Powers of the Government of the Russian Federation

The supreme executive state body in the Russian Federation is the government. His activities are based on the principles of the supremacy of the Constitution, federalism, democracy, publicity, responsibility and others.

Government structure

This is a collegial body, which includes the chairman, his deputies and federal ministers. The first is appointed by the president of the country with the consent of the State Duma. With a three-fold rejection of candidates, it can be dissolved. The appointment of deputies and federal ministers is carried out at the proposal of the chairman of the president of the Russian Federation.

Allocate the following powers of the government of the Russian Federation:

  • Are common. These include leadership and control over the work of federal ministries, other executive bodies, the creation of territorial bodies, and the financing of their activities from the federal budget. The government also appoints the heads of executive bodies of the federal level, deputy ministers, etc.
  • In foreign policy. Concludes international treaties, carries out representation in international organizations and foreign states.
  • In economics. It regulates economic processes in the state, ensures freedom of economic activity and the unity of the economic space, and develops an investment policy. The powers of the Government of the Russian Federation include the development of programs for the development of priority sectors of the economy and their implementation, management of federal property. It also makes forecasts of the further development of the state in this area.
  • In the field of culture, science, education. Provides state support for their development. In the field of education, pursues a unified state policy.
  • To ensure defense and state security. The powers of the Government of the Russian Federation are to take all measures necessary for this, to equip military units and the Armed Forces with weapons and equipment, resources and materiel.
  • In the social sphere. It implements a unified policy on social security of citizens, assistance in the implementation of their constitutional rights in this area, develops programs aimed at reducing and eliminating unemployment.
  • In the field of budgetary, financial, monetary, credit policy. It is developing the federal budget, then submitting it to the State Duma for approval. Subsequently ensures its execution, providing a full report. Improves the budget system. Implements tax policy.
  • To ensure the rule of law, the fight against crime, the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Takes measures aimed at protecting public order and property, combating crime and committing offenses, ensures the safety of the individual, state and society.
  • In the field of nature conservation. The powers of the Government of the Russian Federation are to conduct a unified policy to ensure environmental safety and environmental protection. Promotes the realization of citizens' rights to ensure environmental well-being.

Other powers may be assigned to the government, which are legally enshrined in the Federal Law and presidential decrees.

The powers of the government are terminated in the following cases:

- upon taking office of the new president;

- if it resigns upon the announcement of the chairman;

- with the resignation of the government by decision of the president;

- in case of a double vote of no confidence or a single refusal of confidence in the State Duma (the president then decides to resign the government or dismisses the Duma within a week);

- if there is a statement by the chairman on the impossibility of the exercise of authority.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22971/

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