A municipality is ... Moscow municipalities. Head of Municipality

Municipal power is a special type of political institution. They do not belong to state authorities, however they are called to effectively manage the life of citizens.

The municipality is

What is a municipality?

"Municipality" is a direct transcription from the German Munizipalitaet, formed, in turn, from the Latin municipium - a city that has the right to independently govern. This term is firmly established in the Russian language, becoming a convenient designation of the territories on which the work of local authorities is concentrated.

Abroad, the municipality is often understood as such governing bodies (for example, city halls). The legal fixing of the term in Russia was carried out in 2003 with the adoption of the law “On General Principles of Local Self-Government”. Such concepts as “municipality”, “district” and “district” were introduced. Along with the federal interpretation of the term, Russia also has its interpretation at the regional level. In some cities , municipal authorities are legal entities. The main source of income for local authorities is taxes levied on residents of a governed city or district. A municipality may have its own enterprises, funds and property.

Head of the municipality

The administration of the municipality, in accordance with Russian laws, is carried out by an official with special rights. It has a certain amount of authority that allows solving problems of local importance. The head of the municipality is elected by the citizens or by the local representative body.

Head of Municipality

Its activities are accountable and controlled by citizens. Its main function is to represent the municipal unit in cooperation with other local administrations, state authorities, private individuals and companies. He is also entitled to sign and publish legal acts adopted by the representative body of local authority. The head of the municipality may be removed from office by court decision if it is established during the hearing that the person’s work did not comply with the main moral principle - the absence of conflicts with the law.

The structure of the self-government system in Moscow

Moscow is a city ​​of federal significance. The work of the self-government system of the Russian capital is regulated by local laws. Moscow municipalities are intra-urban entities (districts, settlements). The boundaries between them are established taking into account the history, local traditions, geographical features, as well as the socio-economic specifics of the territories.

Moscow municipalities

In municipalities, issues of local importance are being resolved, but their discussion should take into account the interests of the entire city economy and all citizens of Moscow. By the way, in the legal practice of the local authorities of the capital, the words “municipal” and “local” are used as equivalent terms. Deputies of the local districts of Moscow often interact with residents of the territories entrusted to them and, based on the meetings held, formulate relevant management issues. Now in the capital there are more than 140 municipalities.

Features of the work of Moscow municipalities

Among the most important issues related to local self-government in the Russian capital are the preservation of cultural heritage sites, the fight against illegal retail outlets and work on landscaping the city. New territories joined to Moscow in 2012 (former municipalities of the Moscow region) have moved to the "metropolitan" standards of self-government. In particular, deputies of local authorities received the right to exercise control over repair work in residential buildings, in courtyards, and to give permission for the construction of garages. Most of the projects related to the construction of facilities are now coordinated with municipal deputies.

Municipality Powers

Local officials also play an important role in resolving issues related to state power. A municipality is also a subject of political development of a city or county. When the Moscow Mayor was held in 2013, there was a rule that a candidate should receive the support of at least 110 deputies from 110 metropolitan municipalities. Some experts felt that this mechanism allowed us to weed out those applicants for the post of mayor who are not familiar with the realities of Moscow.

Municipal Budgeting

The budgeting of local authorities is very similar to a similar process at the federal level. However, there are differences. The budget of the municipality is composed of two main parts - a list of expenses and a list of cash receipts. If a deficit is expected, then sources of compensation are noted. In Russia there are three main levels of municipalities: settlements, districts and urban districts.

Municipal Budget

Each of them has its own budget, but in the process of its formation subordination may be involved - the district requests lists of expenses for each of the settlements, and then, summing them up with its budget, forms a consolidated financial plan. Municipalities receive income from taxes and fees, municipal property, profits of enterprises, as well as gratuitous transfers.

Municipal income

The funds of local budgets are in municipal ownership. That is, federal or regional government bodies do not have access to them. In addition to the above-mentioned sources of revenue for local government budgets, cash receipts can consist of subventions, subsidies, as well as financial flows arising from mutual settlements. In general, municipal budget revenues can be generated from three main groups of sources. Firstly, these are, as already mentioned, taxes and fees (they are dealt with by the representative bodies of municipalities in accordance with the rules of federal laws). Secondly, these are the so-called regulatory revenues - federal, regional taxes and other types of payments, from which the local budget receives a certain percentage during the fees (most often this is UTII, corporate property tax , land tax). Thirdly, there are so-called “non-tax” payments that make up the local budget’s own revenues.

Community participation in municipalities

The effective work of local authorities is largely determined by the degree of involvement of ordinary citizens in it. They should know what a municipality is. This is an indicator of the development of society. Residents of cities and districts should be actively involved in decision-making processes by local government institutions. If this does not happen, then social tension begins to increase, people can begin to protest against the work of local authorities. The solution of key issues related to the development of municipalities, experts believe, should occur within the framework of public hearings.

Municipality Management

The interaction between citizens and the authorities in this regard will make it possible, first of all, to avoid conflicts of interest. Very often, difficulties arise in the sphere of communication between municipal government bodies and residents due to the low quality of the information work of the former. An important component of an effective public hearing is preliminary preparation, clarification of the mood of citizens regarding the issue being addressed.

Challenges for Municipalities

The authority of the municipality, guaranteed by law, is complemented by a whole range of goals and tasks that local authorities are required to fulfill. They can be divided into several categories. Firstly, this is local implementation of federal policy (for example, the implementation of decrees of the President of Russia). Secondly, it is improving the work of municipal services. Thirdly, it is stimulation of economic development in the areas entrusted to local authorities (for example, job creation, support of entrepreneurial initiatives). In each of the marked categories there are more localized tasks. For example, in the course of improving the economic model of the municipality, issues of efficient spending of budget funds can be resolved, and at the same time, work can be done to attract private companies and entrepreneurs to local politics. Some experts believe that the main responsibilities of the municipality are the implementation of socially significant initiatives and improving the living standards of citizens.

Foreign experience

How does municipal authority work abroad? Let us turn to neighboring Finland for an example. In the country of Suomi, the municipality is the most important institution of civil society, one of three levels of government (along with the central and regional). The main unit of local authority in Finland is the so-called communes. They vary greatly in size. For example, Helsinki, where more than 588 thousand people live, and the small Baltic island of Sottung with a population of 120 inhabitants, are legally equal communes. In addition, there is no difference in rights between rural and urban municipalities.

Municipality Responsibilities

The country is characterized by a gradual process of unification of communes: if, for example, in 2001 there were 441, then in 2012 it was only 336. The municipalities of Finland are united in the Association of authorities in the regions and in the localities, which plays a significant role in the country's development. It is significant that the Finns do not have the heads of municipalities: their functions are performed by hired managers. They can maintain their post even if the composition of the council of the local authority changes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22955/

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