How to formulate a text problem?

In the last USE assignment in Russian, the student is required to read the text and find the existing problem. There are three, sometimes more, of those in the task. Problems with their definition arise infrequently. However, this process should be considered in detail, since it is important not only to find a problem and write an essay on it, but also to correctly argue it, based on reader and life experience. Also, do not forget that the problem must be identified correctly, otherwise even the best composition will not be counted.

How to find text problems

USE in the Russian language and the difficulties of its delivery are known to all. In the exam, the most important and most appreciated is the last task with writing an essay. The maximum points for its implementation are 24, or more than 40, if translated into final values. However, not everyone succeeds in fulfilling it to the maximum. Difficulties can arise with spelling, punctuation, tautology and many other details for which they can take points.

text problem

However, the task will not be evaluated at all if the student does not find the problem or indicates it incorrectly. To avoid this problem, first of all, you should understand the meaning of the text. Given that it is quite voluminous, the problems are evenly distributed over all its parts. However, it is easiest to single out the main one, which can be traced from the beginning to the end. To understand what this problem is is very simple, since it is embedded in the sense of the text. Moreover, its individual parts may contain hints of other problems close to the main one.

Problem statement

As mentioned earlier, first you need to understand the meaning of the text. After his realization, you can begin to formulate the problem. In any essay, in order to correctly express the problem, it is necessary to generalize the essence of the text. For example, if it speaks of the extermination of a certain type of animal or plant by a person, then the main problem will be unreasonable human intervention in the natural world. This will not be directly recorded in the literary text, however, this idea can be read “between the lines”.

problem lyrics

All literary texts used in such tasks often contain particular cases or situations, from which a general conclusion is then drawn. The resulting essay should also correspond to a given volume of at least 150 words. The desired number is two hundred or more words. However, one should not be too zealous and paint the text on ten sheets, because only two arguments and a couple of examples will be taken into account. Excessive quoting is also undesirable.

Problems in fiction

This type of examples is the most difficult to work with, since analysis of the described action, heroes, their characters and other things is required. It is with this that many have major difficulties. To deal with them and facilitate the analysis process, divide the text into three parts. This division will be conditional.

In the first part, which may consist of an introduction and plot, you can find the main problem of the text. If it is not so obvious, then we should go to the second part with the main plot. In it you can also find hints of a general problem. However, there will be another topic for composition. And then you can proceed to the analysis of the third and last part. Often confusion can arise with her, since the thoughts expressed in the finale can lead to thoughts about an external problem.

Problems in journalistic texts

This option is not common. However, working with him is easy, because the problem can be expressed in one of the proposals, and it does not need to be formulated independently. It will be enough for the student to write it out, and then work with the received data.

What will happen if the text problem is incorrectly expressed?

In this case, the composition will simply not be counted, even if all points are scored for all points. This situation is most unpleasant for the student, since even a perfectly written essay will not receive a rating.

formulate a text problem

You can try to avoid this situation by trying to search for a topic not in separate sentences (as mentioned earlier, since the final part can easily lead to erroneous conclusions), but in general. So, the rudiments of the main theme are easily traced at the beginning, middle and end of the text.

What if several problems are found?

This option is best because the student has the ability to choose what to write about. First of all, you should decide which topic is the main one. After that you need to figure out which one will be the easiest to argue. Based on these two details, you can decide on an idea and write a good essay with it.

How to write an essay

Despite the fact that such a task involves the expression of one’s thoughts, one cannot do without templates. Starting from the ninth grade, which also requires the writing of an essay, the student learns a certain pattern according to which all further writing of any essay is conducted. The advantage of this is that there is no need to come up with an introduction, completion and other small details. They are repeated from time to time. The student can only insert the names of the works and the names of the authors used in a particular case.

scientific text issues

Such standard designs, or clichés, may look like this:

  • Introduction. In the cited text (name of the author) the problem is raised (the wording of the problem). The named problem is really important in the modern world (or something similar expressed in your own words).
  • Then come some examples from the text. Usually, the number of the sentence is first written down (all of them are numbered), then the text itself goes in brackets, then we write an explanation of how this relates to the problem being raised. Two such examples should be given (the exact meaning is indicated in the formulation of the assignment to the essay).
  • After the student goes on to argue his position. There must be at least two of these arguments. One or both should be based on reading experience. As a second example, you can use historical data or even films (indicating the director and the year of shooting). The argument can be expressed in a brief retelling of the plot and how it relates to the problem of the text.
  • The conclusion is also taken from the cliche. The purpose of this part is to summarize the essay.

What to look for

Particularly noteworthy are the ways of formulating the problem:

  • Independently (in your own words). This option can also be divided into two ways: simple and complex. In the first, the problem can be expressed in one phrase (the author raises the problem of faith, etc.). This option is simple, therefore it is rarely found. The texts to the composition do not always make it easy to find a problem. In such cases, a complex version can be used with an expression of the problem in the form of a question: “Can one person influence history?” The author suggests us to think over this. ” Sometimes this wording is easier than the first.
  • Citation. Some texts have the author's formulation of the problem. In this case, just use the quote.
  • Sentences from the text. Sometimes certain sentences contain the essence of the problem being raised or even express it. In this case, it is enough to quote their numbers from the text.

Book Arguments

As mentioned earlier, books, films, historical facts (life experience) can be used as arguments. Of these, a book example is mandatory, since one of the main goals of the essay is to test the student’s reading experience and ability to use it as arguments. As the literature, you can use any works of domestic and foreign authors. Among the exceptions are folk tales (due to the lack of authors). A feature of this argument is that the inspector may not always know the product used in the example. Some students use this successfully, inventing their names for books of little-known authors or changing the plot of history, making it suitable for argumentation.

text translation problems

This may seem convenient, but you should not abuse such a trick, because if the examiner knows the author’s works or even read them, the trick will be easily revealed, and the argument may not be counted.

What works are better to use for argumentation? The student should write about books that are familiar to him. At the same time, one should go beyond the boundaries of classical school literature. Even modern science fiction books can do a good job of writing a work, because they may well have a good argument. Foreign books can be very useful as arguments, but you should take into account the problems of translation of the text, because sometimes they can lead to an incorrect conclusion about the content.

Other options for arguments

In the role of the second argument, one can use life experience or a historical case. This is especially true for those who know well historical figures and their special merits. You can also recall the present tense and famous personalities. Examples from the life of a famous person can be a useful argument. Biographical films will come to help the student. However, their names should not be indicated if the examiner does not know the author and the year of release exactly.

To use this argument, it is not necessary to memorize the whole story. Often enough of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this case, special attention should be paid to world wars and individuals who have committed any feat. This may well be enough. And given that the wording of such an argument includes words about life experience, it is quite possible to use a story from your life related to the problem being described.

ege russian text problem

Sometimes some people wonder whether it is possible to use films and TV shows as arguments. Yes, such an option is possible. However, to use it, you need to know exactly the year of release and the director. And if there are no problems with the latter, then the first is very problematic to remember. But if no other option comes to mind, then the films are very useful.

Scientific text

Consider problems from a scientific text. This type of text is used very rarely. However, as a training in order to learn how to formulate a problem, they are quite suitable. A feature of these texts is the lack of excessive "water" and beautiful turns. The whole purpose is expressed clearly and clearly using appropriate terminology. This greatly facilitates the search task and can be useful to those who are just learning to identify a text problem.

Problems from the lyrics

If we move away from the USE topic in Russian, then the song lyrics and the problems raised in it can become one of the reasons why it is necessary to learn how to calculate the main questions. Songs in this case are not such a popular option, because they often have not so high requirements for the content and can be, in fact, meaningless. For example, if you pay special attention to analysis, you can even find problems in the lyrics of the Pharaoh or another artist. Foreign rock singers are especially relevant in this, since they, in addition to strong semantic content in the text, can have a good video sequence, thanks to which it is easy to understand the meaning.

Songs and Composition Arguments

Earlier, the obligatory use of reader experience in the argumentation of the composition was mentioned. It will not be superfluous to resort to the verses and songs of various performers in order to strengthen the argument and be more confident that your opinion will be counted. Today, many have doubts about the relevance of a book argument in the text, as well as its correct interpretation. In the case of songs and poems, one can resort to quoting, thanks to which the whole explanation is greatly simplified.

Russian language text problems

The final task of the exam requires to formulate a text problem . This is a very important stage, since it helps to determine the reading experience of the student and his ability to argue his position. The problem of the text and the composition are also related, since it is not enough to simply name the topic found. You must be able to use it to compose a full-fledged essay in which it will be fully disclosed. The task is not something special, since the problems of the text and the Russian language are closely related. It is enough to recall any classic work. All of them have at least one problem. The larger a creation, the greater the number of problems inherent in it. This is relevant not only for domestic authors, but also for foreign ones. The essence of writing any book lies in compiling a story that can be based on one problem as well as several at once throughout the whole story.


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