Construction gun and its application

The construction gun is an indispensable tool, widely used in many construction and installation works. In fact, it is a convenient, and most importantly, a quick alternative to drilling holes in high-strength bases for various fasteners. You just need to pull the trigger so that the nail enters the thickness of the material.

Features and scope

The construction gun is intended for driving dowels and nails into concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, stone, steel and other hard surfaces.

construction gun

In appearance, the tool is similar to an ordinary gun or a small jackhammer. It is used in the installation of electrical and ventilation equipment, various pipelines, roofing, plumbing and many other construction works. Its principle of operation is based on the use of special cartridges, the liners of which are painted in a different color, indicating the level of charge.

The construction gun for dowels is quite easy to use. Due to its maneuverability (it does not need a source of energy), it ensures the installation of fasteners in the most inaccessible places, regardless of any weather conditions.

Operating principle

All manipulations using this tool are performed using direct mounting technology. The construction gun for dowels works very simply: you just have to pull the trigger, and after a couple of seconds you will get the desired result - the dowel is fixed and reliable to the base. This is due to the fact that during the shot, passing along the "barrel" of the gun, the dowel is very hot due to the powder mass in the cartridge.

construction gun for dowels

Advantages and disadvantages

Working with this gun in some cases is dangerous and difficult, for example, if it is carried out at high altitude or during labor-intensive processes. And in any case, the presence of physical strength and dexterity is required.

But these points do not detract from the advantages that a construction gun has:

  • strength and reliability of fasteners;
  • high productivity;
  • possibility of installation in hard-to-reach places.

A significant drawback is the high cost of the tool. But acquiring it once, you can use it for many years.

Types of construction guns

Depending on which energy source is used, the gun is divided into three types:

  • pneumatic;
  • gas;
  • gunpowder.

Each of these types has a lock that protects against accidental shots. This reduces the risk of injuries, ensuring the safe use of the tool.

The construction pneumatic gun belongs to the most popular type of these tools. For its operation, compressed air is required, which is supplied from a central compressor or cylinders. Using this tool, it is possible to hammer staples during the installation of sound and waterproofing of the roof, the installation of suspended ceilings, as well as during the fastening of various sheet and roll materials, fiberboard and particleboard.

glue gun

The gas construction gun belongs to non-cartridge tools. It is equipped with a chamber where butane-propane gases are burned. As a result of this process, a blast wave arises, due to which the dowel is pushed out and penetrates the mounting surface. The difference between these tools is that they are suitable for working with any basis.

The powder gun is a device loaded with special cartridges. Their design is arranged in such a way that the impact on the dowel produces a hammer, driven by the energy of the powder charge.

Most often, such pistols are used in work with brick, concrete and reinforced concrete surfaces.

Powder Tool Features

This gun belongs to automatic tools, so it is advisable to use it with a large amount of construction and installation work. Its design is reliable and convenient. Thanks to its device, the through lumbago of the base is completely excluded, since the dowel head stops moving when the striker stops.

construction sealant gun

The gunpowder construction gun has several advantages over other types:

  • the use of a wide range of nails;
  • the ability to work with large dowels;
  • creating a shot of high power;
  • providing high strength fastener adhesion to the base;
  • lack of additional equipment;
  • compactness and relatively low weight of the tool itself.

Compliance with the rules of operation

Instructions for use are included with any type of construction gun. Before work, it is required to study in detail and strictly observe all points. The main ones relate to stringent requirements regarding ensuring tight contact between the β€œbarrel” of the tool and the mounting surface, as well as the exact selection of cartridges. Indeed, in most cases it is impossible to fire without pressure on the fastener part, and the penetration depth of the dowel directly depends on the strength of the powder charge of the selected cartridge.

Precautionary measures

Applying a construction gun for nails, you need to use personal protective equipment:

  • construction helmet;
  • safety glasses or face shield;
  • special anti-noise headphones (group A);
  • gloves.

Preventive measures

A gun under a building cartridge is not a children's toy. Therefore, you must clearly follow the instructions for its operation, storage and prevention. This will ensure not only safe and long operation, but also make it possible to avoid breakage of an expensive tool.

gun under construction cartridge

The main preventive measures are as follows:

  • the use of only factory-made branded cartridges;
  • storing cartridges separately from the gun and consumable dowels;
  • periodic inspection of the store in order to detect foreign objects that can get there when changing the clip or charging nails;
  • periodic disassembly and cleaning of the internal parts of the gun after the number of shots specified in the instructions.

Construction guns for different types of work

In addition to mounting guns designed for driving dowels and nails, there are also various types of these tools, with which you can carry out a wide range of construction works.

These include pistols with which sealant, glue or grout are applied.

A construction gun for sealant is a tool that squeezes a composition from cartridges designed to seal something. His work is based on the movement of the piston, which, acting on the bottom of the cartridge, squeezes a certain amount of sealant.

construction gun for nails

By the type of compartments in which the cartridges are located, such guns are sheet and frame, and the latter are the most popular. They hold containers with sealant well.

Depending on the extrusion method of the composition, these tools are:

  • rechargeable, the advantage of which is autonomy;
  • electric, which operate from the network and are designed to work with different cartridges;
  • pneumatic.

In the latter embodiment, the material is squeezed out under the influence of air when the handle is pressed. As a rule, such guns have an ergonomic design and various devices for regulating and restricting the output of the sealant, due to which it is very convenient to work with them.

The construction gun for glue has a very simple principle of action: a rod with an adhesive composition is placed in a metal chamber, where it is heated using a thermocouple connected to the network, and after pressing the trigger, molten glue is squeezed out through the nozzle.

Using such a gun, you can glue surfaces made of plastic, glass, metal, wood or leather, dock linoleum strips or fiberboard sheets, repair shoes or assemble broken china, perform sealing, decorating or modeling something.

construction air gun

The construction gun for grouting is an indispensable tool for embroidering brickwork, clinker and other types of ceramic tiles. It makes it possible to reduce material losses, maintain the cleanliness of the processed surface and accurately fill the seams without voids and air bubbles.

Using separate types of these guns, it is possible not only to facilitate the implementation of various construction and installation works, but also to carry out them quickly and efficiently.


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