At what age can a child give strawberries: tips and tricks

At what age can a child be given strawberries? Almost all parents think about this with the onset of summer. Still would! Fragrant, bright and juicy berries beckon children of all ages. And if everything is clear with children over three years old - they can and should even be given strawberries, then what about children, for many parents it is not at all clear. Is it really, relaxing with a child in the country, to hide from him juicy berries?

from what age to give a child strawberries

To begin with, strawberries, without a doubt, the berry is very useful for both children and adults. But with all its taste and nutritional qualities, it is a strong allergen, like all red products. Therefore, the answer to the question: "At what age can a child be given strawberries?" - directly depends on how prone he is with an allergy to food.

Strawberries included in the diet of a child up to one year old are a super allergenic product. If you still want to try to give the child several berries, do this in the morning to monitor the possible reaction of the baby's body. What should alert you and serve as a signal for the abolition of strawberries in the diet? This is primarily a rash, redness of the skin, diarrhea and excessive moodiness. Only one of the symptoms or all four can be observed at once. This does not mean that now a lifelong taboo has been imposed on the consumption of tasty berries - in a few months you can repeat the experiment. Perhaps there will be no allergic reaction.

strawberries for children up to a year

At what age can a child be given strawberries? Experts recommend doing this no earlier than seven months, but it is better to wait until the child is one year old. Strawberries are useful in high levels of vitamin C and organic acids, which are very important for dysbiosis, as they normalize the intestinal microflora. In addition, the berry is rich in folic acid and zinc, as well as other vitamins and minerals necessary for children of all ages (magnesium, phosphorus, A, E, B, etc.). Strawberries have a hematopoietic, diuretic, diaphoretic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Strawberry juice improves appetite, and therefore, if your child is more than a year old and he eats very poorly, give him some berries before the main meal. However, it is better to consult with a pediatrician and eat strawberries only in season - the berry brought from abroad may contain substances harmful to the baby, which is fraught with poisoning. Strawberries for children from one year old can be served in the form of compote or fruit drink.

Strawberries for children up to a year - in small doses, only after 7 months, under close supervision by their parents, after consultation with a pediatrician and only of proven quality and properly processed!

baby ration up to a year

So, at what age you can give your child strawberries, we figured it out. How to do it right?

1. Buy strawberries only in trusted locations and only during the ripening and harvesting season.

2. Rinse the berries thoroughly before giving the baby - pathogenic organisms may be present on their surface.

3. First, give only half of the berry and watch the reaction.

4. If there is no diarrhea or rash, give 1-2 berries the next day.

5. 2-3 years a day - the maximum dose for a child under the age of one and a half years.


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