, was deprived of proper care, fertilizer and watering.

The first signs of aging are exposure of skeleton-forming branches. New shoots no longer develop on them, in these areas the tree ceases to bear fruit. The yield of a garden plant begins to gradually decrease every year. In this case, you need to think about how to save the old apple tree. After all, with proper care, it can bear fruit more than one season.

If there is a high process of dying off of fruiting shoots, the tops of the branches dry out, it's time to help the tree. Low productivity, medium or small size of fruits also indicates the need to pay the apple the required attention. Timely and correct actions will restore strength to the plant, extending its lifespan. There is a certain technique for carrying out the trimming process. This will rejuvenate the apple tree.

The right kind of apple tree

It's never too late to learn how to care for an old apple tree. Even a decrepit tree can be reanimated by performing a methodical, sequential pruning of its branches. This procedure must be done correctly. To understand how to rejuvenate a garden plant, you should consider the ideal appearance of an apple tree.

What to do with the old apple tree

In the absence of timely pruning, the tree has a dense crown. Skeleton-forming branches grow randomly, they do not have a certain order. Shoots can intersect significantly, blocking the light of their neighbors. Such branches often damage each other in strong winds.

With proper care, the tree is distinguished by the presence of a central leading shoot. It forms a trunk, from which branches of the skeleton depart. The barrel is pointing exactly up. The branches that depart from it do not have an acute angle relative to it. The upper shoots should be shorter than the lower ones. This should look like a perfect apple tree. This form is created in a few years. Branches do not interfere with each other. They transmit light to subsequent shoots as much as possible.

When deciding to rejuvenate an apple tree that is fairly overgrown, one should strive to give it just such a shape. This process will require a lot of time. You can restore the correct orientation and density of the crown in about 3 years. At this time, you will need to periodically conduct a methodical trimming. Deep and quick removal of excess branches can kill a tree. For this reason, the procedure is carried out carefully, it takes a lot of time.

Pruning time

Old apple trees, the bark of which is not damaged, and the branches still have sufficient strength, can be trimmed by a certain technology. It is often used by gardeners in Europe. This procedure applies exclusively to old trees. Young apple trees require different care.

How to feed an old apple tree

When the tree gives a high yield, pruning of branches is carried out in autumn and spring. This allows you to provide the shoots with the necessary light, remove dry, painful branches from the crown. If there are too many buds on the branches, some of them need to be removed. They will exhaust, take strength from the plant. The fruits in this case will be large. In a lean year, the number of buds that are tied for the next year is reduced.

Old trees can only be pruned in the fall. The apple tree should prepare for winter during this period. There should be no leaves on it. It is at this time that you can apply the apple pruning scheme. In the autumn, after the end of the leaf fall period, one should choose the period when the frost has not yet come. Temperature during the day should be about 6-8º.

In spring, pruning is performed only after autumn preparation of the tree. At this time, the buds on the trees should not yet swell. It is very important to provide the tree with proper care, to make the necessary nutrition.

Rejuvenation technology

In order to resume good fruiting, you need to know how to plant an old apple tree, as well as correctly prune it. An integrated approach to plant care gives a high result. Gardeners formed a special technique, which allows you to regain strength to the old fruit tree. It is called an update system.

Autumn apple pruning scheme

At first glance, such a technique may seem complicated. However, no difficulties arise during its implementation. The presented method does not have strict rules. It takes into account only some characteristics of the tree.

The developed system assumes a reduction in the share of branch growth per year. Only the necessary branches remain. Fruit shoots should be evenly spaced throughout the branch. They should not be crowded. Fruit ovaries should not interfere with each other subsequently.

It should be noted that the stronger the tree, the more buds can be left on the branches. Most of the stepsons that appear after rejuvenation will need to be shortened by 30%. Some of them are cut off completely.

According to the presented system, two leading columns cannot be left on the plant. One of them will need to be deleted. The strongest trunk should be surrounded by strong branches.

First fall pruning

Begin the anti-aging procedure with pruning old apple trees in the fall. For beginners, gardeners need to consider the detailed procedure for this process. It is necessary to remove dry shoots damaged by diseases. The branches are cut to the ground. The remaining stump can cause infection.

How to care for an old apple tree

Gradually you need to trim large branches. You need to follow the leading trunk. If the apple tree has launched several new central shoots, they must be inspected visually. If one of the new leaders is healthier, stronger than the old, he is left. Then the old central trunk is removed.

It must be remembered that in one year no more than 3 large knots can be cut. This will prevent severe stress on the tree. To make a mistake in this case will be more difficult.

Further, the scheme of pruning apple trees in autumn involves determining the optimal height of the tree. The optimal level is considered to be about 4 m. If the plant reaches 6 m, it becomes difficult to cut, protect it from harmful insects and infections. If you need to shorten the crown by 1 m, so that the total size is 5 m, you can cut only 30-35 cm in the first year.

Also, the crown will need to be thinned. All thin, dry, dead branches are removed. Each shoot is carefully examined for infections. Affected branches must be cut.

Second year

The rejuvenation of the old apple tree, as mentioned above, is carried out in several stages. After the first autumn pruning, it is necessary to carry out a series of procedures next spring. In the upper part, new vigorous shoots may appear. They will need to be partially removed. Each strong branch should have one such shoot.

After such pruning, proportional branches will remain on the tree. Young shoots will develop on them. Here fruits will be formed subsequently. Medium-sized shoots are pulled down with a steel wire. They should take the most horizontal position. It is very important not to overdo it. Too much force can damage the branch.

When the presented procedure is completed, you need to trim the remaining new shoots according to the “ring” technique. This part of the escape is also called the “collar”. It is located at the base of the branch. At this point, it connects to the trunk. The bark on the “collar” has a wrinkled structure. This part contains cells that contribute to the healing of shoot wounds. Therefore, a cut “on the ring” is made above this “collar”.

Rejuvenation of an old apple tree

In the second year, on the eve of winter, several procedures will also be required. If you need to reduce the height of the tree, cut another 1/3 of the initial level. Some skeletal branches are pruned. This should provide the lower branches with enough light.

Third year

Many gardeners on the site have old apple trees. What to do with such trees? An important stage in the formation of the crown is the third year. During this period, the attached branches can be released. They remove the wire. Now the shoots will grow correctly. They will not cover the lower rows of the crown. Half of the new shoots will also need to be cut.

Old apple trees what to do

If among the new shoots there are healthy, strong specimens, they can bear fruit well. To do this, such branches are bent using a wire. So they are likely to move into the category of fruit branches.

In the pre-winter period, the remaining excess height of the tree is removed. The number of new shoots is also being reduced. Old, dry branches are cleaned completely. Next year the tree will get the correct shape. Branches make it easy to harvest. In this case, all shoots will grow as rationally as possible. They will not reduce the amount of light needed for the lower tiers of the crown.

In subsequent years, it will only be necessary to maintain the created form. Depending on the state of the apple tree, they decide on the need for more or less reduction of its branches, shoots. The main thing in time to remove dry, damaged shoots.

All collected branches must be burned. This will prevent the spread of infections, harmful insects in the area.

Tools and materials

Considering how to rejuvenate an old apple tree, it is necessary to pay special attention to the tool and the choice of materials for this process. It is necessary to prepare several hacksaws with small and large teeth. Small branches are removed using a manual pruner.

They put on leather gloves. You also need to prepare a ladder and safety belt. If you need to process several trees, it is recommended to purchase an electric or gasoline saw.

Trimming is done only with a clean tool. It should be sharp enough. It is not permissible to leave uneven sections with many scoring marks. Such areas do not heal well. Infections and harmful insects can easily enter here. After each treatment, the cutting tool must be thoroughly cleaned and washed.

All saw cuts that remain on the tree must be carefully sanded. They must be even. Next, the surface of the slices is treated using a "garden var."

You can also paint over these areas with oil enamel or drying oil.

Sanitary pruning

Knowing how to rejuvenate an old apple tree, you need to consider another type of pruning. It is called sanitary. In this case, remove all branches that could potentially be dangerous for the tree. This procedure is carried out without fail after outbreaks of diseases on garden plants, after natural disasters.

With this pruning, you will need to remove all non-living, infected or damaged shoots. Even if there are a lot of them, you will need to cut them all. Otherwise, the tree will not have a chance to survive. Such a deep pruning is carried out for both old and young apple trees.

In the process of carrying out such a procedure, the branches are removed under the very ring. If the shoot was infected, it is necessary to capture part of the healthy tissue during pruning. So you can prevent the development of rot. Thin broken branches are removed using a pruner.

Such deep pruning may be required after a very cold winter. Frozen shoots are cut to living tissue. All cut shoots need to be burned to ashes.

Some tips

Before conducting anti-aging procedures, it is also necessary to study how to feed an old apple tree . After the first pruning, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers must be applied to the soil near the tree. In spring, nitrogen-containing mixtures can be added. Fertilizers are also used during the flowering period. If the weather is rainy, the compositions are applied to the ground in a dry form. Only in the heat can they be bred with water and soil.

Pruning should be done exclusively during the period when the tree is at rest. It can be late autumn or early spring. Very deep pruning can destroy a tree. Such extreme measures are resorted to only as a last resort.

If the boughs are infertile, though large, it’s better to remove them anyway. They rob a tree of strength. Pruning is one of the most inexpensive ways to restore the plant to its former fertility and strength. Therefore, a similar technique is used by gardeners everywhere.

Having considered how to rejuvenate an old apple tree, you can significantly increase its productivity. An adult tree takes on the right shape. Its branches do not interfere with each other. In this case, the harvest will be more plentiful and the fruits larger. Each gardener can carry out this procedure independently.


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