Pine diseases and pests

Evergreen pine trees delight with their beauty all year round and usually live longer than other conifers. But sometimes these trees are exposed to disease. Pests of pine can significantly shorten their lifespan.

Common ailments

plant diseases

The most common coniferous tree diseases (photos are presented in the article) are fungal. Among them, the most common ailments are fusarium pine (hanging needles and its further redness and drying); ordinary shute (yellowing of needles); brown shute (appearance of mycelium on needles); shyutte snow (gray-ash coating); shyutte gray (mass decay of needles); pine dotystromosis (red spots on needles); rust of pine needles; bubble rust of the trunk; necrosis of the cortex; ulcerative cancer.

Prevention and treatment of SchΓΌtte diseases

To avoid such problems, with particular care, select material for planting, timely and efficiently thin out plants that are already rooted. To treat these diseases, it is recommended to spray conifers with various fungicidal solutions (sulfuric or with copper content). Trim the affected branches in a timely manner and remove the fallen needles.

Rust treatment

For their prevention, it is worth isolating diseased trees from healthy ones. Affected plants will have to be completely cut, otherwise infection is inevitable. The treatment is the same as with shute diseases. Soil fertilizer and the use of high-quality immunostimulants are recommended.

Pine pests

pine pests

Pests of pine do not appear just like that, the mass of their sources. They can come from a neighboring park, where there are conifers, or from the forest, if there is one nearby. In addition, pests can be imported along with soil or purchased along with planting material. The wind, birds, even the person himself can bring harmful insects to the pine.

What are coniferous pests?

All pine pests are divided into the following types:

- sucking (pine aphids, hermes, coniferous mealybugs, pine scabbard, pine bug subordinate, spider mites) ;

- gnawing with needles (ginger pine sawfly, pine silkworm, pine shoot, pine scoop, pine mining moth);

- damaging cones (pine cone, pine cone);

- living under the bark and in the trunk (large and small pine beetle, pine barbel, pine elephant, point smolevka).

coniferous tree diseases photo

How to eliminate plant diseases

This is not a complete list of pine pests, more than 130 species of these insects are known. To combat them, spraying, stem injections, vaccinations are used. Solutions of actellic, karbofos, acarin, foundationazole help well. Only comprehensive measures will help prevent diseases and the appearance of pine pests. Firstly, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for plant growth, use both chemical and biological methods of controlling insects, properly collect seeds, store them at low temperature, treat them with potassium permanganate solution before sowing , and disinfect the soil.


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