How to care for a budgerigar at home: containment rules, necessary conditions and expert recommendations

Some inexperienced budgie breeders will say that keeping such pets is a mere trifle. You only need to fill up store food from time to time and clean the cage. But this is not at all! There are many rules and subtleties that are important to know. How to care for a budgerigar at home, tells the publication.

Preparation for purchase

When deciding to get a budgie, you need to think about who will care for him at all. Most often, such a pet is acquired by children. Since they do not yet have a complete picture of responsibility, adults must be prepared that all the worries associated with the bird will fall on their shoulders.

It is also worth considering whether the family is ready to spend a certain amount on the purchase of the "wavy" itself and everything necessary. And it will take exactly no less than 3,000 rubles, if you take only the very minimum.

Another question that is decided before buying is who to choose: a female or a male? Experienced breeders argue that here, in principle, it does not matter. There is no difference in how to care for a budgie or a boy or a girl. The actions will be the same. And females can be taught to speak, and it turns out that they are much better than males. If the priority is to train the bird to reproduce human speech, then it is advisable to acquire first only one individual. Only after that you can take a second, in a couple of wavy ones feel much more comfortable. From a lack of attention and loneliness, these parrots can get sick.

How to care for a budgerigar at home

Cage purchase

The quality of life of a chirping friend directly depends on his home. At home, parrots should live in a cage. But cramped houses categorically do not fit, because there is no place for them to flap their wings. If it is not possible to develop muscles, then this will negatively affect health. The minimum cage size per bird is 40 Γ— 25 Γ— 30 cm (these parameters are length, width and height). For a couple, they should be slightly larger - 60 Γ— 30 Γ— 40 cm.

If you really want to properly care for the budgie, you should listen to these recommendations of specialists:

  • Preference should be given to spacious long cells. In them, the feathered one will be able to stretch its wings and fly from perch to perch.
  • Round cells are categorically not suitable. The ideal shape is rectangular. It is better to refuse pretentious designs because of difficulties in cleaning.
  • It is advisable that the rods are horizontal. So the "wavy" will be more convenient to climb on them, and they do like it very much.
  • The acquired cage should be washed and rinsed with boiling water before the pet is settled. After that, you need to wipe it dry.
Budgerigar: how to care after purchase

Cell placement

What else needs to be done before buying a home? Caring for a budgie parrot means providing normal living conditions. The cage must be placed in a warm and bright room, but away from the window and heating appliances. Overheating and drafts will quickly harm the bird. Also, the pet should feel safe, so the passageway or near the door is not suitable. It is better to place the cage at the level of human eyes and move it one side against the wall.


Usually cells are equipped with plastic poles. Experts recommend removing them immediately. They are suitable only for the duration of the disease. If you leave these, then the claws will not grind, and on the legs appear naminas and calluses, which can lead to serious illness.

There are wooden poles on sale. They are suitable, but it is better to give preference to natural materials and make additives yourself. To do this, twigs of birch, maple, willow, apple, cherry, plum, mountain ash, currant and citrus will fit. Coniferous species, pear, oak, lilac, bird cherry and poplar are prohibited. For a small cage, 4 poles will be enough. The diameter should be approximately 1.5 centimeters. It is advisable to equip the cage with branches of different thicknesses and textures.

Caring for a Budgerigar

Caring for a budgerigar at home means constantly paying attention to it so that it does not get bored. In most cases, this is impossible, so it’s worth hanging toys in the cage so that the pet entertains itself on its own. Birds love swings, ladders, bells and jingle balls. But space does not need to be overloaded. A few toys will be enough. From time to time, they should be replaced by others so that the bird is interested.

Water treatments

It is necessary to provide a place for bathing in the cage. There are various options, but experts recommend purchasing external suspension models. Dimensions should be optimal for the pet. The wavy is unlikely to enter a cramped or deep bath. Bathing should be offered at least once a week. The water in it should be warm and clean (birds will drink from it).

It is important to know how to properly care for a budgie in hot weather and the heating season. During such periods, it is necessary to often put the bathing suit and carefully spray the pet out of the spray gun, if he does not mind. Some individuals love to swim in fountains or under a small stream of water that flows from a faucet.


Many lovers give tips on how to care for and how to feed the budgerigar. But not all statements may be true. For example, you cannot feed an exotic pet from the human table, although some always do. This is detrimental to health and often leads to death.

Budgerigar: how to care, how to feed, tips

The bird should always have access to a drinking bowl with clean water. It should be changed daily, after washing the vessel itself. For parrots, water does not need to be boiled, experts recommend giving only that which is left over.

The basis of the diet is cereal feed, which can be purchased at the store. Good brands are Rio (Russian) and Prestige (Belgian). One "wavy" is enough 1.5-2 teaspoons per day. It is impossible to overfeed because of the possibility of developing obesity.

Several times a week it is useful to give sprouted food (seeds should be sprouts up to 3 mm). The cell must have mineral stone and sepia. They will make up for the lack of calcium and help grind off the beak. It is recommended to treat the feathered friend daily with greens, berries, vegetables and fruits. This can be a tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, carrot, beet, cabbage, apple, pear, citrus, banana, cherry, grape, currant. From greens, you can leaf lettuce, clover, nettle, plantain and cereal sprouted to grass. These are the basics of how to feed and care. What can not be treated with budgies? This list includes the following products:

  • Coffee, tea, lemonade, alcoholic drinks.
  • Fatty, fried and salty foods.
  • Bakery products, any sweets, especially chocolate.
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds.
  • Some fruits, vegetables and greens: potatoes, eggplant, radish, daikon, radish, celery, garlic, onions, avocados, mangoes, persimmons, dill, parsley, cilantro.
  • Sprigs of lilac, poplar, oak and acacia.
How to care for a wavy parrot


The pallet must be cleaned of litter, husks and other debris at least once a week. The more often, the better. Infections and other ailments can occur due to dirt. Bird breeders first clean the dried litter (for example, with a wooden stick), and then wash the tray with warm water using a sponge. If there is severe pollution, then a little gentle detergent can be dripped. Every month it is advisable to carry out a general cleaning. To do this, the bird must be transplanted into another house, and scald the whole cage with boiling water and thoroughly rinse all the corners.


How else to care for a budgie at home? He needs to provide conditions for a full sleep. The bird will sleep only in complete darkness. Therefore, if the household does not plan to sleep late at night, it is advisable to cover the cage with the pet with a dark breathing cloth. Slots must be left so that air enters under the cover. In the morning, the fabric can be removed.

Parrots also like to take a nap during the day. In this case, it is not necessary to cover the bird. He should receive a full sleep at night.

How to understand that a bird is sleeping so as not to disturb her? "Wavy" do this on one, less often - two legs, turning his head to his back and burying his beak in feathers. In this case, the body seems puffed up. But it is important to distinguish a painful condition from a normal dream. When a parrot is ill, he begins to laugh.

How to care for a wavy girl parrot

Temperature and light conditions

High-quality care for a wavy parrot at home includes creating the optimal level of lighting and temperature. They are very sensitive to these factors. Many problems begin precisely because of poor conditions.

The room should be warm, without drafts. The ideal temperature for this breed of parrots is considered to be + 22-25 degrees. At higher rates it will be uncomfortable. To avoid heat stroke, you need to spray the bird and often offer a bathing suit. Temperatures below acceptable but undesirable. The main thing is that there should not be sudden changes.

As for the duration of night sleep, it depends on the time of year. In summer, daylight hours should last 12-14 hours, and in winter - 10-12 hours. That is, in the cold, the parrot will sleep longer. Sleep mode must be changed gradually.

Early days at home

This period is called adaptation, and there are some nuances of keeping a budgie. How to look after a new friend after purchase? First, he should be carefully transplanted into his cell. Experts do not recommend taking a bird by hand. It is better to substitute the carrier to the entrance or shift it directly into the cage - let the feathered one dare to go out. Have to be patient and wait, but the relationship will not be ruined. It is advisable to pre-shade one side of the cage with tissue so that the bird feels as secure as possible. In the early days, everything will seem alien and hostile.

Budgerigars: how to care and how to feed

The first weeks of care will come down to changing grain feed and water, as well as observing the behavior of the parrot. No need to bother him again and try to make friends with him. The favorite is not immediately, but will begin to examine the cage, try to get out of it and rush about on the floor. It is impossible to let out β€œwave” in such a state. During the adaptation, which usually lasts a month, it is advisable not to make noise, not to turn on the music, not to slam the doors. Over time, the parrot will be more calm, will eat, tweet, be interested in toys.

During the same period, quarantine must be observed if there are already other birds in the house. Immediately a novice cannot be planted with them; he must have a separate cage. They should not be in contact for a month. This time they are best kept in different rooms. If no diseases are manifested, you can gradually begin to introduce the birds.

First walk around the room

When the pet adapts, you can open the door of the cage so that it stretches its wings and flies. This is a must, breeders always mention this when telling how to care for a budgie. Girls by nature are more hooligan than boys, therefore, during a walk you need to follow them especially carefully. Females can start tearing wallpapers, ceiling skirting boards, books, and more. To prevent this from happening, you should organize a game stand next to the cage.

Now you know how to care for a budgie at home. Follow the recommendations and your chirping friend will be happy!


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