Your neutered cat needs special care

When people start a kitten, many do not even assume that soon a charming pet will begin to cause great inconvenience to the owners. At the age of six months, the animals reach puberty and begin to show sexual activity. They have a need to mark the territory, and this is yours

castrated cat
apartment. Wild, in your opinion, screams, the cat will call the cat, can, in search of a partner, jump out of the window or from the balcony, etc. Some animals may be aggressive towards their owners. The male cat is in a sexually active state all year round, and in the spring it is even more aggravated. Tolerate such manifestations of feline temperament makes sense only if you have a thoroughbred animal, and you plan to make it a producer of elite offspring. If the cat is just a pet for you, it is recommended to castrate it.

Castration cat

This procedure is quite simple, it is carried out under anesthesia, the animal recovers very quickly after it. The optimal age for castration is from 7 to 8 months.

for cat
In America, veterinarians believe that it is best to do this between the ages of 3 to 4 months, before the onset of puberty. But this operation can also be done for adult males, there are no contraindications. A castrated cat becomes calmer, hormones no longer drive him crazy. He is more affectionate and sociable, but most importantly, the unpleasant smell of urine disappears .

Feeding Castrated Cats

Of course, after the operation, you will have to revise the diet for your pet. A castrated cat is vulnerable to urolithiasis. Therefore, it is better to buy ready-made feed of a higher class, from well-known manufacturers. It is very important that there is always fresh water in the bowl for the cat. They drink very little compared to other animals, minerals and salts do not have time to dissolve, and from this sand and even stones in the urinary tract begin to form. Therefore, the presence of fresh water in a bowl is very important. Soak dry food or transfer to food with other products.

If you feed the cat with natural food, exclude fish. It just contains a lot of minerals that can cause kidney problems. Try to give not only meat products, but

neutered cat
o and vegetables, cottage cheese, cook porridge. A castrated cat, having lost interest in females, often begins to show an increased interest in food. Follow the diet, feed in small portions several times a day. If you buy ready-made food, ask the seller for low-calorie types.

Another problem may arise some time after you castrated the cat. it   diseases of the teeth and gums. To avoid this, give your pet raw meat that has been cut large enough. Having become more phlegmatic after castration, animals sleep more, move less and are prone to obesity. Loving owners must take care that the castrated cat moves a lot. Buy him toys that he can play on his own, and get more fun with him.


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