Pamplona city: attractions with description and photo

The city of Pamplona in Spain is considered one of the most beautiful. It harmoniously combines medieval architecture with modern buildings, wide boulevards with ancient narrow streets. Over its long history, the capital of Navarra has been influenced by many cultures, which today is reflected in the appearance of the city, the culture and traditions of its inhabitants.

Pamplona in Spain: Attractions

Some historical facts

The city was founded shortly before the beginning of a new era and was named after the Roman commander Pompey the Great, who was the founder of the future capital of Navarra. Pamplona was captured by the Visigoths in 446, and then the Franks came to power. Moors invaded these lands in 738, who were later defeated by the Basques, united with the troops of Charlemagne.

In 905, Sancho Abarca, King of Navarra, chose this city as his residence. Pamplona until the beginning of the XVI century, many times passed from hand to hand until then, until it became part of Spain. Since the sixties of the XIX century, Pamplona began its rapid development. At the same time, it was possible to preserve its rich historical and cultural heritage.

Geographical position of Pamplona

At the foot of the Western Pyrenees, in northern Spain, is located one of the most magnificent cities in the country - Pamplona. Today it is the capital of the autonomous region of Navarra.

Climate Pamplona

Speaking about the weather in Pamplona (Spain), many call the city "a continent in miniature." In a relatively small area of ​​Navarra, which does not exceed 10.5 thousand square meters. km, both arid southern and warm Atlantic climate coexist.

In winter, the average air temperature does not fall below +5 ° C, and in summer it rises to +28 ° C. Precipitation here is much greater than in other Spanish cities. This figure is especially high between October and March. Therefore, if you are planning a trip for this time, prepare an umbrella and warm clothes.

Sights of Pamplona in Spain: Cathedral

Archaeologists have been able to establish that it was built in 1387 on the site where the old Romanesque cathedral used to be. In it in the Middle Ages rulers of Navarra were crowned. Many of them are buried here. The facade of the cathedral, which was designed in 1783 by the design of Ventura Rodriguez, is made in the Gothic style. Inside is the mausoleum of Carlos III and his wife.

On the sides of the structure are two fifty-meter towers, in one of which a 12-ton bell is installed, which is the largest in Spain.


Taconera Park

All of Spain is famous for its magnificent parks. Pamplona has the oldest park, which covers an area of ​​90 thousand square meters. m. It is located next to the old city walls in the historical center. The park was built at the beginning of the XVIII century. Numerous species of trees, shrubs and flowers grow here. Shady alleys adorn sculptural compositions.

A feature of the park is a mini-zoo, in which about 30 species of various animals feel comfortable. Pheasants, ducks, peacocks, swans and deer live in conditions as close to natural as possible. Another attraction of this Pamplona park in Spain is the gate made in the form of the Arc de Triomphe. They are set in memory of the famous Navarre tenor - Julian Gayarru.

In addition, tourists are attracted by arches in the Gothic style at the monument to King Theobald II. Artists and students love to meet at the Vienna Cafe, located in the park.

Taconera Park

Piazza del Castillo

This is the central square of the city, known far beyond Spain. Pamplona cherishes the memory of the great Ernest Hemingway, who was a frequent visitor here. Often he visited the legendary Irunya cafe, stayed at the Perla Grand Hotel, and went to the Txoko bar.

The square is located in the very center of the city. It has an irregular quadrangular shape, and from it stretch the ancient narrow streets of the historical center. The area is surrounded by many colorful buildings that belong to the XVIII century. Original turrets and balconies, bay windows and dormers attract the attention of tourists.

Piazza del Castillo

Pamplona City Hall

Look at the photos of Pamplona in Spain. In this relatively small city, many historical monuments have been preserved. One of them, undoubtedly, is the building in which the city council is located. It was erected in the XVIII century. However, so far only a colorful facade made in the Baroque style has survived from those times. The main part of the building is made in neoclassicism. For the city hall, the place was chosen by King Charles II himself in 1423.

The Town Hall symbolizes the unification of medieval settlements in one city. Annually, a volley is fired from the balcony of the city hall at noon on July 6, marking the beginning of the grandiose San Fermin festival. Bells located on the tower of the church of St. Saturnino also annually announces the beginning of the fiesta.

Museum de Navarra

On the territory of Pamplona in Spain there are many such institutions. But even if you are limited in time, be sure to visit the Museum of Navarra, which is located in the building of the old hospital. Here, experienced guides will offer you to embark on a virtual journey that begins in prehistoric times and ends today. You can get acquainted with the history and art of Navarra. Among the most famous artifacts here is a portrait of the Marquis of San Adrian, the work of the great Goya, a unique mosaic "Victory of Bacchus."

Palace of Navarra

This structure is better known as La Diputacion. It is currently the seat of government of the Autonomous Region of Navarra. Inside the building, which is built in the neoclassical style, there is a luxurious throne room. Every day at noon, the anthem of Navarra is played here. In the garden surrounding the building, the famous sequoia grows, whose age has already exceeded one and a half centuries. This is the highest tree in the city. Its height is 37 meters.


This fortress is called the green lungs of Pamplona and an outstanding monument of military architecture of the Spanish Renaissance. It covers an area of ​​over 280 thousand square meters. m. Since 1964, the fortress has lost its status as a military facility. Now it is used for exhibitions and recreational events. Often, sporting events are held here, which locals and city visitors enjoy visiting.

San Fermin Festival

Things to Do in Pamplona

Every year from July 6-14, thousands of tourists from all over the world try to get to Pamplona in Spain. Bullfighting has long been considered the national fun of the Spaniards. However, the San Fermin festival taking place at this time is something more. On busy streets these days the atmosphere of the holiday reigns. The city freezes only at one moment - when the running of the bulls begins, in which these powerful animals are driven into the stalls of the arena through the old city.

Bull running

In the afternoon, a bullfight begins, before which the performances of “dubbed” are held. For all those who wish to test their courage and dexterity, they bring young bulls into the arena, whose horns are prudently cut.

During the festival the bullfight in Pamplona has some features. After every third bull killed, the audience breaks into a feast. After 19:00 a mass picnic begins, so everything that happens in the arena fades into the background.

The rest of the time between the races and the bullfight in Pamplona does not stop the fun that lasts day and night: carnivals, costumed performances, processions of huge dolls, performances by street performers. The city festival owes much of its popularity to the report, as well as to Ernest Hemingway’s novel Fiesta. A monument is erected to the famous writer near the arena.


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