Pelargonium: propagation by cuttings. Pelargonium home: care

It is enough to return to the past for several decades to see how pelargonium (geranium) was once popular . Now she has somewhat lost her former greatness. Many flower growers do not choose it for their home, citing a smell and a certain obsolescence. And it is completely in vain, because it is quite unpretentious and very easy to care for plant.

Pelargonium blooms very luxuriantly, and how many varieties and colors exist! The question of how to propagate pelargonium also does not cause much difficulty. This is done by seeds and cuttings. It is quite difficult to grow a flower from seeds, but a strange new pelargonium grows.

Propagation by cuttings is simpler. In addition, indoor pelargonium will provide disinfection in the room, as it has excellent phytoncide properties. The aphids and its immediate neighbors will not be threatened.

What types of pelargonium exist?

The most popular and numerous is the zonal pelargonium group. She is loved, first of all, for large inflorescences in the form of a ball collected from many small flowers: white, pink, red, orange or purple. The leaves of zonal pelargonium seem to be divided into several color zones. The stripes can be milky, brown, light green in color, which gives the leaves additional decorativeness. The beauty tolerates short-term frosts up to -9 degrees, so it can be successfully grown in open ground from early spring to late autumn.

pelargonium propagation by cuttings

The second most common group is pelargonium pelvic. It resembles ivy and is grown as an ampel plant. The leaves of such geraniums are smaller, and the stems hang down and can reach a length of up to one meter. Therefore, they are very popular for horizontal gardening in southern countries. In our climatic conditions, it is grown as home pelargonium. Her care is the same as for ordinary varieties. For many, the undoubted advantage is the lack of smell in the leaves.

pelargonium photo

Another very beautiful view is the royal pelargonium. It is also called royal or noble, and this is perhaps the most correct description. Pelargonium has many varieties with beautiful double flowers in monochrome or motley colors.

The fourth group is fragrant pelargonium. They have a specific smell, which can resemble a lemon, mint, ginger, camphor. Another distinctive feature is the shape of the leaves - they are pinnate, dissected, which creates the impression of terry.

The fifth group consists of very unusual and spectacular viola-flowered pelargoniums. Already from the name it is clear that the flowers in these plants resemble a viola in shape. They are distinguished by very lush flowering throughout the summer and compactness.

Succulent pelargoniums do not have many species, only about ten. They strike the eye with their bizarre shape. They are often used to create bonsai compositions. Pelargoniums of this species may even have thorns.

pelargonium cuttings


Pelargonium needs to choose a place where it will receive sunlight for at least six hours a day. The first signs of a lack of light for the plant will be a pale color of the leaves and a very weak flowering. Pelargonium responds favorably to the bright sun, and for the summer it is best to plant it in the garden or take it outside. It is unlikely that a more versatile plant can be found than pelargonium. Propagation by cuttings is best done in partial shade, and only when young specimens get stronger, enhance lighting.


Geranium prefers soil rich in organic matter, with a slightly acidic reaction or neutral. She needs to provide good drainage from the expanded clay layer. Now ready-made primers for each type of plant are very common, which can be found in any flower shop. When buying them, you need to pay attention to the composition and acidity. For independent soil preparation, experts advise using eight parts of turfy land, two parts of good humus and one part of large river sand. Such a composition will be almost perfect.


Water is a source of life, therefore it is so important that it be of good quality. To ensure proper care for a particular type of pelargonium, it is necessary to study its botanical description. Royal pelargonium, for example, is rather capricious. It requires careful watering and proper water regime. Common features for the whole species include the fact that the soil should dry up in between watering, as the plant is very sensitive to excess moisture and root rot can occur, which will undoubtedly lead to its death. High air humidity also negatively affects pelargonium. The leaves will begin to turn yellow, and this will be the first sign of excess moisture or excess watering. Do not leave water in the pan. After 15-20 minutes after watering, all the necessary moisture is absorbed, and the excess must be drained.

pelargonium description


Active use of top dressing is necessary during the period of the most intensive growth. In summer, you need to water the pelargonium with a fertilizer solution once every two weeks. The main components of the fertilizer used should be phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. The latter activates growth, increases resistance to cold and various diseases. Phosphorus is needed for good flowering and ripening of seeds, and nitrogen helps to build green mass. By the way, an excess of nitrogen in the soil is the reason for poor flowering, since pelargonium will spend all its strength on growth.


A transplant for indoor plants should be done as the root system grows (usually in the spring, before the start of active vegetation). It is impossible to choose too large pots for pelargonium, since this will interfere with the proper development, it will be difficult to provide the desired shape. If the plant is being prepared for cultivation on the street, then in the spring it is planted in boxes or in the ground (after there is no threat of frost). In the fall, they dig it out and transplant it into a pot, and then bring it home.

Cold season

In winter, pelargonium, like many other plants, begins a dormant period. At this time, watering is minimized as much as possible, and the air temperature should not exceed fifteen degrees. Pelargonium pots should be kept away from heat sources.

Seed propagation

The question of how to propagate pelargonium seeds, concerns first of all experienced gardeners. The goal of this troublesome business is to obtain the most decorative forms and unusual colors. Therefore, through the Internet or in specialized stores buy new types of pelargonium in seeds. Reproduction in this way is best done in January-February. The soil mixture is formed from sand and peat (only peat can be used). Seeds need to be sown in moist soil, and then covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions. From planting to the first shoots, three weeks will pass. When the first three leaves appear, then pelargonium can be planted. The root spine must be nipped. This stimulates the development of a stronger root system.

Pelargonium: propagation by cuttings

The most popular is the propagation of geraniums by cuttings. It is fast, convenient, and guarantees almost one hundred percent survival. Pelargonium cuttings can be put in water until the roots appear. Then they must be rooted.

types of pelargonium

For propagation by cuttings, use only clean tools to prevent microbes from getting onto a fresh cut. The knife should be sharp, first wipe it with alcohol to disinfect. Pelargonium cuttings can be rooted immediately, for this it is necessary to take a mixture of coarse river sand and peat. Before planting them in the ground, it is recommended to dry the slice for an hour, then dip it in a growth stimulator and crushed activated carbon.

how to propagate pelargonium

The root system develops in three to four weeks, after which you can plant the plants in separate pots. Cuttings must be carried out in January and root young specimens at a temperature of twelve degrees. For cuttings cut off the apical part of the shoot with two or three leaves. In order for the plant to give a beautiful bush and enjoy flowering, young pelargoniums must be pinched at the level of the fifth or sixth leaf.

Pests and diseases

Very often, geranium is struck by "rust." This disease has a fungal nature, and if the infected specimen is not treated in a timely manner, it will easily spread to other flowers. And the opposite situation: in the collection of indoor plants this ailment appeared, and if measures are not taken in time, pelargonium will not resist it. The photo below demonstrates the nature of the damage caused by rust.

pelargonium home care

Another extremely common disease of a fungal nature is the black leg. Most often, cuttings that are placed in water for the appearance of roots are affected. Infected specimens are best destroyed immediately. If an adult plant has undergone disease, then you can try to save it or cut the cuttings so as not to lose this species.

Pelargonium is also affected by whiteflies. Small insects are visible to the naked eye. If there are not many, then you can try to assemble manually. But it is best not to start the process and immediately treat the plant with insecticides. Of the folk methods, it is worth noting the infusion of garlic for spraying. The appearance of whiteflies provokes excess moisture in the soil.

Pelargonium for street gardening

If the garden needs a beautiful annual that can tolerate even the driest air, then this, of course, is pelargonium. Propagation by cuttings allows you to quickly get strong plants for the summer season and content in the open ground. Pelargonium is gaining popularity precisely in garden floriculture, this is due to its high decorativeness. The beauty is actively used for landscaping loggias and balconies as an ampel plant.

indoor pelargonium

Pelargonium will look especially beautiful on the veranda or terrace in the company with bright annuals: verbena, lobelia, petunia, balsamine. The photo allows you to visually verify the correctness of such a combination of plants.

pelargonium plant

If you plant a plant in single bushes, then pruning is simply necessary, it will provide a beautiful shape.


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