Shpanka (cherry): variety description, photo

Today in our article we will consider such an amazing fruit as Spanka (cherry). A description of the variety and cultivation features is exactly what a beginner gardener needs. There are many different varieties of cherries, but we will talk only about one. Shpanka cherry, variety description, photo - this is what we will introduce the reader to. The advantages of this species have long been known to experienced gardeners, so our article is more suitable for beginners.

general description

To begin with, it is worth noting that Shpanka cherry, a description of the variety, the reviews and photos of which will be presented by us, appeared as a result of a long experiment on mixing different species. The birthplace of this fruit tree is Ukraine. It was here that they managed to develop such a wonderful variety that immediately won a place among the most popular species.

cherries cherries grade description

The tree itself has a high spreading crown, capable of growing up to six meters in height. The leaf cover of the cherry is of medium density, and the leaves themselves in the shape of an ellipse reach eight centimeters. The fruits of the tree look like berries with a seed. Each of them differs in a flattened shape and maroon color. Located on a branch in the form of garlands, the berries can be quite large and weigh up to five grams each. They taste sweet with a slight sour flavor, although you can only enjoy the first crop five years after planting a seedling.


Having received this variety, experts did not stop there and continued to work on breeding different subspecies. As a result, such varieties of shpanki became available to us:

  • Dwarf Shpanka. This is the result of mixing cherries with cherries. The berry of this species has a juicy sweet pulp and a beautiful bright color. Trees do not grow too tall, but reach a strength of three meters.
  • Cherry Spanka Bryansk. The variety description makes it clear that this subspecies is also attractive. Its main advantage is good transport tolerance and ideal qualities for canning. The dense structure of berries also allows you to store fresh cherries for a long time.
  • Shpanka Donetsk. This variety is also obtained from cherries and cherries, and its early maturity is considered a plus. Three years after planting, you can harvest berries with a sweet and sour taste. Cherry is very weather resistant
    conditions of this region and brings a rich harvest.
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  • Shpanka Kurskaya. The flattened berries of this cherry are also very tasty, besides they give a good harvest and can start to do this already three years after planting.
  • Shpanka Shimskaya. A tree of medium height (about three meters in height) suffers severe frosts, and therefore is a favorite of the inhabitants of the northern regions. Large sweet berries with a sour taste ripen by mid-summer.
  • Shpanka Large-fruited. This tree tolerates both frost and drought, and large dense berries begin to appear in the third year after planting. The average height of the tree reaches three meters. People like to eat cherries both raw and canned.

Pros and cons of the variety

Shpanka - cherry (the description of the variety is presented in the article), which has a number of advantages and disadvantages, like any other fruit. Let's look at them in order. So, among the advantages of this variety can be distinguished:

  • ability to tolerate severe frosts, sometimes up to 40 degrees below zero;
  • the tree is quite calm about the long-term lack of water;
  • unlike other varieties, this species is rarely attacked by pests and diseases;
  • any subspecies of this variety brings a large crop - from 35 to 50 kilograms per tree per season;
  • the opportunity to enjoy delicious berries in the first half of summer;
  • berries of this variety have a fairly dense structure, so they are easy to transport over long distances.
    cherry spanka grade description photos

In addition to the advantages, of course, there are disadvantages that must be considered:

  • some trees can grow up to six meters in height, and this makes harvesting difficult;
  • most subspecies begin to produce crops only after six years of growth and development of the tree;
  • due to low fertility, trees require additional pollination;
  • the owner of the tree must constantly monitor the pruning of branches so that the crop is plentiful;
  • due to the advantage and a large number of berries on a branch, it can break off.

After analyzing all of the above, you can determine that the advantages of this variety are much more significant than the cons.

Planting cherries

Shpanka - cherry (description of the variety will be given in detail), which has its own planting characteristics. Consider our recommendations if you decide to plant this variety:

  • it is necessary to plant a tree in spring, which allows the seedling to take root well and tune in to proper growth;
  • when planting several trees, immediately leave a distance of about three meters between them;
  • need to be planted in a hole about 50 centimeters in depth;
  • carefully prepare the soil for planting, add a little humus and superphosphate to the ground;
    Cherry Spanch Bryansk Variety Description
  • Before planting, carefully inspect the roots for damage, and if any, cut off the damaged areas;
  • after planting, make a neat hole for irrigation and water the seedling with three buckets of warm water;
  • after you water the tree, make sure that the neck of the root is level with the ground; if necessary, add land or, conversely, remove excess.

Tree care

All the mentioned advantages clearly show why we are interested in Shpanka. Cherry, the variety description of which we present, is very easy to care for. What you need to know when you have such a tree in your garden?

  • The plant requires regular loosening of the soil so that air can freely penetrate the root system. It is enough to do this a couple of times during the season.
  • It is necessary to water the tree in a timely manner, especially during the flowering and ripening of berries.
  • Regular cleaning of weed plants should be carried out, as they can harm the growth and development of the tree, as well as cause pests.
  • When the tree has grown, it needs to be fed, and here it is appropriate to apply the mineral complex of fertilizers.
  • Pruning is necessary in order to form the correct shape of the crown and to prevent the branches from breaking under the weight of the crop.

Shpanka (cherry): variety description, benefits and harms

An interesting fact is that these berries have their beneficial and harmful properties. Among the useful it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Berries help quench your thirst and improve your appetite.
  • Cherry can reduce the temperature, it is used as a folk remedy in the treatment of cough, sore throat.
  • Berries contain substances such as vitamin B, elements of iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Increases hemoglobin in the blood, allowed for use during pregnancy.
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But there are also harmful properties that you need to know about:

  • The cherry pit is considered poisonous to humans. They should not be eaten, brewed or dried.
  • Some people should not eat such fruits at all, so before you eat cherries, drink a decoction or tea from it, consult your doctor.

That's all that can be said about such a fruit as Spanka (cherry). Description of the variety, the benefits and harms were presented by us. This information will help you understand what a given tree is and how to properly care for it.


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