LPH: how to issue? Benefits of a personal farm

In an interesting time we live! According to economists, the crisis of 2008 did not end, but only worsened. Our people do not hope for the state, it's time to start a personal subsidiary farm (LPH). How to arrange this inexhaustible source of family well-being in times of crisis? How much trouble will be with the documents? Let's figure it out. The question of what LPH is and how to formalize it legally and legally is relevant for many.

LPH how to issue

Where to begin?

As a rule, any event should be planned, especially since it has a long implementation period related to finances (expenses and income). The concept of private household plots is described in the law No. 112- "On personal subsidiary plots". It states that this is a non-entrepreneurial activity. That is, it means that the owner of the farm produces value, and the income from them goes to the family budget, and in kind. It should be distinguished personal from peasant subsidiary farming (KPH). The confusion in this matter leads to the incorrect design of their activities and, in our case, additional costs. KPH is a type of entrepreneurial activity, that is, the production of products for the purpose of sale. Private farming, unlike peasant or farmer farming, involves providing the family with products and other plant and animal materials. That is, there is no income in financial form.

make land for LPH

LPH: how to issue?

The essence of economic activity greatly simplifies the procedure for its legalization. LPH does not pay taxes (only for land ownership), therefore, most of the regulatory bodies bypass them. But in order to start an economy, you need a plot. That is, we need to draw up land for private household plots. At the legislative level, this means that in the hands of the owner or user of land should be appropriate paper. Ideally, this is a state act. But we are still far from him (from scratch). First you need to find out where and to whom the land is distributed. From this point of view, the inhabitants of the country are divided into two categories by registration. The villagers must be given land. Land plots can be located both within the boundaries of a settlement and beyond its borders. But the townspeople are much more difficult to acquire land. The law stipulates that local authorities only distribute coveted plots to them if there is free space. But this is not always good.

land plot LPH

Where to go to the ground?

When they decided to acquire private household plots, how to arrange it is not the most important thing. It’s more important to get a plot. For it should contact the local government. They are the ones who deal with the use of available free space. Write a statement that you want to conduct private household plots and wait for an answer. Do not consider the venture a failure. The state is interested in the fact that citizens themselves solve their material problems. It, in principle, is designed in such a way that it seeks to reduce the level of expenses. It’s cheaper to give a person land, but to collect a tax for it, than to pay him benefits so that he does not die of hunger.

When you get a decision on the allocation of the site, a new task will arise: to draw up land for private plots. According to the above Federal Law, this is not necessary. The resulting land can be used for production without informing government agencies. But this is not enough for you and me, I want confidence that tomorrow the land will not be taken away.

Where to get LPH

How to register the land of private property in ownership?

We came to the most interesting moment for the owners. It is not enough just to obtain a land plot, to register private ownership of private property - this is the goal of many citizens. Such an allotment can be transferred to descendants, sold in case of need, and so on. The road ahead is not easy, but quite understandable.

You have a decree on the allocation of land. Many in the past stopped at this and did not engage in further bureaucracy, now they have to finish it when the hacienda has already grown with buildings and fruit trees. And you need to go to a special organization that deals with the delimitation of land. Specialists will measure and issue a passport. It is called land and contains all the data about your allotment.

The next step is to obtain an order on the established boundaries. The same organization will give it. All collected papers should be attributed to the cadastral authority located in the same region as the land.

register ownership of LPH

State registration is the last step

In the last mentioned organization, you will be given a cadastral number and a plan. Rather, these documents will add to the already assembled package. All that remains is to go through state registration. Local authorities deal with it. Carry the entire package there and write a statement. Processing does not take much time. Instead of a lot of pieces of paper, you will receive a certificate of state registration of the site. You can rejoice - you managed to get the LPH into ownership. Of course, I had to run around the courts, but now no one will take it away.

Additional subtleties and nuances

It is important from the first step to ensure that the purpose of the site does not change (by mistake). Legislatively fixed that the land is issued not only for private household plots, but also for gardening, construction and other purposes. Each appointment has its own characteristics and subtleties. For example, you are interested in how to apply for private partnership, and what this gives, you also need to know.

It should be understood that the site with this design is used for non-commercial production, and not construction or cultivation for sale. Law enforcement is monitored. And this means that they can be punished for misuse of land. However, building on the site for the management of private household plots is allowed. But they should be more supportive in nature.

If it is simpler, it is not recommended to draw up a plot for LPH, and then erect a palace on the entire square. This will be a violation of the purpose of land allocation. It is necessary to plant plants there, if you have the strength, then to maintain living creatures. And only a part of the land should be allocated for buildings: a house, a barn, a barn and more.

how to register ownership of LPH land

How not to quarrel with the authorities

It will be a pity to part with the site if local authorities or regulatory organizations decide that you are using it incorrectly. There is a “loophole” in the law to avoid this situation. Often people ask: “Where to get LPH?” - satisfied with the answer that no special papers are needed. But it is not so. Village councils keep records of private household plots. Submitting information to them is not necessary. That is, the legislator gave the initiative to the land owners. This is the nuance that will help us make friends with the authorities. It is only necessary once a year to go to the village council and submit the information necessary for this body. The "bosses" will be sure that you are using the land correctly, because with pleasure and voluntarily go to cooperation, which, incidentally, gives specialists a lot of trouble. It is not difficult for you to go to the council, but the leadership of the body will always support, in which case.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22998/

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