International Paperless Day - Support for Natural Resources

How much paper in the world is spent daily, annually? Tons, tens and hundreds of tons! According to experts, most of the paper is spent not by pupils and students, but by employees of modern offices. It also revealed the largest reserves of its economy. In support of the call of social activists to take care of natural resources, International Paperless Day arose.

What holiday is it?

international paperless day

There are many special holidays in the world - Medic’s Day, Accountant’s Day, Miner’s Day, Teacher’s Day and other days dedicated to professionals. More recently, another holiday was added to the list - International Paperless Day. The story of its appearance begins in 2010, when the AIIM Association supported the idea of ​​saving natural resources. To save paper means to save the forest. Since then, every year, the world's leading companies from various sectors of the economy in support of the action every fourth Thursday of October spend International Paperless Day.

How many cubic meters of wood passes through the printer daily?

international paperless story

To produce 100 packs of A4 sheets , it takes about one cubic meter of wood. How quickly do these packs run out? Even a small office draws up a couple of thousand documents per year - contracts, invoices, reports, invoices, registers, etc. How many sheets are spent on 1 document, and how many drafts were spent before receiving the final version? It is difficult to calculate even approximately, but the answer immediately arises: a lot of paper is wasted, and with it trees, electricity, water.

International day without paper is precisely what should draw the attention of the public to this question. Its purpose is to call for the rational and conscious use of natural resources.

How to find reserves of savings?

international paperless day 2015

Recent statistics show that paper use worldwide has increased by 20%. It is difficult to say whether this is due to an increase in economic activity or an increase in negligence. In any case, those who came up with International Paperless Day advocate such ways of saving it:

  • Save on drafts. Before you print the final version of the document, carefully read it on your computer.
  • Use print preview mode. This will help reduce the number of sheets used by formatting.
  • Let print documents with smaller print.
  • Use minimum spacing and narrow margins.
  • Print on both sides.
  • Introduce an electronic document management system at the enterprise. Instructions, production flow charts, orders, orders and other internal documents can be entrusted to electronic media.
  • Training of new employees, advanced training of experienced workers and testing can be successfully carried out electronically.
  • You can replace regular mail with email.
  • Place catchy slogans near the printer and copier: "Think twice before printing!" or "How much paper did you throw out today?"

Bright minds will be able to continue this list, having come up with their own effective methods of saving paper.

Ways to support the action

international paperless day

Those who have never participated in the action, can become members of the program "International Day without Paper 2015". It is very simple and completely free. All you have to do is to tell your colleagues, business partners about such an event, and on the fourth Thursday of October remind everyone by e-mail that today is International Paperless Day.

It would be very good if every office employee and every person always carefully and consciously treated natural resources, and not just on holidays.


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