Specially protected components of the nature of the tundra. Plants and animals of the tundra

The tundra is a unique natural area, comfortably located north of the taiga zone and south of the Arctic desert. It is a vast area with boundless expanses of permafrost, due to which snow-covered soil rarely thaws completely. As a result, all the inhabitants of this zone, including plants, are forced to survive in difficult climatic conditions. For the same reason, many of them are included in specially protected components of the nature of the tundra. We will tell in more detail what these objects are.

specially protected components of tundra nature

Climate and weather conditions in the tundra: winter

Since we made a reservation that the tundra is characterized by a very harsh climate, we will talk about it in a nutshell. So, the winter period on this cold and treeless plain is lingering. Winter lasts about 6-8, or even 9 months. Moreover, throughout all this time tundra monasteries are waiting for frosts, cold winds and even snowstorms.

As in any polar zone, there are polar nights in the tundra, which are planned to occur in the middle or end of January and last 1-2 months. When the long-awaited polar day arrives, streams of strong north wind and snowstorm fall upon the inhabitants of this area, included in the specially protected components of the nature of the tundra. The average air temperature in winter reaches โ€“30 degrees Celsius.

tundra reserves

Autumn, spring and summer

Autumn in the tundra begins in September, spring in May, and summer in July. The shortest time of the year in this subarctic climate zone is summer. Here it flies quickly and almost imperceptibly. The average temperature of one of the hottest by the standards of the tundra of the month of July (rarely August) is 5-10 degrees Celsius.

During the short-term summer period, the earth in this permafrost zone does not have time to warm up to the end. So, in a period when the sun radiates heat relatively strongly, the earth manages to warm up only 50 cm deep. Everything that remains below this layer, as practice shows, lies under a layer of dense and frozen soil. For the same reason, water that has fallen on the ground with precipitation cannot leak to a depth of more than half a meter. As a result, numerous lakes and marshes arise in this severe climatic zone. What are the features of the nature of the tundra, we will describe further.

tundra conservation

Flora in the permafrost zone

As you know, itโ€™s difficult for the representatives of the flora in frozen soil to survive. But, despite this, in the tundra you can find amazing plants and shrubs. For example, reindeer moss or reindeer lichen looks interesting. Tasty berries such as blueberries, cloudberries and lingonberries also grow here. Also, the tundra is characterized by a large number of mosses and lichens, which are the deer's favorite food.

Tundra trees deserve special attention, among which there are also such martyrs-adaptors as willow and birch. At the same time, both types of trees are small and belong to dwarf species. Most of the plants in the zone of fleeting summers have a low growth and a crown spreading on the ground, which allows them to tolerate winter painlessly and enjoy gusts of cool wind in spring and summer.

nature features of the tundra

The world around : the tundra and its feathered inhabitants

In the tundra you can find a white partridge, which wears a brown and colorful outfit in the summer, and dresses in warm white โ€œfur coat and bootsโ€ in winter (this is the plumage and vegetation that completely covers the birdโ€™s legs). The white owl does not change its snow-white plumage for a whole year. Due to the large number of feathers on the body and limbs, this bird can sit for a long time in one place, even in severe frost and in strong winds.

Tundra Animals

Among the animals of the tundra there are fluffy lemmings with short paws, a tail and small ears. It is noteworthy that these animals do not fall into hibernation and feel great in the snow and under it. Here you can also see beautiful and fast arctic foxes, deer with large and weighty horns, foxes, wolves, hare, rodents, bighorn sheep and others. Many of these inhabitants are threatened with extinction and are therefore placed in tundra reserves.

the world around the tundra

Other inhabitants of the tundra

Due to the large number of swamps and lakes, as well as excessive rainfall (up to 200-300 mm falls here during the year), blood-sucking winged insects actively develop in the tundra. In the ponds themselves, such large fish as omul, nelma, vendace and chir swim.

Ecological problems of the tundra

Protecting the nature of the tundra is an important task for ecologists around the world. Such a conclusion can be made by analyzing information about the construction and other facilities available in this harsh territory that carry out transportation and oil production.

Due to neglect of work and non-observance of safety precautions, frequent fuel leakage occurs. As a result of this, environmental pollution, the death of plants and animals.

In addition, industrial road trains move across the tundra, after which trash remains, destroying ultimately the vegetation of the soil. Due to the destroyed vegetation, deer and other animals and birds die.

What nature reserves are there in the tundra?

Thanks to the coordinated work of ecologists and other specialists, numerous tundra reserves have been created and are being created. So, in this permafrost zone there are several large reserves at once, which allow you to restore the natural balance of the territory and preserve the endangered species of the inhabitants of the tundra.

For example, there are the following conservation sites:

  • Lapland State Nature Reserve.
  • Taimyr Nature Reserve.
  • State Reserve "Wrangel Island".
  • Altai Reserve.

What are these specially protected components of the nature of the tundra, we will describe below.

General information about the Lapland State Nature Reserve

Lapland State Nature Reserve is one of the largest natural sites in Europe. It has huge sections of pristine nature where animals and birds move freely. It is located in a small village of the Murmansk region and has a total area of โ€‹โ€‹278,435 hectares of land. More than 198 species of birds, about 31 species of animals and 370 species of plants live here.

General information about Taimyr Nature Reserve

Taimyr Nature Reserve, established in February 1979, is also included in specially protected components of the tundra nature. It is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory near the Taimyr Peninsula. Here, up to 222 species of mosses and about 265 lichen plants, 116 species of birds, 15 species of fish and about 21 species of animals are found.

General information about the Wrangel Island State Reserve

Wrangel Island is a large and beautiful reserve with a total area of โ€‹โ€‹2,225,650 ha, including the water area and the security zone. There are many mountains and elevations, occupying about 2/3 of the entire territory. The reserve is protected by about 641 species of plants, 169 species of birds and some species of animals. So, Arctic foxes and wolverines, bears, ermines, wolves, reindeers and musk ox feel great here.

tundra trees

General information about Altai Reserve

Altai Nature Reserve, located in the highlands of Southern Siberia, is considered another environmental protection site. It stretches over 2,000,000 hectares, where all 1,500 species of plants grow beautifully, many of which are listed in the Red Book. About 70 species of animals live here, among them 29 belong to endangered species.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22951/

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