Features of celery cultivation: planting, watering, top dressing

Celery did not appear yesterday. Even the Egyptians prepared healing preparations and cosmetic masks from it, which were designed to preserve beauty. In India and Tibet, in China, everywhere celery was given a large role. But with us this culture is only now gaining popularity. And then not everyone loves celery for its harsh taste. But in vain, because a lot can be said about the benefits of this plant.

petiole celery seedlings

general description

Growing celery in central Russia and especially in Siberia is not an easy task. This is a pretty moody guest in your garden. But the result builds the effort expended. Celery will feed and treat. Therefore, if you have a personal plot, be sure to select a bed for him.

  1. Of great popularity is the cultivation of petiole celery. It is boiled and stewed, pickled and salted. Its fiber is absorbed slowly, which contributes to the long-term preservation of satiety.
  2. It would seem that today there are so many drugs that you can do without this spice. But growing celery in your area may allow you to use fewer medicines or do without them at all. The plant has antiseptic, wound healing and laxative, as well as a diuretic effect. It is an ideal source of vitamins and mineral salts.

In general, if you do not like this plant, then it's time to change the attitude towards it. Growing celery in your summer cottage will save a lot on vitamin complexes, as it is a great alternative.

Petiole and root

There are two main forms of plants. One forms juicy and fleshy stems, and the second - root crops. We will talk about the technology of growing each of them. Many gardeners plant one and the other in the garden, as both have their advantages.

Growing celery begins with planting seedlings. The heat-loving plant does not tolerate frost well, so it is recommended to sow the plants in boxes in the spring, and then transplant them into the ground. So you will not lose time and you will definitely get a crop.

celery in open ground

The timing

This is a β€œtight-looking” vegetable with moody seeds. They sprout for a long time, slowly grow, and part of them will refuse to take off from the ground. Therefore, if you wait for steady heat and sow them in open ground, then you risk being left without a crop at all. Since it is desirable to grow celery by the middle of summer, you need to start planting it in containers in February or wait until March.

Practice shows the amazing property of seeds. Their germination rate improves over time. Therefore, if you managed to find a pack of seeds three or four years old in the store, then you can expect friendly and strong seedlings.

We select the soil

For seedlings, you need to prepare boxes with a light, nutritious mixture. To do this, mix garden soil and humus in different parts, as well as sand. The substrate needs to be moistened a little, and to top up with a dense layer of snow. Seeds germinate best when immersed in snow. Gradually, along with melt water, they fall into the soil and germinate. Returning to when to plant celery for seedlings, we can say that before the end of winter. Of course, in each region it is different, but you need to focus on the second half of February.

The depth of embedding does not matter much, so it is better to take containers not deep, but wide. It will take a long time to wait for the first shoots. If you have not processed the seed, then the wait may be delayed for three weeks. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend pre-soaking them in a stimulant solution. This culture is very demanding on the content of nutrients. Therefore, it is best to buy fertile soil in the store.

First shoots

If you have never grown this vegetable, you may be unpleasantly surprised. Weak, thin shoots do not look convincing at all. Therefore, before planting, you need to learn how to grow celery. Now the seedlings need special care. They are watered by spraying, and try not to overmoisten the soil, so as not to destroy them.

Until the appearance of the first true leaves, it is necessary to observe the regime of greenhouse cultivation. That is, be sure to close the plantings with film or glass at night and open during the day. Seedlings should be taken care of according to the standard scheme, that is, maintaining the correct temperature and watering conditions and regularly ventilating. Seedlings are growing slowly, but most often this is the only problem that the gardener is faced with.

We grow strong seedlings

It is in the first week that there is a danger that the seedlings will stretch. To prevent this, it is recommended to arrange illumination with phytolamps. In addition, it is recommended to lower the temperature. To do this, you can take out a box with seedlings in the corridor or put it on the balcony. Every day the earth needs to be moistened from a spray bottle.

As soon as the plants rise above the ground, you need to fully open the box. Perform thinning regularly. So you provide strong seedlings more likely to become full-fledged plants.


Petiole celery seedlings need a procedure after the first full leaves appear. It is best to choose cups with a retractable bottom, so as not to damage the root system when transplanting into the ground. When pickling celery, you need to pinch the main root a few centimeters. After that, it is transferred to a separate cup. This can be a special, peat, or previously used jar of yogurt or sour cream. It is necessary to deepen the plant down to the first leaves.

celery root care

Transplant in the garden

Celery is transferred to the open ground only in late May or early June. More precisely, based on an analysis of the climatic features of the region. By this time, the sprouts are already strong. Planting petiole celery should be carried out according to the scheme 25 * 25 cm. In order to prevent the beds from becoming crusted, it is recommended to use mulch. Sawdust and straw are used for this. For weaker sprouts, you can build a coating in the form of plastic cups without a bottom.

Sowing directly into the ground

Immediately after planting, celery needs to be fed using liquid fertilizers. Today there are varieties that can be sown immediately in the ground. This is an early Golden Feather and Utah. This method has its pros and cons. On the one hand, less work for the gardener. On the other hand, further thinning of the seedlings will be required. The seeds are very small, even with a tape you will not be able to distribute them evenly in rows. But your goal is to get lush bushes, which means that they should have room for growth.

Soil preparation for planting is carried out according to standard technology. It is necessary to dig the ground in the fall and remove all weeds. After this, apply the appropriate soil fertilizer. Humus is great, but not fresh manure. Its introduction will lead to the development of spotting in plants, which is very difficult to cope with. With the onset of warm days, it is recommended to feed the earth with phosphorus and potassium.

The optimum acidity is 7 ph. If necessary, lime or dolomite should be added to normalize these indicators. The beds are slightly tamped and leveled. It is necessary to arrange good drainage of the beds, for which special grooves are arranged to remove moisture.

celery top dressing

Growing petiole celery

Focusing on the climatic conditions of the region, you can decide when to plant celery for seedlings. But today we take the average date. That is, in February, you need to sow the seeds, and in May transfer them to the ground. To grow plants from ready seedlings is not at all difficult. Care is reduced to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to carry out regular watering, but at the same time focus on weather conditions and soil conditions. Watering celery is very important, the soil should be constantly moist, but do not allow stagnation of water.
  • The plant requires the introduction of organic fertilizers with a frequency of 1 time in 10 days.
  • Hilling. Applies to all varieties except those that are capable of bleaching on their own. They need to be spudded with a frequency of 1 time in 3 weeks.
when to plant celery for seedlings

Features and difficulties

Radical celery is a capricious culture, so the gardener must be prepared for certain difficulties. Most often, the main problem is calculating the right amount of moisture. If there is little watering, then the middle part of the petiole becomes inedible. At the same time, it cannot be determined in any way; the plant looks healthy.

If you plant weak seedlings or one that has already outgrown, then you can achieve the formation of peduncles. This will also make plants unfit for food.

If putrefactive bacteria penetrate into the trunk, this can cause pathological processes in the core.

If the watering is insufficient, this can affect the development of petioles. Under such conditions, they crack.

For growing root vegetables

Root celery is considered less whimsical. It is most often grown in seedlings. In mid-May, you can plant plants in open ground. And even in this case, you need to monitor the weather forecast and cover the beds in case of frost. With hypothermia, the plant throws a peduncle, now the root crop will no longer form. You get a bed of panicles that are not even useful for picking up a bouquet.

If the danger of freezing still persists, but you decide to plant root celery, it is recommended to build a small greenhouse directly above the garden. There are reasons to rush. The fact is that the late planting of celery negatively affects the growth and development of this culture.

how to grow celery

Some subtleties

Yield indicators directly depend on how high quality care was provided. Root celery should not be sunk deep in the ground. The growth point is always above the surface. This will allow you to get a quality crop.

You need to plant the root crop so that the distance between the plants is not less than 30 cm. Now you need to regularly water the plants and remove weeds. Make sure that pests do not attack juicy greens. Her slugs are especially fond of. At the first appearance of damaged leaves, it is required to begin the fight against gastropods, until they destroy the planting. Dark spots and drying leaves can indicate viral or bacterial diseases.

Secrets of a Great Harvest

Unlike petiole, root celery can be perfectly stored all winter. Therefore, it is better to grow it more and put it in a cellar, in a box with sand. There are fairly simple rules that will allow you to get great results:

  • It is not recommended to cut the foliage. This will weaken the bushes, and they will not be able to form a root crop.
  • Hilling plants in this case will only bring harm. This procedure provokes the release of lateral roots.
  • As soon as the active growth of the root begins, it is necessary to rake the soil from the top of the root crop. The processes on the sides are cut with a knife for the same purpose.
  • The soil must be kept constantly wet. This is the key point that will allow you to get an excellent harvest. It is important not to fill the bed. Watering should be maintained until the harvest. This will allow you to grow fragrant and delicious celery. Watering is carried out exclusively under the root.
watering celery

Fertilizer application

Celery top dressing should be done as needed. Unlike a petiole plant, in this case, one should not get involved in this procedure. To increase productivity, it is recommended to feed the plants with herbal infusion and mullein. When there are signs of weakening of the culture, monophosphate and nitrogen-containing substances should be added. A large number of them leads to the appearance of scab and other diseases. Once the foliage begins to dry, you can harvest.

Instead of a conclusion

Celery is one of the most healthy vegetables that should be on your table all year round. In the summer it can be juicy petioles, and in the winter - root crops. They can be added to soups and salads. Nutritionists emphasize that regular use of celery can not only make up for the deficiency of nutrients in the body, but also lose weight. This becomes possible due to the content of a large amount of fiber in it, which is digested for a long time and gives a feeling of satiety.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22982/

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