Roof drip - caprice or necessity

The independent construction of any building, which implies the presence of a roof, requires experience in its implementation or competent management. For example, is it necessary to mount a drip for the roof or will it be fine without it? As the experience of other builders and residents of built houses showed, its presence is still welcome. Why?

The main task, in which the installation of a drip on the roof helps, is to protect it from moisture, from the accumulation of fluid and from the destruction of the roof rafters (their decay). But also a drip is installed on window or doorways, it is also a protection against moisture that appears during various types of precipitation. Saving on this is not worth it, although many workers offer just such an option to their customers, motivating them with a sufficient barrier. This same hydrobarrier, on which condensate is collected under the main coating, simply must (!) Have its logical conclusion, and this is nothing like a dropper for the roof.

An economical option - to remove the film from under the roof, which both home-made workers and construction workers can do due to their inexperience - shows its failure by many examples: the action of the sun and wind quickly turns this film into nothing.

roof drip
In addition to the loss of its functional properties, it also significantly disfigures the appearance of the building.

Roof that requires a drip

Any type of roof implies the presence of a protective layer (hydrobarrier), and this is not superfluous in any case, whether it be a soft bitumen coating, ceramic tile, slate or rebate roof. So, any type of such a roof should have a drip. If you are one hundred percent sure of the protective properties of the coating and will not spend extra money on the hydrobarrier, then the cost item for droppers will also drop. But the avaricious pays twice, right?

roof projects

If you do not know what to do, do you need a drip for the roof, try at least calculating your approximate expenses for additional protection.

Ten minutes of calculations - and we see the benefits

Suppose the attic is not residential. In this case, you need only one layer of film. If you intend to use the attic in the future as a living space, then two types of moisture protection are needed: steam protection (inside the attic, on top of the insulation) and moisture protection (between the insulation and the roof), that is, two layers. Why do I need a layer of protection from the inside? It will protect against moisture that builds up indoors. In the case of a non-residential attic, we figured it out.

The next step is to take the roof designs that you have selected for your home, and calculate their size. Suppose that the quadrature of your chosen roof is 150 square meters. The area of ​​the standard waterproofing roll is 75 square meters. meters, and it costs in the region of two thousand rubles. Total - four thousand for waterproofing.

And how much did you have to pay for the drip itself?

We calculate the length of those sides where the drip for the roof will be installed. Let's say it goes 30 meters for a given quadrature. A drip, the price of which is from 85 rubles and above, you need to choose based on its properties specified by the manufacturer, and recommendations for a specific type of roof. Let's say that the option for 140 rubles / pog suits you. meter - a dropper for a metal tile from a domestic producer. Total 4200 rubles more.

installation of a drip on the roof

In total, a little more than eight thousand rubles for waterproofing comes out. It would seem a little expensive, but if there was money for 150 square meters of metal (and this is at least 45 thousand rubles), would it not be wise to find a little more to buy a hydraulic barrier and drip - for the roof and for your own peace of mind?

Simple conclusions from the above material

Roof projects that can be offered to you from existing ones or developed by construction companies for you will contain more correct calculations, since installation of insulation will require appropriate fittings and adhesives.

drip Price
A strong, impermeable roof is a reliable protection for your furniture, electrical appliances, finishing materials that cover the walls, ceiling - for everything that is inside the house. And life in a rainy region requires additional protection. It will be much cheaper to lay a film under the roof than to re-do the repair.


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