Ventilation: types of ventilation. Ventilation requirements. Ventilation installation

Installation of a ventilation system allows you to make living in an apartment or a house much more comfortable. Modern designs of this kind are distinguished by reliability, durability, operational efficiency and relative ease of installation. There are several varieties of ventilation systems, which we will discuss later in the article.

Types of designs

So, let's figure out what ventilation can be in a house or apartment . The types of ventilation currently used are:

  • With natural air circulation. Such systems are installed in most old city apartments and country houses. In this case, there is a natural air exchange between the room and the street. Air flows through cracks in the doors and window frames. Waste contaminated streams are removed through a specially installed exhaust riser.
  • Economical ventilation. In this case, exhaust ducts are installed in the attic. A fan is inserted into them. In this case, holes are drilled under the windows in the walls into which the valves are mounted. The latter open simultaneously with the start of the fan.
  • Supply technical ventilation. In this case, fans are installed in the walls of the house. These devices take air from the street and drive it into the heater in the winter, and then into the air ducts leading to the rooms. The fans are controlled by an automation system through temperature sensors or through a timer with a set on / off time.
  • Forced ventilation In this case, a special device controls the flows (ensures their supply from the street, distribution among rooms and removal). At the same time, air ducts stretch through the rooms.

ventilation types of ventilation

Ventilation requirements

Of course, a design of this design should be made taking into account all the required standards and rules. Which ones, we will consider further. So:

  • In residential buildings, air exchange of at least 3 m 3 per hour per square meter is what ventilation must provide. Types of ventilation are selected, including in accordance with this indicator. It can also be defined as the sum of air exchanges in different rooms of an apartment or house:


Speed ​​(m 3 / hour)








Depending on the stove

In living rooms


In the corridors


In smoking rooms


In the garage


On 1m 2

Rules to be observed during assembly

When installing the ventilation itself, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • Elements of the supply branch on the street should be located at least 1 m from the height of the snow cover in winter.
  • They should also be located at a height of at least 2 m from the surface of the earth.
  • In any case, the ventilation level in a residential apartment or house according to domestic standards should provide a single change of air per hour, in Europe - 1.3 volumes per hour.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation

Such systems are usually installed in small houses. In this case, the ventilation of buildings is carried out due to the temperature difference in the rooms and on the street. Once in the riser, waste streams rise up and are thrown out into the street.

The effectiveness of natural ventilation depends on several factors:

  • The height and diameter of the riser.
  • Wind forces on the street.
  • The physical properties of the material used to make the riser.

The advantages of systems with natural air circulation can be attributed primarily to ease of installation and low cost. Maintenance of ventilation of this type is nothing complicated. It is simple enough to check the performance of the riser from time to time by bringing a lighter to it. In the event of a blockage, you just need to clean it.

The disadvantages of such systems include low work efficiency, large heat loss in the rooms during the winter period, the appearance of condensate due to the sharp influx of cold air.

Pros and cons of economical ventilation

This variety provides a slightly more efficient air exchange in the rooms of the house. In this case, good ventilation can be arranged in all rooms. In addition, flows are moving faster due to fan operation. In installation, such systems are also as simple as possible, and their installation is inexpensive. Their disadvantage is primarily considered large heat loss in the winter.

Ventilation and air conditioning

Supply air

What else ventilation can be installed in the house or apartment? Types of ventilation of the supply type - the option is quite convenient and is also often used to ventilate homes. This variety of systems is somewhat cheaper than supply and exhaust regenerative. It works less efficiently than the latter, but better than natural ventilation. Such systems are usually, however, only used to ventilate the premises of a house with not too polluted air - bedrooms, cabinets, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of forced supply and exhaust structures

Installation of ventilation of this type is usually done in large houses. The forced system is currently considered the most effective. Modern designs of this type are able to provide ventilation of the house in the amount of 150-600 m 3 per hour. In the supply and exhaust ventilation unit, in addition to the supply and exhaust fans, in this case, another device is usually installed - a recuperator. It is necessary in order to collect heat from the air discharged from the room and give it to the supply air.

Of course, such systems are quite expensive. Maintenance of forced ventilation is also not easy. If necessary, repairs will have to call specialists. And in the installation and design of such systems are very complex.

ventilation installation

System assembly

Next, let's see how forced ventilation is going. Simpler types of ventilation are usually mounted independently. The work on drawing up a project of recuperative systems is often entrusted to specialists. Actually the installation of such systems is a very responsible procedure.

ventilation requirements

It is best if this work is also carried out by professionals. However, further - in order for you to have a general idea of ​​what this event is - we briefly consider the main stages of the assembly of such a system:

  • After drawing up the project, holes for air ducts are drilled in the right places in the walls.
  • Pipes equipped with check valves and adapters are inserted into them.
  • Then, in the attic or in a specially designated room, a unit with fans and a recuperator is installed on a flat area.
  • After that, they begin to install the ducts. It is most convenient to use flexible ones. They are passed for wall decoration, suspended ceilings or in ceilings. Each room should be approached by two pipes - supply and exhaust.
  • After the installation is completed, the main highways are connected on one side to the pipes in the walls, the other is connected to the unit recuperator. Which duct, to which its branch pipe is connected, is indicated in the instructions for this equipment.

ventilation service

How to choose a unit with fans and recuperator

So, how ventilation is installed, we have found out. Next, let's see how to choose the right equipment. When buying a supply and exhaust ventilation unit, first of all, you should pay attention to two main parameters - productivity and pressure. The following factors may also be important:

  • Noise level. Of course, the smaller it is, the better.
  • Heat exchanger efficiency. Models with high performance in this regard can save more electricity.
  • Dimensions of the block. Modern devices are usually very small. However, to make sure that the block fits in the room allotted for it is still worth it.
  • A variety of filters. They have to be changed quite often. Therefore, it is better to buy those models in which this component is not too expensive.

building ventilation

Ventilation and air conditioning

Of course, in modern homes, not only ventilation systems are used. Almost always at the same time as air conditioners are installed in the rooms. There are several options for using these two systems simultaneously:

  • Most often, ventilation is installed separately from the air conditioner. In this case, they work as independent systems. The option is quite convenient. He has only one drawback. Due to the difficulty of accurately selecting the locations of ventilation grilles and air conditioners, uncomfortable temperature zones may occur in some areas of the house.
  • Sometimes houses use ventilation and air conditioning in one system. This is also a fairly convenient option. In this case, a very powerful ducted air conditioner with a mixture of air flow is installed in the attic. Highways are allocated from it to all rooms. The advantages of such a system can be attributed primarily to the fact that its structural elements do not spoil the design of the rooms. All are hidden behind the ceiling. The disadvantage of such structures is the impossibility of regulating the temperature in this particular room.
  • Ducted air conditioners are installed, as a rule, in ordinary houses. Office and industrial ventilation (in small workshops), as well as ventilation of large country cottages, are carried out according to a similar principle. However, in this case, the main element of the system is a central air conditioner. Its distinctive feature is that it is a full-fledged supply and exhaust system, into which the cooling section is simply added. The channel device, in fact, is an ordinary air conditioner, to which you can connect the supply air duct branch.
  • Another option for combining air conditioning and ventilation is the use of separate channel air conditioners in each room. Such designs combine all the advantages of the first and second methods. That is, the rooms look aesthetically pleasing, while in each of them the most comfortable temperature can be set. The disadvantage of this design is considered only their high cost and complexity in installation.

industrial ventilation

With the help of modern ventilation systems and air conditioning systems, you can make life in a country house or city apartment as convenient and comfortable as possible. Of course, installing complex and most advanced designs of this type will cost a lot. But the effect of their use will be more than noticeable.


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