Pensions in Belarus: increase, types, size

The standard of living in each country varies in different ways. Often the state of affairs in the state is also considered by the level of pensions. Will there be an increase in pensions in Belarus? What percentage will increase and when to expect it?

Retirement Age Increase

It is obvious that precisely the hanging of the retirement age will occur for both men and women. This will happen in several stages, once a year. Each time, the retirement age will increase by 6 months. According to the same criteria, there will be an increase in the age of receiving preferential labor pensions and for long service. In addition, the age of servicemen needed to retire will increase.

pensions in Belarus increase

The President of Belarus tried not to talk about such things, since the elections were coming, and such discussions could cause public discord and violate the election ratings. Will there be a pension increase in Belarus for those who have already reached it? What can these citizens expect? How does the government of Belarus consider this issue, in particular, the president himself - Alexander Lukashenko?

Depending on a number of conditions

Not so long ago, a certain event happened for those who receive pensions. Since December 1, 2016 there has been an increase in pension in Belarus by 5%. But it did not cause much joy among the Belarusians. Since, in their opinion, this increase turned out to be quite penny, and prices have risen significantly lately. As explained by the head of the department of pensions and benefits, Ilona Remneva, the amount of payments was different for each citizen. The thing is that there are a number of parameters when calculating pensions: what kind of payment a citizen receives (labor, disability or social), what was the length of work experience and the level of wages before retirement. All this was individually displayed in retirement in Belarus. The increase, of course, was insignificant, so pensioners were upset before the New Year, explaining that this bonus did not matter to them at all, as if there was nothing.

Pension Raising Policy

As in many other countries, pensions in Belarus are paid from the state budget, and funds get there at the expense of working citizens and their contributions. An increase in pensions in Belarus in January 2017 would lead to an improvement in the situation of pensioners, especially since a good increase in the base rate was planned. This has been repeatedly stated by President Alexander Lukashenko.

pension increase in Belarus

However, this did not happen, in January only the retirement age and minimum working experience increased. The situation in the country is not the best: every year more and more Belarusians retire, and the working-age population becomes less and less. In this regard, there are not enough budget funds for the payment of various types of pensions. For the same reason, there is an increase in the retirement age. But it is planned to increase it only until January 2022, then this process will not occur.

Pensions for various categories of citizens

There are several types of pensions in Belarus. The increase and their accrual as a whole also depends on a number of factors. A labor pension is granted to a citizen who, for a certain period of time, deducted a compulsory insurance contribution to the appropriate fund. If a citizen has not developed such an experience, and he does not have the right to receive a retirement pension, then he is paid a social pension upon reaching a certain age, which is equal to the value of the subsistence level in Belarus. Citizens who receive a disability or survivor pension do not apply to them. Their calculation of social benefits occurs according to other criteria. Raising pensions in Belarus for people with disabilities and those who have lost their breadwinner is also ongoing. But these increases are calculated from the level of price increases for products, other goods and services. Thus, the Belarusian government is trying to maintain an adequate standard of living for its citizens.

Demographic ratio

It is worth knowing that only people who have the citizenship of Belarus or who live there permanently are entitled to receive pension payments. The last pension increase in Belarus was not able to offset the costs of citizens for various services and goods.

pension increase in Belarus in January

The demographic situation is as follows: the number of young people and the birth rate remain at about the same level, and the number of people of retirement age is growing annually. For the country's economy, this is not the best forecast. Speaking digitally, there are about 66 working citizens per 100 pensioners. Accordingly, further such a ratio of pensioners will only increase. And recently, more and more pensioners work and receive a pension, which significantly affects the monetary resources of Belarus.

Military pensions

Raising labor pensions in Belarus, which also includes the military, usually occurs several times a year. Military allowances are accrued according to the same set of criteria as civilians: by old age, by seniority, by loss of breadwinner or by disability. If the military man was the only able-bodied person and supported his family, then in the event of his death, dependents are paid a pension for the loss of the bread-winner.

will there be an increase in pensions in Belarus

If a soldier received a disability while serving in the army or within three months after leaving the army, he is also entitled to a pension. If a disability was received later than three months later, but it is directly related to military service, then in this case, a pension will be paid. Only for this it will be necessary to prove the relationship, provide a medical commission report.

Percentage increase in pensions in 2017

Will there be an increase in labor pensions in Belarus in 2017? This question, of course, interests Belarusians. It all depends on the economic situation in the state, and the increase will still take place. It is only not known how much money payments will increase. If in the first wave of increases this was 2-5%, then most likely the subsequent increases will not differ much from these indicators. Such sizes of indexation, alas, do not correspond to current inflation. However, the Belarusian government is encouraging citizens that pensions will be paid without delay, and all social guarantees will be maintained. Raising a pension in Belarus can be achieved by a one-time payment, for this, funds are budgeted, but this option will only give a temporary result. The overall picture will not change anyway. Therefore, in 2017, great attention is paid to pension reform.

Pension for working pensioners

Every year the number of working pensioners is increasing, which is simply necessary in order to ensure a normal standard of living. If we talk about raising pensions in Belarus for working pensioners, then it will be. But indexation of these payments is not provided.

last pension increase in Belarus

An increase in pensions for working retirees is planned for August 1, 2017. If for some reason a pensioner leaves his job, then he will just have to submit documents to the relevant authorities, and his allowance will be increased taking into account all the missing indexations. However, if after a certain period of time the pensioner gets a job again, the indexation of his pension will cease, but the size of payments will not be reduced, but will remain at the same level. Pensions for working pensioners will increase annually from August 1.

Places of work

Pensions in Belarus, raising their level and indexation are all important topics for citizens of this republic. However, where can pensioners work? Where do I take them, where do they give jobs? It turns out that similar jobs exist, and they are some of the best. In 2014, a certain social survey of Belarusians was conducted, according to the results of which statistics were compiled.

increase of labor pensions in Belarus

These statistics indicate that almost every fifth pensioner works in the field of education, followed by about the same percentage of people who work in the field of public utilities and social services, as well as in the health sector. Then follows government and industry, and financial activity completes this list. A slight increase in pension in Belarus is the result of the fact that pensioners go to work not only in these sectors.

Compared to other countries

There is another question that concerns not only Belarusians. And what if we consider world-wide pensions in Belarus? The increase in these payments is not so close to ideal. The following data are not shown in exact equivalent, but are well approximated to real numbers. According to the data for 2015, the average pension in Greece was about 32,500 rubles, in Ukraine - 3,000 (due to the difficult martial law in the country), in Germany - 79,300, in the USA - 68,000, in Kazakhstan - 14,200, in Bulgaria - 8,000, in Lithuania - 19,000, in Estonia - 14,500, in Finland - 112,000, in Russia - 11,800, and in Belarus - 10,000 rubles. This is only brief information on pension payments in different countries, but it is not difficult to understand from it that these payments depend on the average wage in each country.

With the help of pension reform

It is quite realistic to guess that the size of future benefits will depend on the size of wages and seniority, and the increase in pensions in Belarus will depend on the economic situation of the country. Many pensioners, of course, are not happy with the payments they receive today, but it is very difficult to correct this situation. The state reports that the percentage of price increases is noticeably reduced, but the people say the opposite.

will there be an increase in labor pensions in Belarus

This trend can be viewed not only in Belarus, it exists in many other countries. It remains to be hoped that the pension reform, which begins in 2017, will be able to significantly change the situation of the elderly. Raising a pension in Belarus is of interest not only to them, but also to young people who are also planning their future. They believe that when their time comes to retire, the state will be able to provide them with a decent old age.


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