Thanking is ... Learning to say thank you

There are some common truths in our human culture. They are simple and seem obvious to everyone. However, in practice, far from all fulfill them. Sometimes it is carelessness, in another situation - the unwillingness to carry them out or the lack of understanding of the importance of those actions that are aimed not at oneself, but about the world around. One of these rules of conduct is elementary gratitude.

No one in modern society needs to explain that if you have been given any service, thanking is the same natural formula of courtesy as greeting a friend in a meeting. And not just a courtesy formula, but a criterion for evaluating our culture. So why do we so often avoid words of gratitude in response to help?

Say thank you

Such complicated simple things

Gratitude is the most beautiful of the flowers of the soul.

So said the famous American philosopher Henry Ward Beecher. Why did he so highly appreciate the personโ€™s ability to say "thank you", because there is nothing easier than this? It turns out that truly thanking is sincerely wishing someone good in response to the good that he has done for us. And this is a force, alas, not for everyone.

To thank is to acknowledge that someone helped you, that without his help you would not have been able to handle it yourself. Some consider this behavior a recognition of their own weakness, but this is not so. Quite the contrary - when you say the word "thank you" to another person, you thereby discover your strength, generosity. You with all your heart are able to wish a person all the best. Therefore, do not be afraid to thank other people. In this way, you are by no means making yourself more vulnerable, weak and helpless.

Friendly hug

"And she will come back to you more than once!"

Everyone knows that the talk in this children's song is about a smile. With gratitude, everything is about the same. Thanks to the person, you are positioning him toward you, making it clear that you value what he has done for you, even though this seems to be a trifle. The next time you need help again, he will surely remember your good attitude, and therefore he will want to help you out this time too.

Remember how you yourself, receiving thanks from anyone, blurred in a smile, how pleased you were to do something for the person, how glad you would be to help him again.

This is how the boomerang law works - everything that we do, good or bad, will return to us after some time. In India, this pattern is called karma: the more good you do for others, the more good you carry into this world, the more justly fate will reward you.

A smile will make everyone brighter!

Recipe for success

To give thanks is an important skill in life. A grateful person achieves more than he who considers everything good in his life to be taken for granted and does not value the good done to him.

A grateful person will not be refused a request, they are always ready to render such a service, to make concessions. A grateful person is always a pleasant partner, a good friend, a wonderful friend. Each of us wants to see more of such people in our environment. Do you want to be a welcome person in any company? Be thankful to people.

How to do it?

In gratitude

As already mentioned, it is necessary to give thanks first of all with all my heart. Sincere gratitude will be rated much higher than a formal and dry thank you. Secondly, words should be timely. That is, it makes no sense to thank a person a few days later for some insignificant service - perhaps he himself has already forgotten about it.

Gratitude should be proportionate to the help you have been given. Sometimes itโ€™s enough to say a few words. This is "thank you", "thank you" and the like. After all, if you were just helped to carry heavy bags, and in return you try to give some gift as a sign of your appreciation, this can cause embarrassment in a person, and not the joy of having done a good deed.

Another important rule is to thank others, but never expect gratitude in return. Indeed, truly good deeds are committed disinterestedly.


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