Raids The Burning Crusade. Black Temple

In this article, we will tell you all about The Black Temple - an interesting raid dungeon where you can get parts of the Tier 6 raid set. His most dear booty is a unique artifact - the Azzinot's Twin Blades sword.

black Temple

The Black Temple was originally designed for 25 players of 70 and above levels. Now this dungeon can be walked alone. In this article, we will tell you where the Black Temple is, how to get into it, and most importantly, how to defeat all of its bosses, including the final one - Illidan Stormrage, the lord of Outland.

Some historical information

Previously, the Black Temple was known as the Temple of Karabor (aka Karabor). Before the destruction of Draenor, it was the sacred site of the Draenei, where the Prophet Velen took refuge. Later, after the Horde appeared, the temple, on the orders of Gul'dan, was recaptured from a representative of the eredar race. It housed the Shadow Council, and Karabor was renamed the Black Temple. Then he again changed the owners.

black temple how to get
The forces of the Burning Legion captured him and renamed the Black Citadel. The demons began to use it as a springboard for their destructive campaign. After some time, the gifted sorcerer Illidan conquered most of the lands of Outland and proclaimed himself their lord. He also captured the Black Temple. After losing the fight with Arthas, Illidan fled and locked himself in the Black Temple, where he hides to this day.

WoW: Black Temple. How to get into the dungeon?

This raid dungeon is located in a location called the Shadowmoon Valley, located in the southeast of Outland. 70.45 - this is the coordinates of the entrance to the Black Temple. The map shown in the following figure shows where it is located.

vov black temple
Before the latest updates, it was necessary to gain access to the Black Temple by completing a chain of tasks. The first quest is called the Promise of Akama. To complete it, the player will need to bring the Karabor locket to A'dal in Shattrath city. Then you need to go to the Serpent Sanctuary and gain access to the mission "Secret under threat." The quest can be taken from the Seer Olum in the room of the Lord of the depths - Karatressa. When the player returns with a message to Akama, he will report on the betrayal of Kael'thas to the lord of Outland - Illidan. Next, the player will need to kill A'lar from Storm Keep and Fierce Cold at the Top of the Hyjal. If the player copes with all the trials, he will be sent to the entrance to the Black Temple, where he will receive from Xi'ri the task "Distraction Maneuver". To complete it, you will need to kill the demons and allow Maiev and Akama to slip inside the dungeon. Having completed this task, the player will receive a reward - the Medallion of Karabor. The completion of the quest chain will be possible after passing the test "Entrance to the Black Temple".
where is the black temple
Fortunately, now in order to get into the dungeon, you do not need to complete all these tasks. You can just climb through a hole in the south wall. So now you know where to find the Black Temple. How to get into the dungeon, we also found out. Now let's find out how to kill all of his nine bosses.

Dungeon Walkthrough (WoW) Black Temple

With the release of new content, Mists of Pandaria, a maximum of two people are required to complete this raid dungeon. Now almost all classes are available and single-player passage. The main thing is that the player has level 90 and is well equipped. Nevertheless, many bosses can bring unpleasant surprises, so you need to familiarize yourself with battle tactics in advance . High Commander Naj'entus should not cause any problems, the battle with him will be simple, although a little long. Periodically, the boss will use the shield and heal himself. At this time, it is impossible to inflict damage on the Supreme Commander, otherwise he will restore many percent of his life. After the shield falls, you can begin to zealously beat the boss, not forgetting to heal yourself. The second boss Supremus is the easiest. We advise you to clear the space from mobs before the fight with him, as he will throw you away.

black temple map
The shadow of Akama, the third boss, is also easy to kill, most importantly, kill all mobs with AOE. In the battle with Theron the Bloodthirster, one must not forget that the boss needs to be led away from the blue balls that he will scatter around him.

The bosses of the Black Temple are Gurtogg Boiling Blood, Archimonde and Mother Shahraz. Walkthrough alone

Gurtogg Boiling Blood should not cause difficulties for a well-equipped player. The main thing to remember is that the boss will issue a stacking debuff. By itself, it does light damage, but after summing it starts to hit quite noticeably. Therefore, it is advisable to treat yourself on time. After Gurtogg we go to Archimonde. The battle with him will consist of three phases, in each of which the player will meet with one of his unique forms. Archimonde is a rather nasty boss. You need to kill him carefully, carefully monitoring your health when dealing damage. Be sure to heal. In the second phase, you need to beat the Head very carefully so as not to die from your own reflected damage.

black temple mother shahraz
Mother Shahraz is a very simple boss, her only skill that can somehow harm the player is toss up. When falling, more than 50% of life is lost. Therefore, we recommend that you use any skills that slow down flight speed (for example, a goblin jump). We also recommend that you first remove the mobs in front of her, as they can cause you some trouble.

Finish the journey through the dungeon - kill the Council

Get ready before the assassination of Lady Malanda. A long battle awaits you. Without a pet, it will be difficult to cope with all the advice at the same time. If you play as a hunter, put the pet in tank mode and send it to the council, while at the same time hold the priestess. Spin around the platform, constantly running away from AOE and healing yourself. If you don’t have a pet, you can use the following tactics.

black temple advice
Paladin Gatios Izuver lead your back forward in a circle, giving maximum damage. Treat yourself periodically. After his death, you can kill all the other bosses (the magician of the Supreme Netherman Zerevor, Veras Deep Darkness and the priestess Lady Malanda herself) without much effort.

The final boss of the Illidan Black Temple

After the assassination of the Council, the final battle with Illidan remains.

black illidan temple
The last, main, boss has three phases. In the first period, you should simply cause damage to Illidan, you can not touch the add-ons at the same time, they beat weakly. In the second phase, the boss takes off, and blades appear on the sides of the platform to which the elementals are β€œtied”. They need to be killed in turn, bringing as close to the blade as possible. So they will do less damage. In this case, you must not forget to run out of the puddles and treat yourself. In the third phase, Illidan will land, and he will need to be finished. Do not forget that add-ins will appear again. They will not disappear even after the death of the boss, so prey must be examined carefully. Good luck.


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